Thomas Wahl

Team – Managing Editor
2018-Max_Planck_Herr_Wahl_1355_black white_Zuschnitt.jpg
Germany Germany
Department: Public Law Department
Position: Senior Researcher

Articles in eucrim

  1. Refusal of European Arrest Warrants Due to Fair Trial Infringements
    Published online 10 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 321 – 330
  2. Der Rahmenbeschluss zu Abwesenheitsentscheidungen
    Published online 16 July 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2015 pp 70 – 73
  3. Die EU-Strafverfahrensrechtsrichtlinien vor deutschen Gerichten
    Published online 22 January 2019 // Published in printed Issue 1/2017 pp 50 – 52

News in eucrim

  1. New Directive on Asset Recovery and Confiscation
    Published online 25 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  2. ECJ: Prosecutorial Orders Not to Take Further Action Do Not Automatically Bar Other Criminal Proceedings
    Published online 25 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  3. FRA Report Sees Room for Improvement to Guarantee Rights in EAW Proceedings
    Published online 24 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  4. Commission Presents Toolbox against Counterfeiting
    Published online 24 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  5. ECJ Rules on Taxable Person in Case of VAT Fraud
    Published online 24 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  6. Two ECA Reports Assess Rule-of-Law Efforts to Protect the EU Budget
    Published online 23 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  7. Mid-term Evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
    Published online 23 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  8. Deal on Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
    Published online 23 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  9. Deal on EU Budget Increase
    Published online 23 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  10. EP Remarks on 2022 PIF Report
    Published online 22 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  11. Comprehensive AML/CFT Reform Finalised
    Published online 18 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  12. Tasks, Powers and Structures of the New EU Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLA)
    Published online 18 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  13. The EU’s New AML Single Rulebook Regulation
    Published online 18 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  14. New Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD 6)
    Published online 18 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  15. New Directive: Access of National Authorities to Future Interconnection System of Bank Account Information
    Published online 18 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  16. Commission’s Report on Fourth AML Directive
    Published online 18 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  17. Council Conclusions on Future of EU Criminal Law
    Published online 17 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  18. Council Conclusions on Strengthening Judicial Cooperation with Third Countries in the Fight against Organised Crime
    Published online 17 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  19. Council Sets Up European Judicial Organised Crime Network
    Published online 17 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  20. Launch of European Ports Alliance
    Published online 17 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  21. Belgian Council Presidency: Better Fight against Organised Crime and Drug Trafficking
    Published online 17 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  22. The OLAF Report 2023
    Published online 16 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  23. OLAF's 25th Anniversary
    Published online 16 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 2/2024
  24. OLAF’s Operational Work January-June 2024
    Published online 16 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  25. Operational Partnership Conference between OLAF and EPPO
    Published online 16 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  26. New Directive Criminalises Violation/Circumvention of EU Restrictive Measures
    Published online 9 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  27. Commission's First Thoughts on Pre-enlargement Reforms
    Published online 9 July 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
  28. ECJ: Belgium Must Improve the Law on the Indirect Exercise of Data Subjects’ Rights under LED
    Published online 9 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  29. New Legal Framework on Digitalisation of Judicial Cooperation
    Published online 4 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  30. European Chief Prosecutor: Slovakia May No Longer Effectively Protect EU’s Financial Interests
    Published online 26 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  31. EPPO’s Operational Activities: mid-November – December 2023
    Published online 26 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023 pp 322 – 324
  32. Report on EU IPR Enforcement in 2022
    Published online 13 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  33. Launch of New Expert Group to Fight Drugs Trafficking
    Published online 13 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  34. ECJ: EAW Must in Principle Also Be Executed against a Mother of Young Children
    Published online 12 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  35. GC: EPPO’s Request for the Lifting of Parliamentary Immunity Not Open to Challenge
    Published online 12 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  36. High Level Group on Data Access Criticised
    Published online 12 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  37. New Rules for Payment Service Providers to Fight VAT Fraud
    Published online 6 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  38. Commitment to Fight Corruption on International Anti-Corruption Day
    Published online 6 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  39. Operation BELENOS: Illicit Cash Flows Targeted
    Published online 27 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  40. Complementary Investigation: OLAF and EPPO Successfully Cooperated
    Published online 27 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  41. Operation NOXIA: Successful Cooperation between Asia and Europe
    Published online 27 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  42. Operation Opson XII: 8000 Tonnes of Illicit Food and Beverages Seized
    Published online 27 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  43. ECJ Ruling on the Exercise of Judicial Review in EPPO’s Cross-Border Investigations
    Published online 27 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  44. General Court Judgments on Anti-War Sanctions
    Published online 22 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  45. Hungary: Rule-of-Law Developments May 2023 - Mid-January 2024
    Published online 22 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  46. Rule of Law Developments in Poland: Mid October 2023 - Mid January 2024
    Published online 22 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  47. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview October 2023 – January 2024
    Published online 22 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  48. AG: EncroChat Data Can, in Principle, Be Used in Criminal Proceedings
    Published online 8 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  49. ECJ: Bulgarian Penalty for Trade Mark Infringement Disproportionate
    Published online 6 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  50. ECJ: Deficiencies in Fair Trial Protection Can Block Recognition of Custodial Sentence
    Published online 2 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  51. AG: Decision Granting Refugee Status Not Binding for Extradition
    Published online 2 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  52. ECJ: Public Prosecutor's Order to Discontinue Proceedings due to Lack of Evidence Triggers ne bis in idem Rule
    Published online 1 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  53. Civil Society Organisations Warn against UK's Participation in Prüm II
    Published online 30 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  54. First Statements on Commission's Anti-corruption Proposal
    Published online 30 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  55. EPPO Signs Working Arrangement with Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Published online 30 January 2024
  56. Working Arrangement between EPPO and French FIU
    Published online 30 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  57. Overview of Convictions in EPPO Cases: Fourth Quarter 2023
    Published online 30 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  58. EPPO’s Operational Activities: October – mid-November 2023
    Published online 23 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023 pp 247 – 248
  59. EU Commits on International Anti-Corruption Day
    Published online 21 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  60. ECJ Clarifies Assessment of "idem" Requirement
    Published online 14 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023 p 262
  61. FCC: German Legislator Was Prohibited from Introducing Ground for Reopening Criminal Proceedings
    Published online 13 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  62. ECJ Clarifies Obligation to Inform Accused Person of Reclassification of Offence
    Published online 13 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  63. Commission Presents Package to Prevent and Fight Migrant Smuggling
    Published online 12 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  64. Poland before CJEU for Failure of Transposition of Access to Lawyer Directive
    Published online 7 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  65. Cooperation between EU and UN in Fight against Corruption
    Published online 7 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  66. ECA: Commission's Financial Management and Performance Report too Positive
    Published online 7 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  67. ECA: Increased Error Rate in EU's 2022 Spending
    Published online 7 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  68. ECA: Overall Performance of EU's Recovery Fund Cannot Be Measured
    Published online 6 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  69. Report on Impact of E-evidence Package on Switzerland
    Published online 5 December 2023 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  70. Council Conclusions on Digital Empowerment
    Published online 4 December 2023
  71. Commission Encourages Member States to Reduce Internal Border Controls
    Published online 4 December 2023
  72. MEPs Discussed Consequences from "Cyprus Confidential"
    Published online 4 December 2023
  73. ECJ Ruled on Concept of "Irregularity" and Extent of Financial Corrections
    Published online 22 November 2023
  74. ECJ Rules on Consequences of the Prosecutor's Lacking Independence for the Consent Procedure
    Published online 21 November 2023
  75. ECJ Ruled on Fundamental Rights Refusal of Norwegian Surrender Warrant
    Published online 21 November 2023
  76. General Court: EDPS Action against Europol Regulation Inadmissible
    Published online 21 November 2023
  77. EP Recommendation on Lessons Learned from Misused Spyware
    Published online 20 November 2023
  78. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview July 2023 – September 2023
    Published online 17 November 2023
  79. Russian Business Couple Fails before EU Court
    Published online 17 November 2023
  80. AML: Commission Updated List of High-Risk Third Countries
    Published online 17 November 2023
  81. EDPB Provides Guidance on "Appropriate Safeguards" Assessment under LED
    Published online 17 November 2023
  82. AG: Best Interest of Child Must Guide Decision to Execute EAW
    Published online 16 November 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 p 163
  83. ECJ Ruled on the Prohibition of Double Jeopardy in Fraudulent Pyramid Schemes
    Published online 16 November 2023
  84. ECJ: EAW Requires Equal Treatment of Third-Country Nationals
    Published online 16 November 2023
  85. Commission Proposes Reform of Victims' Rights Directive
    Published online 16 November 2023
  86. ECJ: Art. 50 of the Charter Protects Volkswagen from Further Administrative Penalties in Italy
    Published online 15 November 2023
  87. Commission Proposes Comprehensive Reform of Customs Union
    Published online 14 November 2023
  88. Commission Formally Closes Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania
    Published online 14 November 2023
  89. Romania: ECJ Rules on the Independence and Impartiality of Bodies in Disciplinary Proceedings against Judges
    Published online 14 November 2023
  90. Rule of law developments in Poland: May-October 2023
    Published online 14 November 2023
  91. ECJ Clarifies Rights of Suspects in the Event of Personal Search and Seizure
    Published online 13 November 2023
  92. ECJ: Information on the Detention Grounds Must Be Prompt and Specific
    Published online 13 November 2023
  93. EP Reinforced its Anti-corruption Rules
    Published online 11 November 2023
  94. First Meeting of EU Network against Corruption
    Published online 11 November 2023
  95. German Lawyer Associations Voice Concerns over Commission's Anti-corruption Directive
    Published online 10 November 2023
  96. Commission Proposes New Anti-Corruption Directive
    Published online 10 November 2023
  97. Commission and HR Set Out EU Action against Corruption
    Published online 10 November 2023
  98. ECA: Digital Administration of EU Funds is Progressing Too Slowly
    Published online 10 November 2023
  99. EU Commission Presents Package of Measures to Reinforce the Long-Term Budget
    Published online 9 November 2023
  100. E-evidence Regulation and Directive Published
    Published online 9 November 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 pp 165 – 168
  101. New Drive in the Debate on Own Resources
    Published online 6 November 2023
  102. EP Grants Discharge but Raises Concerns over Attacks to EU Budget
    Published online 6 November 2023
  103. Commission Puts Transatlantic Data Transfers on New Basis
    Published online 3 November 2023
  104. AG Backs Softening of Data Retention Jurisprudence for Internet Infringements
    Published online 16 October 2023
  105. ECJ: No Use of Data Retained for Criminal Proceedings in Administrative Proceedings for Corruption
    Published online 16 October 2023
  106. 34th Annual PIF Report
    Published online 10 October 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 p 135
  107. AG: Plausibility Test for OLAF Report Required
    Published online 10 October 2023
  108. GC Rules on Liability in Case of Press Leaks of OLAF Reports
    Published online 10 October 2023
  109. AG Argues for Limited Judicial Review in EPPO’s Cross-Border Investigations
    Published online 10 October 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 p 123
  110. Launch of EPPO Academy
    Published online 9 October 2023
  111. Working Arrangement with Danish Ministry of Justice
    Published online 9 October 2023
  112. OLAF Operational Work: June-September 2023
    Published online 5 October 2023
  113. OLAF Annual Report 2022
    Published online 4 October 2023
  114. OLAF Strengthens Cooperation with World Bank
    Published online 4 October 2023
  115. OLAF Gets Access to Trade and Companies Information in France
    Published online 4 October 2023
  116. Commission Wishes to Open Negotiations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway on PNR Agreements
    Published online 4 October 2023
  117. German Bar Association Welcomes Proposal for Transfer of Criminal Proceedings But Sees Improvements
    Published online 10 August 2023
  118. German Court Denies Extradition to UK Because of Bad Detentions
    Published online 10 August 2023
  119. EPPO’s Operational Activities: May – September 2023
    Published online 9 August 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 pp 124 – 128
  120. Overview of Convictions in EPPO Cases: May-September 2023
    Published online 9 August 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 pp 128 – 129
  121. EPPO’s Operational Activities: January-April 2023
    Published online 9 August 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 19 – 22
  122. Overview of Convictions in EPPO Cases: January-April 2023
    Published online 9 August 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 p 19
  123. Convictions in VAT Carousel Fraud Case with Luxury Cars
    Published online 9 August 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 18 – 19
  124. EP: Bulgaria and Romania Must Accede Schengen Area
    Published online 26 July 2023
  125. New Information Exchange Directive under Criticism
    Published online 20 July 2023
  126. Illicit Tobacco Trade in 2022
    Published online 18 July 2023
  127. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview January 2023 – June 2023
    Published online 12 July 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 6 – 9
  128. Exchange of Information between Law Enforcement Authorities on New Footing
    Published online 12 July 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 36 – 39
  129. E-evidence Framework: State of Play
    Published online 11 July 2023
  130. Commission Proposal for a Regulation on the Transfer of Criminal Proceedings
    Published online 11 July 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 p 40
  131. ECJ: EIOs by Tax Authorities Need Validation
    Published online 10 July 2023
  132. AG: Volkswagen Cannot Be Penalised in Italy for “Dieselgate”
    Published online 10 July 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 35 – 36
  133. ECJ: Double Prosecution of Criminal Organisation Possible
    Published online 10 July 2023
  134. ECA: Detection of Conflicts of Interests in Cohesion and Agricultural Spending Has Flaws
    Published online 9 July 2023
  135. ECA Calls for Simplification and Better Accountability of EU’s Complex Financial Landscape
    Published online 9 July 2023
  136. ECA Warns of Gaps in the Control of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
    Published online 9 July 2023
  137. RRF Disbursements Break €150 Billion
    Published online 9 July 2023
  138. Commission’s Draft on US Adequacy Decision Faces Headwind
    Published online 6 July 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 33 – 34
  139. Arrangement with Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Authority
    Published online 5 July 2023
  140. Arrangement with Special Prosecution Service in Albania
    Published online 5 July 2023
  141. Arrangement between EPPO and Hellenic Independent Authority of Public Revenues Signed
    Published online 3 July 2023
  142. OLAF Signs Arrangements with US Authorities
    Published online 29 June 2023
  143. OLAF Gets Access to Spanish Notaries’ Data
    Published online 29 June 2023
  144. OLAF Fosters Cooperation with State Audit Service of Ukraine
    Published online 29 June 2023
  145. OLAF’s Operational Work: January-May 2023
    Published online 29 June 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 16 – 17
  146. Final Report on 9th Round of Mutual Evaluations
    Published online 29 June 2023
  147. Council Emphasises Civic Space in Protecting and Promoting Fundamental Rights
    Published online 28 June 2023
  148. Upgraded Schengen Information System Went Live
    Published online 28 June 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 11 – 12
  149. Hungary: Rule-of-Law Developments January – April 2023
    Published online 28 June 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 5 – 6
  150. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments January – April 2023
    Published online 27 June 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 3 – 5
  151. CJEU Rules on Suspension of European Arrest Warrant in Case of Serious Illness
    Published online 14 June 2023
  152. CJEU Upholds Restrictive Fundamental Rights Jurisprudence on the EAW in Catalan Surrender Cases
    Published online 14 June 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 41 – 43
  153. Council Frames Ratification of CoE E-evidence Treaty by EU Member States
    Published online 5 May 2023
  154. EP Pushes for Increased Transparency and Integrity after Qatargate
    Published online 10 March 2023
  155. EPPO’s Annual Report for 2022
    Published online 10 March 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 p 18
  156. ECBA: Courts in the Assisting Member State Must Have Full Review Powers
    Published online 9 March 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 p 17
  157. ECA Will Probe Effectiveness of Rule-of-Law Conditionality Mechanism
    Published online 20 February 2023
  158. CJEU: Systematic Collection of Biometric and Genetic Data Contrary to EU Law
    Published online 15 February 2023
  159. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview November – December 2022
    Published online 8 February 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 226 – 228
  160. CJEU: No Unrestricted Access to Data of Beneficial Owners
    Published online 2 February 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 244 – 245
  161. CJEU Rules on Due Diligence Obligations under 4AMLD
    Published online 2 February 2023
  162. Council Adopted Historic Decision on Budget Protection vis-à-vis Hungary – Conditions also for RRF Payments
    Published online 26 January 2023
  163. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments November-December 2022
    Published online 26 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 222 – 223
  164. Commission Proposed Tougher Rules to Combat THB
    Published online 26 January 2023
  165. Granting EU Candidate Status to Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Published online 26 January 2023
  166. Green Light for Ratification of CoE’s E-Evidence Treaty
    Published online 26 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 p 254
  167. Co-Legislators Found Political Agreement on EU E-evidence Legislation
    Published online 25 January 2023
  168. Training of Justice Professionals in 2021
    Published online 25 January 2023
  169. AG: Postponement of Surrender in Case of Serious Health Risk
    Published online 25 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 253 – 254
  170. CJEU Clarifies Possible Extradition of Union Citizen to Third Country for Purpose of Serving Custodial Sentence
    Published online 25 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 p 253
  171. Provisional Agreement on Law Enforcement Information Exchange Directive
    Published online 23 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 252 – 253
  172. Final Evaluation of Customs 2020 Programme
    Published online 19 January 2023
  173. CJEU Ruled on Scope and Concepts of Law Enforcement Data Protection Directive
    Published online 19 January 2023
  174. Commission Recommendation on Detention Conditions in the EU
    Published online 19 January 2023
  175. EU Member States Froze Closer Ties between Europol and Israel
    Published online 19 January 2023
  176. Commission Tabled VAT Reform Package
    Published online 18 January 2023
  177. CJEU: Notification Obligation for Lawyer-Intermediaries under DAC 6 Invalid
    Published online 17 January 2023
  178. EP Calls for Revision of Current Multiannual Financial Framework
    Published online 17 January 2023
  179. EP Reaction to “Qatargate”
    Published online 17 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 242 – 243
  180. Follow-up to Conference on Future of Europe
    Published online 17 January 2023
  181. European Chief Prosecutor Complained about Ireland’s Non-Cooperation
    Published online 17 January 2023
  182. Controller of Procedural Guarantees Published Procedure of Handling Complaints
    Published online 16 January 2023
  183. EPPO’s Operational Activities November-December 2022
    Published online 16 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 p 237
  184. Laura Kövesi Adresses German Parliamentarians in Speech
    Published online 12 January 2023
  185. E-Guide on EPPO Proceedings for Defence Practitioners
    Published online 12 January 2023
  186. Results of Operation Shield III against Illicit Medicine Trafficking and Doping Substances
    Published online 12 January 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 234 – 235
  187. Working Arrangement between OLAF and Vietnamese Ministry of Finance
    Published online 12 January 2023
  188. Working Arrangement between OLAF and UNHCR
    Published online 12 January 2023
  189. EU Budget for 2023 Adopted
    Published online 14 December 2022
  190. Council Position on Central Pieces of AML Package
    Published online 14 December 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 p 246
  191. Commission Appreciates Romania’s Anti-Corruption Efforts and Closes CVM
    Published online 13 December 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 243 – 244
  192. Council Conclusions on Cohesion Policy
    Published online 12 December 2022
  193. ECA Gives its Opinion on Recast of Financial Regulation
    Published online 12 December 2022
  194. EP Endorses Introduction of New Own Resources
    Published online 12 December 2022
  195. OLAF Recommended Recovery of €19.5 Million Fraudulently Acquired in Water Projects
    Published online 2 December 2022
  196. OLAF Revealed Irregularities in Hungarian Waste Management Project
    Published online 2 December 2022
  197. Operation OPSON XI: Almost 15 Million Litres of Illicit Beverages Pulled Off the Shelves
    Published online 2 December 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 p 235
  198. EPPO’s Operational Activities Mid July-Mid-October 2022
    Published online 30 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 176 – 177
  199. Working Arrangement between EPPO and Prosecution Office of North Macedonia
    Published online 30 November 2022
  200. EU Reactions to Russian War in Ukraine: Overview July – October 2022
    Published online 24 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 170 – 171
  201. New EU Rules for Online Platforms
    Published online 24 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 228 – 230
  202. AG: EAW Can be Refused if Proceedings Revoking Suspension Were Conducted in absentia
    Published online 21 November 2022
  203. AG: EAWs Cannot Be Refused if there Are no Systemic & Generalised Deficiencies of Fair Trial Protection
    Published online 21 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 195 – 197
  204. ECA Identified Increased Errors in EU Spending in 2021
    Published online 21 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 183 – 184
  205. EncroChat Turns into a Case for the CJEU
    Published online 18 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 197 – 198
  206. CJEU Gives Guidance on Double Criminality Test
    Published online 18 November 2022
  207. CJEU: EU’s Double Jeopardy Ban also Applies to Non-EU Citizens and Blocks Extradition to Third Countries
    Published online 17 November 2022
  208. AG: Reservation in Relation to Application of ne bis in idem Principle Incompatible with Art. 50 CFR
    Published online 17 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 p 193
  209. Future Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework Makes Progress
    Published online 17 November 2022
  210. AG: Data Retention for the Prosecution of Copyright Offences Permitted
    Published online 17 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 190 – 191
  211. CJEU: French Legislation on Data Retention for the Purpose of Combating Market Abuse Offences Unlawful
    Published online 16 November 2022
  212. CJEU: German Rules on Data Retention Not in Line with EU Law
    Published online 15 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 188 – 189
  213. Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting in October 2022
    Published online 14 November 2022
  214. Council Debates Impact of Judicial Training on Rule of Law
    Published online 14 November 2022
  215. Hungary: Rule-of-Law Developments July-October 2022
    Published online 10 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 169 – 170
  216. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments August-October 2022
    Published online 10 November 2022
  217. 33rd PIF Report
    Published online 25 October 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 182 – 183
  218. EPPO Establishes Advisory Board for Asset Recovery and Money Laundering
    Published online 12 October 2022
  219. Cooperation between EPPO and Luxembourgish FIU
    Published online 12 October 2022
  220. EPPO Signed Working Arrangements with Prosecution Services of Montenegro and Georgia
    Published online 12 October 2022
  221. UK-US E-Evidence Agreement in Force
    Published online 11 October 2022
  222. Commission Presented First Evaluation Report on Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive
    Published online 6 October 2022
  223. Civil Rights Organisations Criticise Prüm II Proposal
    Published online 5 October 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 p 194
  224. ECA Report on Commission’s Assessment of National Recovery and Resilience Plans
    Published online 4 October 2022
  225. Commission Proposes Budgetary Protection Measures against Hungary - EP Remains Sceptical
    Published online 4 October 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 p 183
  226. CJEU: Consequences of the Lack to Interpretation/Translation to Acts Ancillary to Criminal Proceedings
    Published online 13 September 2022
  227. EPPO Signs Working Arrangement with U.S. Law Enforcement
    Published online 12 September 2022
  228. Moldova: Report Assessed Factors of Large-Scale Corruption
    Published online 12 September 2022
  229. Justice and Home Affairs Ministers Discuss Responses to the Situation in Ukraine
    Published online 11 August 2022
  230. Hungary: Rule-of-Law Developments April-July 2022
    Published online 11 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 83 – 84
  231. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments April-July 2022
    Published online 11 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 82 – 83
  232. New Legal Framework for Schengen Evaluation
    Published online 10 August 2022
  233. Commission Triggers Conditionality Mechanism against Hungary
    Published online 10 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 106
  234. Commission Seeks Mandate to Negotiate UN Cybercrime Convention
    Published online 9 August 2022
  235. CoE Treaty on E-evidence Open for Signature – Council Gives Green Light for EU Member States
    Published online 9 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 128
  236. EP and Council Reach Consensus on E-evidence Dossier
    Published online 9 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 124
  237. Europol Improves Data Exchange with New Zealand
    Published online 8 August 2022
  238. Commission Tabled Evaluation of Victims’ Rights Directive
    Published online 8 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 119
  239. EP Stands Up for “EU Green Prosecutor”
    Published online 8 August 2022
  240. 15 Member States Have Not Transposed Whistleblower’s Directive – Infringement Proceedings Continue
    Published online 6 August 2022
  241. New Surveys on Citizens’ and Businesses’ Perception of Corruption in the EU
    Published online 6 August 2022
  242. EP Pleads for Strong Safeguards in Future EU-Interpol Agreement
    Published online 6 August 2022
  243. Expert Group Presents Reform Proposals for Customs Union
    Published online 6 August 2022
  244. CJEU: Dutch Appeal System in Line with FD 2005/214
    Published online 5 August 2022
  245. CJEU Clarified Duplication of Punitive Administrative Proceedings in Competition Law
    Published online 5 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 116 – 118
  246. CJEU Ruled on Duplication of Criminal and Administrative Penalties in French System
    Published online 4 August 2022
  247. CJEU Interprets Time Limits for Surrender in FD EAW
    Published online 4 August 2022
  248. CJEU Clarifies Conditions for Trials and Convictions in absentia
    Published online 4 August 2022
  249. CJEU: PNR Directive Valid if Limited to the “Strictly Necessary”
    Published online 4 August 2022
  250. CJEU Clarifies Exceptions to Data Retention in Irish Case
    Published online 3 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 115
  251. First EPPO Case before CJEU
    Published online 3 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 96
  252. Rules on Removing Terrorist Content Online Now Applicable
    Published online 2 August 2022
  253. ECA: Commission Should Dig Deeper to Fight Fraud in Agricultural Spending
    Published online 2 August 2022
  254. ECA: Internal Border Control during Pandemic Largely Unjustified
    Published online 2 August 2022
  255. ECA: EU’s IPR Protection Not Fully Waterproof
    Published online 2 August 2022
  256. EP’s Statement on Annual PIF Report 2020
    Published online 2 August 2022
  257. MEPs Blame Hungary for Blocking Historic Tax Deal
    Published online 1 August 2022
  258. EU and Norway Want to Improve Cooperation in Combating VAT Fraud
    Published online 1 August 2022
  259. Reverse Charge Mechanism Can Be Applied until 2027
    Published online 1 August 2022
  260. ECA: Blacklisting to Protect EU Funds Ineffective
    Published online 1 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 105 – 106
  261. Commission Proposed More Effective Management and Control of EU Budget
    Published online 21 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 105
  262. Legislation on Information Alerts in SIS Passed
    Published online 20 July 2022
  263. Amended Europol Regulation in Force – Criticism Remains
    Published online 20 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 98 – 100
  264. One Year in Action: EPPO Requests Increase of Fraud Detection
    Published online 15 July 2022
  265. Convictions in EPPO Cases: April – July 2022
    Published online 15 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 96
  266. EPPO: Operational Activities – Reports from April to July 2022
    Published online 15 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 97 – 98
  267. Cooperation between EPPO and Italian FIU
    Published online 15 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 95
  268. Operation Dismantles Criminal Organisation Trading Illicit Refrigerant Gases
    Published online 13 July 2022
  269. Operation Lake VI
    Published online 12 July 2022
  270. OLAF and Belgian FIU Updated Cooperation Arrangement
    Published online 12 July 2022
  271. OLAF Activity Report 2021: Record Sum Recommended for Recovery
    Published online 12 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 94
  272. Council Conclusions on Combating Terrorism
    Published online 6 July 2022
  273. Commission Guidelines on Extradition to Third Countries
    Published online 6 July 2022
  274. Justice and Home Affairs Ministers Agree on Approaches to Several Legislative Dossiers
    Published online 4 July 2022
  275. Commission Progress Report on Security Strategy Focuses on Threats from Russia’s War
    Published online 4 July 2022
  276. EP: EU Needs Strong Auditing and Monitoring Mechanism for Recovery and Resilience Facility
    Published online 1 July 2022
  277. MEPs Dissatisfied with Progress in Rule-of-Law Procedures against Poland and Hungary
    Published online 1 July 2022
  278. ECBA Requests Mutual Recognition of Certain Extradition Decisions in Favour of Individual
    Published online 30 June 2022
  279. Tenth EU Justice Scoreboard Shows Need to Restore Trust of the Public in the Judicial Systems
    Published online 30 June 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 86 – 87
  280. Germany: Federal Court of Justice Confirms Use of Evidence in EncroChat Cases
    Published online 19 May 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 36 – 37
  281. EPPO’s First Annual Report
    Published online 27 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 15 – 16
  282. Operation LUDUS II Seizes More than 5 Million Fake Toys
    Published online 26 April 2022
  283. Eurojust Helps Unveil Major Fraud Case with EU’s Agricultural Funds
    Published online 26 April 2022
  284. Impact of War in Ukraine on Justice and Home Affairs
    Published online 26 April 2022
  285. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments January – March 2022
    Published online 25 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 5 – 7
  286. CJEU Rules on Scope of GDPR for Tax Authority Requests
    Published online 20 April 2022
  287. First Annual Report on Implementation of RRF
    Published online 20 April 2022
  288. Council Declaration on Interpol’s Red Notices
    Published online 20 April 2022
  289. Working Arrangement Between EPPO and Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
    Published online 20 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 p 16
  290. Working Arrangement Between EPPO and Italian Customs Authority
    Published online 20 April 2022
  291. Working Arrangement Between EPPO and Greek Audit Authority
    Published online 20 April 2022
  292. Working Arrangement Between EPPO and General Council of the Judiciary of Spain
    Published online 20 April 2022
  293. EPPO’s Struggle with Slovenia in Next Round
    Published online 14 April 2022
  294. EPPO: Operational Activities – Reports from January to March 2022
    Published online 14 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 17 – 18
  295. CJEU: No Carte Blanche to Refuse EAWs from Poland
    Published online 14 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 33 – 34
  296. New EMPACT Cycle Started - Impact by War in Ukraine
    Published online 12 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 p 35
  297. Commission and US Government Reach Agreement on Principles of Future Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework
    Published online 12 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 31 – 32
  298. Statewatch Report: Increasing Use of Biometric Technologies at EU Level Drives Forward Ethnic Profiling
    Published online 12 April 2022
  299. Conditionality Mechanism: MEPs Dissatisfied – Commission Takes Action against Hungary
    Published online 12 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 23 – 24
  300. Commission Publishes Guidelines on Application of Conditionality Mechanism
    Published online 12 April 2022
  301. EBA’s Second Report on Performance of AML/CFT Banking Supervision
    Published online 11 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 26 – 27
  302. EP Pushes for Efforts against Corruption in the World
    Published online 11 April 2022
  303. CJEU Rules on Member States’ Liability in the Event of Losses of Own Resources
    Published online 11 April 2022
  304. French Council Presidency Wants Better Use of SIS against Terrorists
    Published online 11 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 9 – 10
  305. Progress on E-Evidence Package – Stakeholders Remain Critical
    Published online 7 April 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 34 – 35
  306. French Presidency Put Access to Lawyer on Agenda
    Published online 7 April 2022
  307. Council Backs Commission’s Initiative to Extend List of EU Crimes to Hate Speech and Hate Crime
    Published online 7 April 2022
  308. EU and Latin American Countries Improve Cooperation in Fighting Transnational Organised Crime
    Published online 7 April 2022
  309. Council Adopts General Approach on New Schengen Evaluation Procedure
    Published online 7 April 2022
  310. European Chief Prosecutor: Poland Systematically Refuses Cooperation with EPPO
    Published online 6 April 2022
  311. Arrangement between OLAF and EUIPO
    Published online 16 March 2022
  312. Cooperation Arrangement between OLAF and Hungarian Prosecutor General
    Published online 16 March 2022
  313. Illegal Tobacco Trade Operations in 2021
    Published online 16 March 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 p 14
  314. OLAF Support in Dismantling Fake Medicine Network
    Published online 16 March 2022
  315. OLAF JIT Uncovers Tomato Swindle
    Published online 16 March 2022
  316. CJEU again Finds Romanian Judicial System Flawed
    Published online 10 March 2022
  317. AG Opinion on Public Access to Information on Beneficial Owners
    Published online 21 February 2022
  318. AG: PNR Directive is in Line with EU Charter
    Published online 18 February 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 30 – 31
  319. EP Study on Politically Motivated Interpol Red Notices
    Published online 17 February 2022
  320. CJEU: Fines for Failure to Declare Assets Abroad Can Be Disproportionate
    Published online 17 February 2022
  321. CJEU Dismisses Actions against Rule-of-Law Conditionality to Safeguard the EU Budget
    Published online 16 February 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 21 – 22
  322. CJEU: Bulgaria (Currently) Precluded from Issuing EIOs Due to Lack of Legal Remedies
    Published online 25 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 228 – 229
  323. AG: Unlawful Appointment of Polish Judges Does Not Justify Non-Execution of EAWs per se
    Published online 20 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 227 – 228
  324. Organisations Tell E-Evidence Stories and Urge to Uphold High Level of Fundamental Rights Safeguards
    Published online 20 January 2022
  325. CJEU: Amnesty Does Not Preclude Issuance of EAW
    Published online 19 January 2022
  326. AG: German, Irish and French Data Retention Rules Incompatible with EU Law
    Published online 19 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 222 – 223
  327. CJEU Rules on Compatibility of Romanian Constitutional Court Decisions with Effective Prosecution PIF Crimes
    Published online 19 January 2022
  328. CCBE Concerned over Defence Rights in EPPO Proceedings
    Published online 19 January 2022
  329. CJEU: National Legislation Must Allow Third Parties to Appear as a Party in Confiscation Proceedings
    Published online 18 January 2022
  330. CJEU: Surrender Provisions in TCA also Binding on Ireland
    Published online 18 January 2022
  331. CJEU Clarifies Right to be Heard in EAW Cases
    Published online 18 January 2022
  332. EPPO: Operational Activities – Reports from October-December 2021
    Published online 18 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 210 – 211
  333. First Conviction in EPPO Case
    Published online 18 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 210
  334. Working Arrangement between EPPO and EIB Group
    Published online 17 January 2022
  335. EPPO Appointed EDPs from Slovenia
    Published online 17 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 209 – 210
  336. EPPO and OLAF Lead Successful Investigation into Procurement Fraud in Croatia
    Published online 17 January 2022
  337. Operation “Finestra” at EU’s Eastern Borders
    Published online 17 January 2022
  338. Operation against Illicit Trade in Refrigerant Gases
    Published online 17 January 2022
  339. Launch of Operation to Safeguard EU’s Recovery Fund
    Published online 17 January 2022
  340. Successful Third-Country Cooperation against Smuggling of Cigarettes
    Published online 17 January 2022
  341. OLAF Detects Major Customs and VAT Fraud with Textiles from China
    Published online 17 January 2022
  342. New Edition of Global Operation against Medicine Trafficking
    Published online 17 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 209
  343. EP Observes Rule-of-Law Deterioration in Slovenia
    Published online 13 January 2022
  344. Hungary: Rule-of-Law Developments November-December 2021
    Published online 13 January 2022
  345. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments End of October-December 2021
    Published online 13 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 200 – 201
  346. Launch of New Customs Risk Management System
    Published online 22 December 2021
  347. Commission Proposes First Package of New Own Resources
    Published online 22 December 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 213 – 214
  348. Commission Adopted Adequacy Decision for South Korea
    Published online 22 December 2021
  349. CJEU Rules on Mechanisms to Remedy Errors in the Indictment
    Published online 22 December 2021
  350. Commission Assessed Added Value of Directive on Combating Terrorism
    Published online 22 December 2021
  351. EP: Revision of Financial Regulation Needed
    Published online 21 December 2021
  352. EP Resolution: Digitalisation of the European Reporting, Monitoring and Audit
    Published online 21 December 2021
  353. EP Sues Commission for Non-Application of the Conditionality Regulation
    Published online 20 December 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 215
  354. AG: Regulation on Conditionality Mechanism Is Legally Sound and Compatible with EU Treaties
    Published online 20 December 2021
  355. CJEU Rules on Guarantees in OLAF’s External Investigations (Case Vialto)
    Published online 20 December 2021
  356. EU Activated Next Generation Project
    Published online 11 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 151
  357. Hungary: Rule-of-Law Developments July – Mid-October 2021
    Published online 11 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 137 – 138
  358. Poland: Rule-of-Law Issues July – Mid-October 2021
    Published online 11 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 135 – 137
  359. 32nd Annual PIF Report
    Published online 2 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 149 – 151
  360. CJEU: Union Law Does Not Preclude Criminalisation of Self-Laundering
    Published online 26 October 2021
  361. CJEU Clarifies Duty to Refer for National Last Instance Courts
    Published online 26 October 2021
  362. Negotiations on E-Evidence Legislation: State of Play
    Published online 26 October 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 164
  363. CJEU: Hungarian Court Must Enforce Austrian Fine for Refusal to Name Driver
    Published online 26 October 2021
  364. CJEU: Lack of Translation Can Be Refusal Ground to Execute Financial Penalty
    Published online 26 October 2021
  365. Commission and Council Discuss Way Forward on Pre-Trial Detention and Detention Conditions
    Published online 22 October 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 158 – 159
  366. Commission Launches Action against Italy for Non-Compliance with Prüm Legislation
    Published online 22 October 2021
  367. CJEU: Public Prosecutor Executing EIO Cannot Request Preliminary Ruling
    Published online 21 October 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 162
  368. Slovenian Presidency: State of Play of Legislative JHA Items
    Published online 21 October 2021
  369. EP Suggests New Framework on Harmful Tax Practices
    Published online 21 October 2021
  370. EPPO: Successful German-Austrian Operation against Controversial Mask Deal
    Published online 20 October 2021
  371. EU Chief Prosecutor: EPPO Is Understaffed
    Published online 19 October 2021
  372. General Court Defines Conditions for Public Access to OLAF Final Report
    Published online 12 October 2021
  373. Implementation Report on PIF Directive
    Published online 28 September 2021
  374. EPPO Successfully Cooperates with Guardia di Finanza
    Published online 21 September 2021
  375. EPPO and ECA Sign Working Arrangement
    Published online 21 September 2021
  376. Study Backs EP Position: Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation Must Be Triggered Immediately
    Published online 21 September 2021
  377. Commission Recommends Measures to Improve Journalists’ Safety
    Published online 21 September 2021
  378. EAW e-Learning Course: Implementing EAW and Promoting Human Rights
    Published online 5 August 2021
  379. AML Package IV: EU Traceability of Funds Legislation to Be Extended to Crypto-Assets
    Published online 5 August 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 155 – 156
  380. AML Package III: 6th AML Directive Proposed
    Published online 5 August 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 155
  381. AML Package II: Commission Proposes AML Regulation
    Published online 5 August 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 154 – 155
  382. AML Package I: Creation of an EU AML Authority
    Published online 5 August 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 153 – 154
  383. Commission Presents AML/CFT Reform Proposals
    Published online 5 August 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 153
  384. EP: Corruption Must Lead to Restrictive Measures against Third Countries
    Published online 3 August 2021
  385. EP: Budget Conditionality Mechanism for Rule-of-Law Breaches Must Be Launched Immediately
    Published online 3 August 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 152
  386. EPPO: First Major Corruption Case Investigated
    Published online 2 August 2021
  387. EPPO: First Results
    Published online 2 August 2021
  388. EPPO Concluded Working Arrangement with European Commission
    Published online 29 July 2021
  389. Operation OPSON X: Over 15.000 Tonnes of Illegal Food and Beverages Taken off the Market
    Published online 29 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 143
  390. OLAF-Assisted Operation Dismantles Organisation Smuggling Refrigerant Gases
    Published online 29 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 143 – 144
  391. Joint Action Day “Arktos 3”
    Published online 29 July 2021
  392. OLAF Helps Knock Down Rum Smugglers
    Published online 29 July 2021
  393. OLAF Supported Strike against Illegal Cigarette Production
    Published online 29 July 2021
  394. Study Assesses Europol Reform Proposal
    Published online 15 July 2021
  395. Trojan-Encrypted Device Reveals Criminal Activities
    Published online 10 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 106
  396. Rule-of-Law Developments in Other EU Countries
    Published online 8 July 2021
  397. Study Recommends anti-SLAPP Directive
    Published online 7 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 102
  398. AG: Amnesty Does Not Trigger ne bis in idem Protection
    Published online 7 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 104
  399. Regulation Addressing the Dissemination of Terrorist Content Passed
    Published online 7 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 95 – 97
  400. ECA: EU Poorly Addresses Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
    Published online 7 July 2021
  401. New EU Anti-Fraud Programme
    Published online 7 July 2021
  402. EP Demands Extension of EPPO Mandate to Environmental Offences
    Published online 6 July 2021
  403. Council Sets EU’s Priorities for the Fight against Organised Crime (EMPACT 2022-2025)
    Published online 6 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 89 – 90
  404. Working Arrangement between EPPO and OLAF Signed
    Published online 6 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 80
  405. Council Conclusions: COVID-19 Impact on Terrorism and Violent Extremism
    Published online 6 July 2021
  406. Council Conclusions: Impact of COVID-19 on Internal Security
    Published online 6 July 2021
  407. Council Conclusions on PNR Transfers to Third Countries
    Published online 6 July 2021
  408. Programme of the Slovenian Council Presidency (JHA)
    Published online 6 July 2021
  409. Portuguese Council Presidency Wishes to Intensify Fight against Counterfeiting
    Published online 6 July 2021
  410. Ministers Discuss Key Challenges for Public Prosecutors
    Published online 6 July 2021
  411. Council Conclusions on Vulnerable Persons
    Published online 6 July 2021
  412. Hungary: Recent Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 5 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 72 – 73
  413. CCBE Position on Europol Reform
    Published online 5 July 2021
  414. Justice Ministers Debate on DSA
    Published online 2 July 2021
  415. Commission Initiates Public Discussion on Tax Avoidance Schemes by Shell Companies
    Published online 2 July 2021
  416. Commission Endorses Adequacy Decision for South Korea
    Published online 2 July 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 99
  417. CJEU Ruled on the Powers of National Data Protection Authorities
    Published online 2 July 2021
  418. Recent JHA-Relevant Infringement Procedures
    Published online 1 July 2021
  419. Brexit: EP Criticises Commission’s Draft Adequacy Decisions
    Published online 29 June 2021
  420. EP: Commission Must Halt Adequacy Decisions that Do Not Comply with CJEU’s Standards
    Published online 29 June 2021
  421. ECtHR Ruled in LuxLeaks Case
    Published online 29 June 2021
  422. Budget Conditionality: EP Ready to Take Commission to CJEU
    Published online 29 June 2021
  423. Operation Silver Axe VI against Illegal Pesticides
    Published online 29 June 2021
  424. Poland: Rule-of-Law Developments April – June 2021
    Published online 24 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 71 – 72
  425. EUIPO: Consumers Face Risks of Fake Products More than Ever
    Published online 23 June 2021
  426. 1 June 2021: EPPO Assumes its Investigatory and Prosecutorial Tasks
    Published online 22 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 82 – 83
  427. OLAF Helps Greek Authorities Seize Nearly 10 Million Contraband Cigarettes
    Published online 17 June 2021
  428. OLAF Involved in Operation against Eel Trafficking
    Published online 17 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 81 – 82
  429. Cooperation between OLAF and WCO on New Footing
    Published online 16 June 2021
  430. OLAF Activity Report 2020
    Published online 16 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 80 – 81
  431. CoE Committee Adopts Draft on E-Evidence Protocol
    Published online 16 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 109
  432. Organisations Reiterate their Demand for a Fundamental Rights-Based Approach to Future E-Evidence Law
    Published online 16 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 105 – 106
  433. AG: Prosecutor Has Limited Competence to Issue EIOs
    Published online 15 June 2021
  434. Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement between EU and Japan to Be Revised
    Published online 15 June 2021
  435. CJEU Judgment on Compatibility of Interpol Searches and Arrests with Ne bis in idem Principle
    Published online 15 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 100 – 101
  436. AG: Bulgaria Not Allowed to Issue EIOs
    Published online 20 May 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 104 – 105
  437. CJEU Clarifies Scope of Ne Bis in Idem Principle Involving Sentences by Third Countries
    Published online 20 May 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 103 – 104
  438. Commission Consults Public on New EU Police Cooperation Code
    Published online 3 May 2021
  439. Brexit: EP Formally Approves TCA and Requests its Involvement in Implementation
    Published online 28 April 2021
  440. Commission Provides Guidance on Conflicts of Interest
    Published online 28 April 2021
  441. German Federal Constitutional Court Paves Way for EU’s Recovery Instrument
    Published online 28 April 2021
  442. AG Proposes Paradigm Shift Regarding the Duty to Refer for National Last Instance Courts
    Published online 28 April 2021
  443. Working Arrangement Between EPPO and Prosecutor-General of Hungary
    Published online 27 April 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 p 14
  444. AG Gives Opinion on Compatibility of Romanian Constitutional Court Decisions Involving PIF Obligations
    Published online 26 April 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 p 20
  445. Commission Implementation Report on Presumption of Innocence Directive
    Published online 26 April 2021
  446. FRA Report on Presumption of Innocence and Right to Be Present – More Needs to Be Done in Practice
    Published online 26 April 2021
  447. ECA: Deficiencies in Customs Control Hamper EU’s Financial Interests
    Published online 26 April 2021
  448. EU Leaders Give Guidance on EU’s Digital Transformation
    Published online 26 April 2021
  449. Hungary: Update on Recent Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 26 April 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 pp 4 – 5
  450. Poland: Continued Update on Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 26 April 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 p 4
  451. Plans to Regulate AI Technology Enabling Biometric Mass Surveillance under Fire
    Published online 26 April 2021
  452. ECtHR: EAW Cannot be Automatically Executed
    Published online 26 April 2021
  453. CJEU: Convictions of Third Countries Executed in EU Member States Can Be Subject of an EAW
    Published online 12 April 2021
  454. Council Adopts Amendments to Administrative Tax Cooperation Directive
    Published online 12 April 2021
  455. OLAF Supports Successful Raids against Counterfeiters
    Published online 12 April 2021
  456. EU-LISA Input in Research and Innovation Funding for IT Systems in AFSJ
    Published online 12 April 2021
  457. Launch of New EU Import Control System – ICS2
    Published online 12 April 2021
  458. Terrorist Content Online: Council Agrees on Regulation – Criticism from NGOs
    Published online 12 April 2021
  459. Council Conclusions on Cybersecurity Strategy
    Published online 9 April 2021
  460. Ireland Now Connected to Schengen Information System
    Published online 9 April 2021
  461. EPPO Suggests Operational Start on 1 June 2021
    Published online 8 April 2021
  462. EU Imposes First Sanctions for Human Rights Violations
    Published online 1 April 2021
  463. Executive Board Starts Implementation of Conference on the Future of Europe
    Published online 1 April 2021
  464. New E-Evidence Legislation: Trilogue Started – Criticism on EP Stance
    Published online 25 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 p 38
  465. Commission Report on ECRIS
    Published online 25 March 2021
  466. AG: Tax Authority Cannot Issue EIO without Prior Judicial Validation
    Published online 25 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 p 37
  467. CJEU: National Arrest Decision and EAW Cannot be Issued by Public Prosecutor Alone
    Published online 25 March 2021
  468. CJEU: Consequences of Invalid EAWs for Pre-Trial Detention in the Issuing State
    Published online 25 March 2021
  469. CJEU Rules on Compliance of FD EAW with Charter of Fundamental Rights
    Published online 25 March 2021
  470. EP Adopted Own Report on EAW Implementation
    Published online 25 March 2021
  471. CJEU: Bulgarian Confiscation Rules Excluding Rights for Third Parties Acting in Good Faith Are Contrary to EU Law
    Published online 25 March 2021
  472. Spain Must Pay for Non-Transposition of EU Data Protection Directive
    Published online 20 March 2021
  473. Commission Admits Initiative against Biometric Mass Surveillance
    Published online 20 March 2021
  474. Council Agrees on Negotiating Mandate for E-Privacy Regulation – Data Retention Included
    Published online 20 March 2021
  475. Portuguese Council Presidency Pushes Forward EU Data Retention Law
    Published online 20 March 2021
  476. CJEU Confirms Strict Limitations of Data Retention
    Published online 20 March 2021
  477. CJEU Delivers Landmark Judgment on Right to Silence in Administrative (Punitive) Proceedings
    Published online 20 March 2021
  478. Commission: Hate Crime Should Become an EU Crime
    Published online 20 March 2021
  479. Germany: Plans for Punishing Criminal Trading Platforms on the Internet
    Published online 20 March 2021
  480. Dismantled Encryption Networks: German Courts Confirmed Use of Evidence from EncroChat Surveillance
    Published online 20 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 pp 22 – 23
  481. Number of Counterfeit Euro Banknotes at Record Low in 2020
    Published online 20 March 2021
  482. EP Calls for Improvements in Taxation of Online Traders
    Published online 20 March 2021
  483. ECA: EU Exchange of Tax Data System Yet Insufficient to Prevent Tax Evasion
    Published online 20 March 2021
  484. EP Call on Reform of EU Blacklist on Tax Havens
    Published online 20 March 2021
  485. AG: Union Law Allows Punishment of Self-Laundering
    Published online 20 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 pp 20 – 21
  486. Commission: Germany, Portugal, and Romania Failed to Correctly Transpose 4th AMLD
    Published online 20 March 2021
  487. Disputes over Budget Conditionality Mechanism
    Published online 20 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 p 19
  488. Administrative Director of EPPO Appointed
    Published online 20 March 2021
  489. Appointment of European Delegated Prosecutors in Process
    Published online 20 March 2021
  490. EPPO Website
    Published online 20 March 2021
  491. Hits against Illegal Tobacco Trade in 2020
    Published online 20 March 2021
  492. OLAF Investigated Irregularities in Funding Agricultural Activities in Slovakia
    Published online 20 March 2021
  493. OLAF Discovers Fraud in Bulgarian Ministry and Signs Cooperation Arrangement with Bulgarian Prosecutor
    Published online 20 March 2021
  494. OLAF Supports Raid in Poland against Illegal Business in Medical Products
    Published online 20 March 2021
  495. OLAF Signs Cooperation Arrangement with Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine
    Published online 20 March 2021
  496. CJEU Puts an End to Dalli Action against OLAF
    Published online 20 March 2021
  497. Informal Justice Affairs Meetings under Portuguese Presidency
    Published online 20 March 2021
  498. EP Input on AI
    Published online 20 March 2021
  499. Public Consultation on Digitalisation of Cross-Border Justice
    Published online 20 March 2021
  500. Commission Sets Out Digital Compass
    Published online 20 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 1/2021 pp 8 – 9
  501. Commission Takes First Steps for International Data Flows Post-Brexit
    Published online 20 March 2021
  502. Commission Launches/Continues Infringements Proceedings in Several JHA Matters
    Published online 20 March 2021
  503. Roadmap on 2021 Justice Scoreboard
    Published online 20 March 2021
  504. EU Launches Conference on the Future of Europe
    Published online 20 March 2021
  505. EP: EU Must Be Credible Actor in Global Human Rights Protection
    Published online 20 March 2021
  506. Brexit: EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement – Impacts on PIF and JHA in a Nutshell
    Published online 3 March 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 265 – 271
  507. Home Affairs Meetings under Portuguese Presidency
    Published online 25 February 2021
  508. Council Conclusions on Enhancing Law Enforcement Cooperation
    Published online 9 February 2021
  509. CJEU: German Public Prosecutor’s Office Considered “Issuing Judicial Authority” in the EIO Context
    Published online 9 February 2021
  510. FCC: EU Charter is Review Standard for Poor Prison Conditions
    Published online 9 February 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 293 – 294
  511. CJEU: “Executing Judicial Authority” Follows Same Criteria as “Issuing Judicial Authority”
    Published online 8 February 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 292 – 293
  512. CJEU: Execution of an EAW in the Case of Judgments in Absentia
    Published online 8 February 2021
  513. CJEU: General Deficiencies of Judicial Independence Do Not Justify EAW Refusal Alone
    Published online 8 February 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 290 – 291
  514. Council Conclusions on Current Challenges and Way Forward for European Arrest Warrant
    Published online 8 February 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 p 290
  515. CJEU Maintains Petruhhin Doctrine: Extradition of EU Citizens to Third States Only in Agreement with Member State of Nationality
    Published online 8 February 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 p 289
  516. Follow-up to Petruhhin Doctrine: Eurojust and EJN Map Problems
    Published online 8 February 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 p 288
  517. EDPB: Update of European Essential Guarantees for Surveillance Measures
    Published online 20 January 2021
  518. EDPB Recommendations on Folllow-Up to Schrems II Judgment
    Published online 20 January 2021
  519. Council Conclusions on Cybersecurity of Connected Devices
    Published online 20 January 2021
  520. Council Conclusions on Encryption
    Published online 20 January 2021
  521. Commission Presents Cybersecurity Package
    Published online 20 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 282 – 283
  522. Council and EP Reach Political Agreement on Binding Rules to Fight Terrorist Content Online
    Published online 20 January 2021
  523. MEPs Call for Reform of EU List on Tax Havens
    Published online 20 January 2021
  524. Tax Justice: Report Documents Global Tax Losses
    Published online 20 January 2021
  525. EDPB Statement on EU’s Recent AML/CFT Action Plan
    Published online 20 January 2021
  526. OLAF Supports Seizure of Dangerous Machine Components
    Published online 20 January 2021
  527. Joint Action Day “Arktos 2”
    Published online 20 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 p 278
  528. Successful Seizure of Illegal Cigarettes in Spain
    Published online 20 January 2021
  529. Joint Strike against Medicine Trafficking
    Published online 20 January 2021
  530. OLAF Hub for Seizure of Contaminated Hand Sanitisers
    Published online 20 January 2021
  531. Long-Term Operation Dismantles Illegal Cigarette Trade Scheme
    Published online 20 January 2021
  532. Operation between EU and UK Reveals Excise Duty Fraud with Cigarettes
    Published online 20 January 2021
  533. OLAF’s New Amended Legal Framework
    Published online 20 January 2021
  534. Last Justice Council under German Presidency Focused on Justice Aspects of Countering Terrorism
    Published online 19 January 2021
  535. Commission Proposes New Regulations on Responsibilities of Digital Services
    Published online 19 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 273 – 274
  536. Strengthening the Schengen Area: Schengen Forum Meets for the First Time
    Published online 19 January 2021
  537. Commission Report on the Functioning of the Schengen Area over the Past 5 Years
    Published online 19 January 2021
  538. E-Evidence Package: EP Paves Way for Trilogue Negotiations
    Published online 19 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 295 – 296
  539. Council Conclusions on Internal Security and European Police Partnership
    Published online 19 January 2021
  540. EP Resolution on EU Security Union Strategy
    Published online 19 January 2021
  541. ECA Journal 3/2020 with Focus on Realising European Added Value
    Published online 19 January 2021
  542. European Training Platform Launched
    Published online 19 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 p 272
  543. New Strategy on European Judicial Training for 2021-2024
    Published online 19 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 p 264
  544. Legal Practitioner Training in 2019
    Published online 19 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 263 – 264
  545. Commission Plans to Speed Up Digitalisation of Justice Systems
    Published online 19 January 2021
  546. New Commission Strategy on Application of Charter
    Published online 19 January 2021
  547. European Democracy Action Plan
    Published online 19 January 2021 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 258 – 259
  548. New EU Sanctioning Regime for Human Rights Violations around the World
    Published online 19 January 2021
  549. Hungary: Overview of Recent Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 19 January 2021
  550. Poland: Overview of Recent Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 19 January 2021
  551. EP Calls for EU Values to be Upheld in State of Emergency
    Published online 19 January 2021
  552. EP Concerned about Deteriorated Fundamental Rights Situation in EU
    Published online 19 January 2021
  553. MONEYVAL: Follow-Up Report on Ukraine
    Published online 14 January 2021
  554. CEPS/QMUL Report Helps Navigate the E-Evidence Discussion
    Published online 28 December 2020
  555. 25 Organisations Demand Fundamental Rights-Based Approach to E-Evidence Legislation
    Published online 28 December 2020
  556. E-Evidence Legislation – State of Play
    Published online 28 December 2020
  557. Draft for EP Resolution on EAW
    Published online 28 December 2020
  558. EAW and Ireland: Commission Initiates Infringement Procedure
    Published online 28 December 2020
  559. Legal Experts Call for Political Intervention after EAW Suspensions
    Published online 28 December 2020
  560. AG: No Automatic Non-Execution of EAWs Issued by Poland
    Published online 28 December 2020
  561. CJEU Delivers Judgment on Speciality Rule
    Published online 28 December 2020
  562. New Translation of German Act on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters Published
    Published online 28 December 2020
  563. ECBA: Principles on the Use of Video-Conferencing in Criminal Cases
    Published online 28 December 2020
  564. Advocate General: CJEU Should Give Up Petruhhin Decision
    Published online 28 December 2020
  565. Debate on Broadening Prüm Data Exchange Network
    Published online 28 December 2020
  566. Home Affairs Ministers Discuss European Police Partnership
    Published online 28 December 2020
  567. Commission: Single Window for Modernisation of EU Customs Union
    Published online 28 December 2020
  568. New Customs Union Action Plan
    Published online 28 December 2020
  569. AG: Union Ne bis in idem Rules Shelter Union Citizens from Extraditions to Third Countries
    Published online 13 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 4/2020 pp 287 – 288
  570. Ways Out of Schrems II Judgment
    Published online 12 December 2020
  571. NGOs Call on the Commission to Give Up Data Retention Plans
    Published online 12 December 2020
  572. CJEU: Data Retention Allowed in Exceptional Cases
    Published online 12 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 pp 184 – 186
  573. Evaluation Report on Environmental Crime Directive
    Published online 8 December 2020
  574. Commission Identifies Weaknesses in Transposition of Directive on Combating Terrorism
    Published online 8 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 p 182
  575. Restrictive Measures for Cyber Attacks against the German Bundestag
    Published online 8 December 2020
  576. Annual Report on Cyber Threat Landscape
    Published online 8 December 2020
  577. Council Conclusions on IP Policy
    Published online 8 December 2020
  578. No Implementation of 5th AMLD: Commission Acts against Cyprus
    Published online 8 December 2020
  579. EDPS Takes Position on Commission AML/CFT Action Plan of May 2020
    Published online 8 December 2020
  580. Council Conclusions on AML
    Published online 8 December 2020
  581. ECA: EU’s Multi-Billion Recovery and Resilience Facility to Be Improved
    Published online 8 December 2020
  582. ECA Blames EU for Excessive Spending Errors
    Published online 8 December 2020
  583. Agreement on Record Budget
    Published online 8 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 p 174
  584. Compromise on Making EU Budget Conditional to Rule of Law Respect
    Published online 8 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 pp 174 – 176
  585. CJEU: Recovery of Unduly Paid EU Funds Not Necessarily by Criminal Law
    Published online 8 December 2020
  586. 31th Annual PIF Report
    Published online 8 December 2020
  587. EPPO: Path to Operation
    Published online 8 December 2020
  588. OLAF Supports Successful International Operation in Seizure of Counterfeit Healthcare Products
    Published online 8 December 2020
  589. Customs Operation Daphne Detects Huge Volume of Illicit Cash Flows
    Published online 8 December 2020
  590. OLAF and Eurojust Help Dismantle Mafia-Like Gang
    Published online 8 December 2020
  591. OLAF Investigations in Illegal Funding of Construction Works Lead to Indictments in Hungary
    Published online 8 December 2020
  592. Successful Judicial Follow-Up of OLAF Operation
    Published online 8 December 2020
  593. OLAF Activity Report 2019
    Published online 8 December 2020
  594. OLAF and Europol Cooperation on New Footing
    Published online 8 December 2020
  595. Commission: Interim Report on Consultation of AI White Paper
    Published online 8 December 2020
  596. Studies on the Digitalisation of Justice
    Published online 8 December 2020
  597. Council Conclusions on Digitalisation in Relation to Access of Justice
    Published online 8 December 2020
  598. German Council Presidency Conclusion on Fundamental Rights and AI
    Published online 8 December 2020
  599. CJEU Judgment on the Right to Judicial Review in Tax Cooperation
    Published online 8 December 2020
  600. Romania: Rule-of-Law Events
    Published online 8 December 2020
  601. Hungary: Update on Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 8 December 2020
  602. Poland: Rule-of-Law Concerns Continue
    Published online 8 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 pp 161 – 162
  603. First Assessment of Rule of Law Report between MEPs and National Parliamentarians
    Published online 8 December 2020
  604. EP Wants New Strong Rule-of-Law Mechanism
    Published online 8 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 pp 160 – 161
  605. Council Launches Rule of Law Dialogue
    Published online 8 December 2020
  606. Commission’s First Rule of Law Report
    Published online 8 December 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2020 pp 158 – 159
  607. Commission: EU PNR Directive Delivered Tangible Results
    Published online 31 August 2020
  608. European Council Agrees on Future EU Budget – EP’s Criticism
    Published online 31 August 2020
  609. Europol: TE-SAT 2020
    Published online 31 August 2020
  610. European Prosecutors Appointed
    Published online 31 August 2020
  611. Commission: New EU Security Union Strategy
    Published online 31 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 pp 71 – 72
  612. Commission Presents Three Deliverables of its New Security Strategy
    Published online 31 August 2020
  613. CJEU Rules on Recognition of Probation Decisions
    Published online 14 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 pp 113 – 114
  614. AG: German Public Prosecutor’s Office Can be Considered “Judicial Authority” to Issue EIOs
    Published online 14 August 2020
  615. AG: Independence of Executing Judicial Authority Necessary to Decide on EAW Issues
    Published online 14 August 2020
  616. Statistics on Use of EAW in 2018
    Published online 14 August 2020
  617. European Arrest Warrant: Commission Sees Highlights and Lowlights
    Published online 14 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 pp 110 – 111
  618. Commission Assesses EU’s Asset Recovery and Confiscation Regime
    Published online 14 August 2020
  619. CJEU: Member States Must Sufficiently Compensate Victims
    Published online 14 August 2020
  620. Commission Unsatisfied with Transposition of Victims’ Rights Directive
    Published online 14 August 2020
  621. Commission: Directive on European Protection Order Underused in Practice
    Published online 14 August 2020
  622. EDPS Report on Data Protection Impact Assessments in EU Institutions
    Published online 14 August 2020
  623. EDPS Statement on GDPR Evaluation: Stronger European Solidarity Needed for Enforcement
    Published online 14 August 2020
  624. Commission Evaluation Report on GDPR
    Published online 14 August 2020
  625. CJEU: Petitions Committees in German State Parliaments Subject to GDPR & Referring Court is Independent
    Published online 14 August 2020
  626. EU-US Data Transfers: CJEU Shatters Privacy Shield − Schrems II
    Published online 14 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 pp 98 – 99
  627. Access to Lawyer despite Absence of Investigating Judge
    Published online 14 August 2020
  628. Commission: Companies with Links to Tax Havens Should Not Receive Public Money
    Published online 13 August 2020
  629. Improving Fight against Tax Fraud – Commission Presents Tax Package
    Published online 13 August 2020
  630. MEPs Propose Far-Reaching Measures to Stop Money Laundering
    Published online 13 August 2020
  631. Romania and Ireland Must Pay for Not Having Implemented 4th AML Directive
    Published online 13 August 2020
  632. EP Calls for Greater Efforts to Protect Financial Interests
    Published online 13 August 2020
  633. EU-Police Partnership on Agenda at First Council Home Affairs Meeting under Germany’s Presidency
    Published online 13 August 2020
  634. Empowering Victims: Commission Tables EU Strategy on Victims’ Rights
    Published online 13 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 p 104
  635. Justice Ministers’ Council Meeting: Democracy and Rule of Law in COVID-19 Crisis
    Published online 13 August 2020
  636. AI High-Level Expert Group Publishes Ethics Checklist
    Published online 13 August 2020
  637. EDPS Opinion on AI White Paper
    Published online 13 August 2020
  638. German Bar Association: AI in the Justice Sector Needs Clear Boundaries
    Published online 13 August 2020
  639. Brexit: Commission Advises Stakeholders to Be Ready on 1 January 2021
    Published online 13 August 2020
  640. 2020 EU Justice Scoreboard: Improvements in Efficiency, but Decline in Perceived Judicial Independence
    Published online 13 August 2020
  641. MEPs Discuss Proposal for Better EU Rule-of-Law Supervision
    Published online 13 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 pp 69 – 70
  642. AG Opinion on Right to Judicial Review in Tax Cooperation
    Published online 13 August 2020
  643. German Court Links Petruhhin Doctrine with ne bis in idem and Boosts Common European Criminal Law
    Published online 9 August 2020
  644. Council Discusses Extradition of EU Citizens to Third Countries
    Published online 9 August 2020
  645. Impact of COVID-19 on Justice from Lawyer Viewpoint – CCBE Actions
    Published online 9 August 2020
  646. Special Websites: Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Field
    Published online 9 August 2020
  647. EU Directive Requested Against Gag Lawsuits
    Published online 9 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 p 106
  648. German Court Asks CJEU about Compatibility of PNR Legislation
    Published online 9 August 2020
  649. CCBE Guide to Assist EU Defence Lawyers
    Published online 9 August 2020
  650. CJEU Imposes Further Restrictions to German Penal Order System
    Published online 8 August 2020
  651. Commission Satisfaction with Application of Code of Conduct to Counter Illegal Hate Speech Online
    Published online 8 August 2020
  652. Council Conclusions on Financial Investigations to Fight Organised Crime
    Published online 8 August 2020
  653. Council Conclusions on Excise Duties on Tobacco
    Published online 3 August 2020
  654. Council Conclusions on Future of Administrative Cooperation in Taxation
    Published online 3 August 2020
  655. EP Sets Up Permanent Subcommittee on Tax Matters
    Published online 3 August 2020
  656. Coronavirus Impact on Taxation Rules
    Published online 3 August 2020
  657. ECA Announces AML Audit
    Published online 3 August 2020
  658. Commission Issues New List of High-Risk Third Countries
    Published online 3 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 p 89
  659. Commission’s Refined Methodology for Identifying High-Risk Third Countries
    Published online 3 August 2020
  660. Action Plan on Preventing Money Laundering: Six Pillars
    Published online 3 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020
  661. Commission Tables Measures to Enhance AML/CFT
    Published online 3 August 2020
  662. OLAF & Europol Foil Smuggling of Dangerous Counterfeit Pesticides
    Published online 3 August 2020
  663. OLAF Supports Seizure of Smuggled Cigarettes
    Published online 3 August 2020
  664. AI Reports Discussed in EP Committees
    Published online 3 August 2020
  665. State of Play of Current Legislative JHA Proposals
    Published online 3 August 2020
  666. EP Requests Swift Return to Fully Functioning Schengen Area
    Published online 3 August 2020
  667. Council: More Operational Activities with Western Balkans Partners
    Published online 3 August 2020
  668. Hungary: Latest Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 3 August 2020
  669. Poland: Recent Rule-of-Law Developments
    Published online 3 August 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 pp 68 – 69
  670. COVID-19: Lawyers’ Organisations Voice Concerns Over Impact on Individuals Rights
    Published online 3 August 2020
  671. OLAF Supports Detection of Money Laundering Scheme in Romania and Belgium
    Published online 27 July 2020
  672. OLAF Helps Unravel Illegal Gas Import
    Published online 27 July 2020
  673. OLAF Supports Strike against Cigarette Smuggling in Ukraine
    Published online 27 July 2020
  674. Operation OPSON IX: Dangerous Food and Drinks Taken Off the Market
    Published online 27 July 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 p 80
  675. Commission Prepares European Democracy Action Plan
    Published online 27 July 2020
  676. Commission Rejects UK’s Plans to Remedy Deficiencies in Use of SIS
    Published online 17 July 2020
  677. EP Rejects UK Plans to Join Prüm Dactyloscopic Data Exchange
    Published online 17 July 2020
  678. EPRS: Implementation Assessment of EAW
    Published online 23 June 2020 // Published in printed Issue 2/2020 p 111
  679. ECA Examined Costs and Cost Savings in EU’s Cohesion Policy Funds
    Published online 4 June 2020
  680. EU Condemns Malicious Cyber Activities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Published online 4 June 2020
  681. EPPO: Nomination of College Delayed, Budget Increase
    Published online 4 June 2020
  682. OLAF Investigations against MEPs
    Published online 4 June 2020
  683. Italy: Successful Strike against Tobacco Smuggling
    Published online 4 June 2020
  684. OLAF Unveils Fraud Committted by Greek Researcher
    Published online 4 June 2020
  685. OLAF: Fraud Detected in Environmental Research
    Published online 4 June 2020
  686. OLAF’s Work in Times of Crisis
    Published online 4 June 2020
  687. OLAF and WCO Step Up Cooperation
    Published online 4 June 2020
  688. Commission Fights Spread of Disinformation about COVID-19 Pandemic
    Published online 4 June 2020
  689. EP Resolution on COViD-19 Pandemic and its Consequences
    Published online 4 June 2020
  690. CoE Report: Policing Regarding Hate Speech and Racism in Germany
    Published online 4 June 2020
  691. EDPB: CoE E-Evidence Legislation Must Ensure Strong Data Protection Safeguards
    Published online 4 May 2020
  692. CJEU Rules on Union-wide Enforcement of Fines against Legal Persons
    Published online 4 May 2020
  693. CJEU: Confiscation of Illegal Assets via Civil Proceedings Possible
    Published online 4 May 2020
  694. Commission Announces New Victims’ Rights Strategy
    Published online 4 May 2020
  695. EDPB: Data Protection Guidelines on Video Surveillance
    Published online 4 May 2020
  696. Commission Presents European Data Strategy
    Published online 4 May 2020 // Published in printed Issue 1/2020 p 24
  697. Council Endorses Start of Negotiations on EU-Japan PNR Deal
    Published online 4 May 2020
  698. AG: Conditions of Access to Retained Telecommunications Data for Law Enforcement
    Published online 4 May 2020
  699. AG: Data Retention Should Be Strictly Limited
    Published online 4 May 2020
  700. German Bar Association Calls for Further Strengthening of Procedural Safeguards in EU
    Published online 4 May 2020
  701. CJEU: Accused Person Can Waive Right to be Present at Trial
    Published online 28 April 2020
  702. CJEU: Prosecutor Can Balance Defence Rights Against Effective Fraud Prosecution (Kolev II)
    Published online 28 April 2020
  703. Terrorist Content Online Regulation – Controversies in Trilogue
    Published online 28 April 2020
  704. Eurobarometer: Europeans Attitudes towards Cyber Security
    Published online 28 April 2020
  705. EU’s 5G Cybersecurity Toolbox
    Published online 28 April 2020
  706. Evaluation of the Tobacco Taxation Directive
    Published online 28 April 2020
  707. Tax Policies in the European Union − 2020 Survey
    Published online 28 April 2020
  708. Council Revises List of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions
    Published online 28 April 2020 // Published in printed Issue 1/2020 p 18
  709. Commission Announces New Initiatives to Tackle Tax Evasion
    Published online 28 April 2020
  710. Kiel Study: EU’s Trade Self-Surplus Goes Back to VAT Fraud
    Published online 26 April 2020
  711. New Legislation to Fight VAT Fraud in Cross-Border E-Commerce
    Published online 26 April 2020
  712. Infringement Procedures for Non-Transposition of 5th AML Directive
    Published online 26 April 2020
  713. Commission Roadmap on Future AML/CFT Actions
    Published online 26 April 2020
  714. EBA Report on Performance of AML/CFT Banking Supervision
    Published online 26 April 2020 // Published in printed Issue 1/2020 p 16
  715. Budgetary Control Committee: EU Must Strengthen Fight Against Fraud
    Published online 26 April 2020
  716. OLAF Unveils Humanitarian Aid Fraud in Mauretania
    Published online 26 April 2020
  717. COVID-19 Travel Restrictions – Guidance by Commission
    Published online 26 April 2020
  718. EU Action Plan on Promotion of Human Rights and Democracy in the World
    Published online 26 April 2020
  719. Bar Associations’ Resolution on Rule of Law
    Published online 26 April 2020
  720. Rule-of-Law Developments in Hungary
    Published online 26 April 2020
  721. Threat of Rule of Law in Poland – Recent Developments
    Published online 26 April 2020 // Published in printed Issue 1/2020 pp 2 – 4
  722. CJEU Transfers Petruhhin Doctrin to EFTA Nationals
    Published online 3 April 2020
  723. Fair Trial Concerns: German Court Suspends Execution of Polish EAW
    Published online 2 April 2020 // Published in printed Issue 1/2020 pp 27 – 28
  724. CJEU Ruling in Spanish Rapper Case: Legislation at Time of Offence is Decisive
    Published online 2 April 2020
  725. EPRS Study on European Arrest Warrant
    Published online 1 April 2020
  726. MEPs: Revision of EAW Would Open Pandora’s Box
    Published online 1 April 2020
  727. EP LIBE: AI in Criminal Law
    Published online 1 April 2020
  728. EP: Resolution on Artificial Intelligence and Automated Decision Making
    Published online 1 April 2020
  729. CCBE Position Paper on AI
    Published online 1 April 2020
  730. Commission: White Paper on AI
    Published online 1 April 2020 // Published in printed Issue 1/2020 pp 8 – 9
  731. Brexit – The Way Forward
    Published online 1 April 2020
  732. OLAF Investigation into Fake COVID-19 Related Products
    Published online 1 April 2020
  733. Successful OLAF Operations Against Smuggling
    Published online 1 April 2020
  734. Humanitarian Crisis in Syria: OLAF Detects Fraud and Misuse of EU Funds
    Published online 1 April 2020
  735. Coronavirus Dominates JHA Council Meeting of March 2020
    Published online 1 April 2020
  736. Commission Updates on E-Evidence Negotiations with US and at Council of Europe
    Published online 22 February 2020
  737. CJEU: No Loopholes against Enforcement of Foreign Fines
    Published online 22 February 2020
  738. AG Opinion in EAW Case against Rapper: Legislation at Time of Offence Governs Interpretation of Thresholds
    Published online 22 February 2020
  739. CJEU Clarifies its Case Law on Concept of “Judicial Authority” Entitled to Issue EAWs
    Published online 22 February 2020 // Published in printed Issue 4/2019 pp 242 – 245
  740. EU-US Reaffirm their Partnership to Tackle Security Threats
    Published online 22 February 2020
  741. Council Conclusions on Alternative Measures to Detention
    Published online 22 February 2020
  742. Council Gives Green Light for UK Exchange of Fingerprint Data via Prüm Network
    Published online 22 February 2020
  743. Council Conclusions on Victims’ Rights
    Published online 22 February 2020
  744. Whistleblowing Directive Published
    Published online 18 February 2020 // Published in printed Issue 4/2019 pp 238 – 239
  745. EDPS: New Proportionality Guidelines
    Published online 18 February 2020
  746. CJEU Rules on Lawfulness of Video Surveillance in Residential Buildings
    Published online 18 February 2020
  747. EU-US Privacy Shield – Third Annual Review
    Published online 18 February 2020
  748. Council Push on Data Retention to Fight Crime
    Published online 18 February 2020
  749. Council Conclusions on Widening Scope of PNR Collection
    Published online 18 February 2020
  750. EU Framework on Environmental Crime under Scrutiny
    Published online 18 February 2020
  751. Council Conclusions on Significance and Security Risks of 5G Technology
    Published online 18 February 2020
  752. Council Frames Future EU AML/CFT Policy
    Published online 18 February 2020
  753. Eurobarometer Survey on Business Attitudes to Corruption
    Published online 18 February 2020
  754. EP Supports Planned EU Legislation against VAT Fraud in E-Commerce
    Published online 18 February 2020
  755. State of Play in Establishing the EPPO
    Published online 18 February 2020
  756. High-Level Conference on Customs Fraud in Helsinki
    Published online 18 February 2020
  757. Legal Practitioner Training in 2018
    Published online 18 February 2020
  758. CJEU Rules on Public Security Measure within EU Competence on Approximation of Laws
    Published online 18 February 2020
  759. Salzburg Forum Declaration
    Published online 18 February 2020
  760. JHA Ministers Conclude Debate on Future of EU Internal Security
    Published online 18 February 2020
  761. Publication “European Union Instruments in the Field of Criminal Law and Related Texts”
    Published online 18 February 2020
  762. Updates on Legislative JHA Items
    Published online 18 February 2020
  763. Lisbon Treaty: 10 Years Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
    Published online 18 February 2020
  764. EDPS Opinion on E-Evidence Proposal
    Published online 12 January 2020
  765. EP Report on EU E-Evidence Legislation Advocates Strengthened Safeguards
    Published online 12 January 2020
  766. NGOs Urge U.S. Congress to Oppose US-UK CLOUD Act Agreement
    Published online 12 January 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2019 pp 180 – 181
  767. MEPs Critical of EU-US E-Evidence Negotiations
    Published online 12 January 2020
  768. US and UK Sign Bilateral E-Evidence Agreement
    Published online 12 January 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2019 p 180
  769. E-Evidence: Start of Negotiations on EU-US Agreement
    Published online 12 January 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2019 pp 179 – 180
  770. First CJEU Judgment on European Investigation Order
    Published online 12 January 2020
  771. Statistics on Use of EAW in 2017
    Published online 12 January 2020
  772. CJEU: EAWs Issued from Austrian Public Prosecutor’s Office Valid
    Published online 12 January 2020
  773. CJEU: Executing Judicial Authority Must Make Precise Assessment of Detention Conditions
    Published online 12 January 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2019 pp 177 – 178
  774. CJEU: Victims of Crime Can Be Re-Examined if Judge’s Bench Changed
    Published online 12 January 2020
  775. EU Governments Look into Future of Interoperability
    Published online 12 January 2020
  776. Security Union: Commission Wants Mandate for EU-Japan PNR Agreement
    Published online 12 January 2020
  777. CJEU: Scope of EU’s Procedural Rights Directives in Procedures Ordering Committal to Psychiatric Hospital
    Published online 12 January 2020
  778. FRA Report on Information about Defence Rights and Rights to Access to a Lawyer
    Published online 12 January 2020
  779. Commission Implementation Report on Access to Lawyer Directive
    Published online 12 January 2020
  780. Regulation on Removal of Internet Content Promoting Terrorism – State of Play
    Published online 12 January 2020
  781. EP: Plans to Set up a Subcommittee on Tax and Financial Crime
    Published online 12 January 2020
  782. Commission: Benefits of Administrative Cooperation in Direct Taxation Unclear
    Published online 12 January 2020
  783. ESAs Concerned about ML/TF Monitoring and Reporting
    Published online 12 January 2020
  784. MEPs Concerned about Member States’ Implementation of EU’s AML Legislation
    Published online 12 January 2020
  785. Council Discusses Way Forward in Prevention of and Fight Against Corruption
    Published online 12 January 2020
  786. Council Advances Legislation Against VAT Fraud in E-Commerce
    Published online 12 January 2020
  787. 30th Annual PIF Report
    Published online 11 January 2020
  788. Plans for Europol-New Zealand Operational Agreement
    Published online 11 January 2020
  789. State of Play of EPPO Implementation
    Published online 11 January 2020
  790. Ms Kövesi Appointed European Chief Prosecutor
    Published online 11 January 2020
  791. Conference Highlights Need for Strong AFCOS in Candidate Countries
    Published online 11 January 2020
  792. ECA: Use of Information Systems for Border Control Can be More Efficient
    Published online 11 January 2020
  793. Commission: Croatia Ready for Schengen
    Published online 11 January 2020
  794. Self-Assessment Reports on EU Code of Practice on Disinformation
    Published online 11 January 2020
  795. 20th Progress Report on Security Union
    Published online 11 January 2020
  796. New LLM Programme “European Criminal Justice in a Global Context” at Utrecht University
    Published online 11 January 2020
  797. Hungary and Poland Impede Conclusions on Rule-of-Law Evaluation
    Published online 11 January 2020
  798. Commission Refers New Disciplinary Regime for Polish Judges to CJEU
    Published online 11 January 2020 // Published in printed Issue 3/2019 pp 157 – 158
  799. AG: References against Disciplinary Proceedings against Polish Judges at Ordinary Courts Inadmissible
    Published online 11 January 2020
  800. CJEU: Polish Retirement Rules at Ordinary Court Level Contrary to EU Law
    Published online 11 January 2020
  801. CJEU Rules on Independence of Poland’s Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court
    Published online 11 January 2020
  802. Council Updates EU Guidelines Against Torture and Ill-Treatment
    Published online 11 January 2020
  803. Council: EU Should Accede to ECHR
    Published online 11 January 2020
  804. 10th Anniversary of Charter: Council Conclusions
    Published online 11 January 2020
  805. EU CTC: Influence of 5G Technology on Law Enforcement
    Published online 10 September 2019
  806. CCBE: Legality of E-Evidence Proposal Even More Questionable After CJEU’s Judgements on “Judicial Authorities”
    Published online 10 September 2019
  807. Data Protection Authorities and EDPS Assess Impact of US CLOUD Act
    Published online 10 September 2019
  808. E-Evidence: Commission Obtains Mandates for EU-US Agreement and Negotiations in Council of Europe
    Published online 10 September 2019 // Published in printed Issue 2/2019 p 113
  809. EU Creates New Central Database for Convicted Third Country Nationals
    Published online 10 September 2019
  810. CJEU: Executing MS Must Ensure Enforcement of Foreign Custodial Sentences against Residents
    Published online 10 September 2019
  811. Follow-up to the CJEU’s Judgments on the Concept of “Issuing Judicial Authority”
    Published online 10 September 2019
  812. Infringement Proceedings Against Ireland For Failure to Transpose Several Mutual Recognition Instruments
    Published online 10 September 2019
  813. Council: The Way Forward in the Field of Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters
    Published online 10 September 2019
  814. Finnish Council Presidency: Alternatives to Detention as Partial Solution for More Effective Mutual Recognition
    Published online 10 September 2019
  815. Prüm Cooperation: Agreements with Switzerland and Liechtenstein
    Published online 10 September 2019
  816. Victims’ Rights Directive: Commission Initiates Infringement Proceedings Against Nine Member States
    Published online 10 September 2019
  817. Art. 54 CISA and Red Notices
    Published online 10 September 2019
  818. Council: The Way Forward in Data Retention
    Published online 10 September 2019
  819. PNR Collection Also for Maritime and Railway Traffic?
    Published online 10 September 2019
  820. Reference for Preliminary Ruling on Data Protection and Judicial Independence
    Published online 10 September 2019
  821. Draft Data Protection Guidelines on Videosurveillance
    Published online 10 September 2019
  822. Implementation of the GDPR: Commission Generally Satisfied
    Published online 10 September 2019
  823. Infringement Proceedings for Not Having Transposed EU Data Protection Directive
    Published online 10 September 2019
  824. Works on Interoperability of EU Information Systems Can Start – Legal Framework Established
    Published online 10 September 2019 // Published in printed Issue 2/2019 pp 103 – 104
  825. Fair Trials: Study on Threats to Presumption of Innocence Regarding Presentation of Suspects in Criminal Proceedings
    Published online 10 September 2019
  826. CJEU: Italian Law Differentiating Applicability of Negotiated Settlements in Line with EU Law
    Published online 10 September 2019
  827. All Procedural Rights Directives Now Apply
    Published online 10 September 2019
  828. Evaluation of the EU-US Agreement on Tracing Terrorist Financing
    Published online 10 September 2019
  829. Council Conclusions on Radicalisation in Prisons
    Published online 10 September 2019
  830. New Sanctioning Regime against External Cyber-Attacks
    Published online 10 September 2019
  831. Cybersecurity Act Introduces Cybersecurity Certification and Strengthens EU’s Cybersecurity Agency
    Published online 10 September 2019
  832. Commission: Directive on Protecting the Euro by Criminal Law Must be Transposed More Efficiently
    Published online 10 September 2019
  833. New Directive on Law Enforcement Access to Financial Information
    Published online 10 September 2019
  834. Commission Prepares Interconnection of Central Bank Account Registries
    Published online 10 September 2019
  835. Commission: Need for Reinforced FIU Cooperation
    Published online 10 September 2019
  836. Commission Brings AML Regulation Into Play
    Published online 10 September 2019
  837. 2019 Risk Assessment Report on Money Laundering
    Published online 10 September 2019
  838. Commission: Better Implementation of the EU’s AML Framework Needed
    Published online 10 September 2019
  839. New Data Mining Tool to Combat VAT Fraud
    Published online 10 September 2019
  840. ECA: Fighting Fraud in the Cohesion Sector is Unsatisfactory
    Published online 10 September 2019
  841. ECA Indicates Tax Vulnerabilities of E-Commerce
    Published online 10 September 2019
  842. Time Limit for Transposing PIF Directive Expired
    Published online 10 September 2019
  843. Council Conclusions on Synergies between Eurojust and Judicial EU Networks
    Published online 10 September 2019
  844. Setting up the EPPO – State of Play
    Published online 10 September 2019
  845. Action against Illegal and Counterfeit Pesticides
    Published online 10 September 2019
  846. Operation “Postbox II”: First Customs-Led Cyber Patrol in Europe
    Published online 10 September 2019
  847. OLAF and German Prosecutor Trace Misuse of EU Research Money
    Published online 10 September 2019
  848. Eurojust & OLAF Increase Cooperation
    Published online 10 September 2019
  849. General Court: No Unlawful Conduct by OLAF vis-à-vis Former European Commissioner
    Published online 10 September 2019 // Published in printed Issue 2/2019 pp 87 – 88
  850. European Council: Security Remains Priority Area in the Next Five Years
    Published online 10 September 2019
  851. Romanian Presidency: Overview of Legislative JHA Items
    Published online 10 September 2019
  852. Group of Schengen States Discusses Challenges for External Land Border Management
    Published online 10 September 2019
  853. Future of EU Substantive Criminal Law
    Published online 10 September 2019
  854. Countering Hybrid Threats on Agenda of Finnish Council Presidency
    Published online 10 September 2019
  855. Security Union: Progress Report on Countering Hybrid Threats
    Published online 10 September 2019
  856. European Preventive Policing: Council Calls for Enhanced Use of Joint Patrols and Joint Operations
    Published online 10 September 2019
  857. Council Calls for New Knowledge-Sharing Platform to Support Law Enforcement
    Published online 10 September 2019
  858. Reflections on Future EU Internal Security
    Published online 10 September 2019
  859. 19th Progress Report on Security Union
    Published online 10 September 2019
  860. Commission: Rule-of-Law-Related Infringement Actions Against Hungary
    Published online 9 September 2019
  861. Commission Advances Infringement Procedure Against New Disciplinary Regime for Polish Judges
    Published online 9 September 2019
  862. AG: Poland’s New Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court Incompatible with EU Law
    Published online 9 September 2019
  863. AG: Polish Reform Introducing New Retirement Rules for Judges Incompatible with EU Law
    Published online 9 September 2019
  864. CJEU: Polish Supreme Court Reform Infringes EU Law
    Published online 9 September 2019
  865. Council: Debate on Rule of Law from Justice Perspective
    Published online 9 September 2019
  866. Commission Presents New Concept to Strengthen Rule of Law
    Published online 9 September 2019
  867. NGO Sees Lack of Key Safeguards in Planned E-Evidence Legislation
    Published online 19 June 2019
  868. CCBE Assesses U.S. CLOUD Act
    Published online 19 June 2019
  869. CCBE Makes Recommendations on Future E-Evidence Scheme
    Published online 19 June 2019
  870. Council Takes Position on Role of Legal Representatives in E-Evidence Cases
    Published online 19 June 2019
  871. EDPS Gives Advice on Commission Mandate for EU-US E-Evidence Agreement
    Published online 19 June 2019
  872. Lithuanian Prosecutor General Included in the Concept of “Judicial Authority” in the FD EAW
    Published online 19 June 2019
  873. CJEU: German Public Prosecution Office is not a “Judicial Authority” in the EAW Context
    Published online 19 June 2019 // Published in printed Issue 1/2019 pp 31 – 33
  874. AG: New Examination of Victim of Crime Possible if Judges‘ Bench Changed
    Published online 19 June 2019
  875. Special Advisor Recommends New Strategy for EU Victims’ Rights
    Published online 19 June 2019
  876. EP and Council Agree on Directive Protecting Whistleblowers
    Published online 19 June 2019
  877. EDPS Criticises Commission Interoperability Plans by ETIAS
    Published online 19 June 2019
  878. Retention of Telecommunications Data Continue to Be on the Text Bench
    Published online 19 June 2019
  879. Collection of PNR Data Under Judicial Scrutiny in Germany
    Published online 17 June 2019
  880. CJEU: EU Law Does Not Govern the Procedure for Reviewing Pre-Trial Detention Decisions
    Published online 17 June 2019
  881. AG: Italian Rules Restricting Negotiated Settlements in Line with EU Law
    Published online 17 June 2019
  882. EDPS Comments on Terrorist Content Online Regulation
    Published online 17 June 2019
  883. EESC Opinion on Terrorist Content Online Regulation
    Published online 17 June 2019
  884. EP Adopts Position on Proposed Regulation of Terrorist Content Online
    Published online 17 June 2019
  885. ENISA Report on Cyberthreat Landscape
    Published online 17 June 2019
  886. ECA Dissatisfied with EU’s Cybersecurity Performance
    Published online 17 June 2019
  887. New Directive Criminalises Fraud and Counterfeiting of Non-Cash Means of Payment
    Published online 17 June 2019
  888. Strengthening European Supervision on Anti-Money Laundering – EP and Council Agree
    Published online 17 June 2019
  889. Directive on Better Law Enforcement Access to Financial Information on Way
    Published online 17 June 2019
  890. EDPS Opinion Combating VAT Fraud Related to E-Commerce
    Published online 17 June 2019
  891. Commission Presents New Anti-Fraud Strategy
    Published online 17 June 2019
  892. Investment Fund Misuse in Romania
    Published online 17 June 2019
  893. 2019 EU Justice Scoreboard: Downward Trend for Judicial Independence
    Published online 17 June 2019
  894. Updated Rules on European Citizens’ Initiatives
    Published online 17 June 2019
  895. EP-Studies on Algorithmic Decision-Making
    Published online 17 June 2019
  896. Commission Takes Stock of Security Union Progress
    Published online 17 June 2019
  897. CCBE: Recommendations on Protection of Fundamental Rights in “National Security” Context
    Published online 17 June 2019
  898. European Citizens’ Initiative on Respect for the Rule of Law Admitted
    Published online 17 June 2019
  899. Commission Triggers Debate on Future EU Rule-of-Law Toolbox
    Published online 17 June 2019
  900. AG: Polish Supreme Court Reform is Against EU Law
    Published online 17 June 2019
  901. Commission Launches Another In-fringement Procedure Against Poland
    Published online 17 June 2019
  902. Global Decline in Rule-of-Law Performance
    Published online 17 June 2019
  903. Romania to be Placed Under Rule-of-Law Monitoring
    Published online 17 June 2019
  904. AG: Bulgaria Must Bring its Law in Line with EIO Directive
    Published online 4 June 2019 // Published in printed Issue 1/2019 pp 36 – 37
  905. AG: Assessment Standards of Detention Conditions in EAW Cases
    Published online 4 June 2019
  906. CJEU: Relationship Between Time Limits in the FD EAW and Surrender Detention
    Published online 4 June 2019
  907. Commission Wants Mandate to Negotiate International Rules on E-Evidence
    Published online 19 April 2019
  908. Further Concerns of EP Against E-Evidence Legislative Proposal
    Published online 19 April 2019
  909. Council Conclusions on Customs Risk Management
    Published online 19 April 2019
  910. EP Study: Possible EU Action Against Misuse of Interpol Red Notice System
    Published online 19 April 2019
  911. Debate on Home Affairs Progress
    Published online 19 April 2019
  912. CJEU: Executing MS May Impose Imprisonment for Non-Execution of Foreign Confiscation Order
    Published online 19 April 2019
  913. Journalists Against Tiered Reporting Approach in Draft Whistleblowers Directive
    Published online 19 April 2019
  914. Council Adopts Negotiating Position on Whistleblower Directive
    Published online 19 April 2019
  915. "Freedom AND Security - Killing the zero sum process #kill0sum"
    Published online 19 April 2019
  916. CJEU: Exclusion Rules on Unlawfully Obtained Evidence Precede Anti-Fraud Obligations
    Published online 19 April 2019
  917. Commission: Code of Conduct with IT Companies to Tackle Hate Speech is Evolving Positively
    Published online 19 April 2019
  918. DAV: Commission’s Plans to Remove Terrorist Content Online May Infringe Freedom of Expression
    Published online 19 April 2019
  919. New Infringements Proceedings for Incorrect Transposition of 4th AML Directive
    Published online 19 April 2019
  920. Council Opposes Commission’s AML Blacklisting of Third Countries
    Published online 19 April 2019
  921. EP Generally Supports Link Between Non-Respect of Rule of Law and Loss of EU Money
    Published online 19 April 2019
  922. ECA: Action Needed in the EU’s Fight against Fraud
    Published online 19 April 2019
  923. International Operation Against Fake Shampoo
    Published online 19 April 2019
  924. Record Number of Legal Practitioner Trainings in 2017
    Published online 19 April 2019
  925. Roadmap Proposed for New Decision-Making Procedure in EU Tax Policy
    Published online 8 April 2019
  926. Current Legislative JHA Proposals
    Published online 8 April 2019
  927. Brexit: UK Government Prepares No Deal Scenario
    Published online 8 April 2019
  928. Endangered Lawyers – Hearing at the EP
    Published online 8 April 2019
  929. New Special Representative for Human Rights
    Published online 8 April 2019
  930. No Progress in Art. 7 TEU Procedure Against Poland and Hungary
    Published online 8 April 2019
  931. EP: Strengthening Potential of Charter
    Published online 8 April 2019
  932. EP: Step up Efforts to Effective Protection of Rule of Law and European Values
    Published online 8 April 2019
  933. US CLOUD Act: EU Wants Executive Agreement with the U.S.
    Published online 18 February 2019
  934. Civil Society Organisations Voice Concerns over Council Plans on E-Evidence
    Published online 18 February 2019
  935. Council Pushes for E-Evidence Law, EP Applies the Brakes
    Published online 18 February 2019 // Published in printed Issue 4/2018 p 206
  936. CJEU: Consequences of Failure to Refer to Additional Sentence in EAW
    Published online 18 February 2019
  937. CJEU: Surrender of Resident if Executing State Unable to Enforce Custodial Sentence
    Published online 18 February 2019
  938. CJEU: Obligations of MS if Extradition Sought to Enforce Custodial Sentence for Union Citizens
    Published online 18 February 2019 // Published in printed Issue 4/2018 pp 203 – 204
  939. Council Conclusions on Mutual Recognition
    Published online 18 February 2019
  940. Regulation on Freezing and Confiscation Orders
    Published online 18 February 2019 // Published in printed Issue 4/2018 pp 201 – 202
  941. The Awakening of EU Data Retention Rules
    Published online 18 February 2019
  942. New Data Protection Framework for EU Institutions
    Published online 18 February 2019
  943. Council Shapes Rules on Fighting Terrorist Content Online
    Published online 18 February 2019
  944. EP Tables Recommendations for New EU Strategy to Combat Terrorism
    Published online 18 February 2019
  945. Council: Anti-Money Laundering Action Plan
    Published online 18 February 2019
  946. ECA Opinion on Future Anti-Fraud Programme
    Published online 18 February 2019
  947. New Action Plan Against Illicit Tobacco Trade
    Published online 18 February 2019
  948. OAFCN Meeting at OLAF
    Published online 18 February 2019
  949. ECA: Planned OLAF Reform Still Has Weaknesses
    Published online 18 February 2019
  950. EP Wants Temporary Border Controls Kept to a Minimum
    Published online 18 February 2019
  951. New Legal Framework for Schengen Information System
    Published online 18 February 2019 // Published in printed Issue 4/2018 pp 192 – 193
  952. CJEU Paves Way to Exit from Brexit
    Published online 18 February 2019
  953. CJEU Confirms Interim Measures Against Polish Supreme Court Reform
    Published online 18 February 2019
  954. Commission’s E-Evidence Plans Under Fire
    Published online 16 January 2019
  955. CCBE Makes Critical Statement on E-Evidence Proposal
    Published online 16 January 2019
  956. EDPB Criticises E-Evidence Proposals
    Published online 16 January 2019
  957. Improved Cooperation Tool Benefits Fight Against VAT Fraud
    Published online 16 January 2019
  958. ECA Criticizes Delays in Building Up Modernized Customs IT Systems
    Published online 16 January 2019
  959. Eurojust Updates Overview of CJEU’s Case Law on EAW
    Published online 16 January 2019
  960. Fair Trial Violation: Amsterdam Court Refuses Surrender to Poland
    Published online 16 January 2019
  961. German Bar Association Makes Critical Statement on Whistleblower Draft Directive
    Published online 16 January 2019
  962. Trade Union Organisation Calls For Robust Whistleblower Directive
    Published online 16 January 2019
  963. EESC Opinion on Whistleblower Directive
    Published online 16 January 2019
  964. ECA Issues Statement on Planned Whistleblower Directive
    Published online 16 January 2019
  965. EP Committee Vote on Whistleblower Directive
    Published online 16 January 2019
  966. EP Takes Position on Interoperability Legal Framework
    Published online 16 January 2019
  967. CJEU Backs Police Access to Retained Data in Minor Offences
    Published online 16 January 2019 // Published in printed Issue 3/2018 pp 155 – 157
  968. CJEU: EU Directive Does Not Cover Procedure For Reviewing the Lawfulness of Pre-Trial Detention
    Published online 16 January 2019
  969. Annual Report on Counterfeit Seized Goods – 2017 Results
    Published online 16 January 2019
  970. Statistics on Card Fraud in 2016
    Published online 16 January 2019
  971. Commission Takes Action Against Italy and the UK for Illegal VAT Practices
    Published online 16 January 2019
  972. Council Adopts Directive Allowing Generalised Temporary Reversal of VAT Liability
    Published online 16 January 2019
  973. Commission Urges Maltese Watchdog to Comply with EU’s AML Rules
    Published online 16 January 2019
  974. Further Infringement Proceedings for Non-Transposition of 4th AML Directive
    Published online 16 January 2019
  975. New Regulation on Cash Controls
    Published online 16 January 2019
  976. New Directive on Criminalisation of Money Laundering
    Published online 16 January 2019 // Published in printed Issue 3/2018 pp 150 – 151
  977. ECA Presents 2017 Annual Report on EU Budget
    Published online 16 January 2019
  978. Germany: Legislative Draft for Implementation of PIF Directive Tabled
    Published online 16 January 2019
  979. eu-LISA: New Legal Basis – New Mandate
    Published online 16 January 2019
  980. Brexit: Citizens Fail Before European Court
    Published online 16 January 2019
  981. Positive Marks for Bulgaria in Judicial Reform and Fight Against Corruption
    Published online 16 January 2019
  982. Commission Criticises Romania for Regression in Judicial Reforms and Fight Against Corruption
    Published online 16 January 2019
  983. CJEU Stops Application of New Polish Law on Supreme Court Judges
    Published online 16 January 2019
  984. EP: Time Is Ripe for a Comprehensive DRF Mechanism
    Published online 16 January 2019
  985. CJEU: No Rehearing for Alleged Infringements of EU Fundamental Rights
    Published online 16 January 2019
  986. JHA Ministers’ Debate on e-Evidence Legislation
    Published online 20 October 2018
  987. Council and EP Shape Regulation on Freezing and Confiscation Orders
    Published online 20 October 2018
  988. EP Calls for Strict Implementation of Victims’ Protection Directive
    Published online 20 October 2018
  989. Council Conclusions on Proctection of Victims of Terrorism
    Published online 20 October 2018
  990. Council Ready to Start Negotiations on Interoperability Legal Framework
    Published online 20 October 2018
  991. What Hinders EU Cooperation? Where Should the EU Take Action – Scientific Study Gives Answers
    Published online 20 October 2018
  992. ECA: Commission To Better Measure Effectiveness of EU Action Against Radicalisation
    Published online 20 October 2018
  993. Commission Wants Binding EU Rules to Fight Terrorist Content Online
    Published online 20 October 2018
  994. Council Conclusions: Better Use of SIS Against Foreign Terrorist Fighters
    Published online 20 October 2018
  995. Home Affairs Ministers Assess 2014-2017 European Policy Cycle for Organised Crime
    Published online 20 October 2018
  996. Lowest Level of Counterfeit Euro Banknotes since 2015
    Published online 20 October 2018
  997. Tax Fraud and Evasion: New Standard Provision for Third-Country Agreements
    Published online 20 October 2018
  998. Commission Sets Out Plans for Better Supervision in Fight Against Money Laundering
    Published online 20 October 2018
  999. Commission Proposes New Anti-Money Laundering Supervision Mechanism
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1000. 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1001. EU Member States Reluctant to Transpose 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1002. Commission Registers European Citizens' Initiative “Stop fraud and abuse of EU funds”
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1003. Commission Plans to Spend €181 Million on Anti-Fraud from 2021-2027
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1004. ECA Criticizes Commission Plans on Loss of EU Money if Rule of Law is not Respected
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1005. New Rules on Administrative Cooperation to Improve Fight Against VAT Fraud
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1006. 2017 PIF Report
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1007. COM Communication Extending EPPO Competence
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1008. Implementation Measures for EPPO Regulation
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1009. Updated EPPO Fact Sheet
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1010. European Public Prosecutor’s Office Netherlands and Malta Join EPPO
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1011. Practice: Operation Silver Axe III
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1012. Practice: Successful Cooperation Between OLAF and U.A.E.
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1013. OLAF’s New Director-General
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1014. EP Sees Functioning of Schengen Area Critically
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1015. European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS): Legislation Adopted
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1016. Brexit: EP Think Tank Analysis Draft Withdrawal Agreement
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1017. CEPS and QMUL Report Outlines UK-EU Cooperation in Criminal Justice and Police Matters after Brexit
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1018. Think Tank Considers Solutions for a Post-Brexit JHA Deal
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1019. Commission Proposes New Justice, Rights and Values Fund
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1020. 2018 EU Justice Scoreboard: Focus on Judicial Independence
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1021. Commission Continues to Struggle with Poland on Rule-of-Law Compliance
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1022. EU 2017 Report on Human Rghts and Democracy in the World
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1023. Commission Report on the Application of CFR in 2017
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1024. CEPEJ: 2018 Report on European Judicial Systems
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1025. German Bar Association Highly Critical of EU’s e-evidence Initiative
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1026. CJEU: Special Recognition Procedure Not in Line with EU Law
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1027. German Court Held Extradition of Catalan Leader Puigdemont Partly Inadmissable
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1028. CJEU Blames Hungary for Non-Execution of Croatian EAW for Corruption
    Published online 20 October 2018 // Published in printed Issue 2/2018 pp 105 – 106
  1029. CJEU: Refusal of EAW in Case of Fair Trial Infringements Possible as Exception
    Published online 20 October 2018 // Published in printed Issue 2/2018 pp 104 – 105
  1030. CJEU Clarifies Position on Non-Surrender in Case of Poor Detention Conditions (“Aranyosi III”)
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1031. CJEU: UK’s Decision to Withdraw from EU Does Not Affect the Execution of EAWs
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1032. CJEU: New Italian Law on Unpaid VAT Compatible with EU Rules
    Published online 20 October 2018
  1033. CJEU Ruling on Effective Prosecution of PIF Offences and Guarantee of Defence Rights
    Published online 20 October 2018 // Published in printed Issue 2/2018 p 99
  1034. Lawyers Organisations: Rule-of-Law Violations Have Direct Impact on Judicial Cooperation
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1035. AG: Minor Offences Can also Justify Police Access to Retained Data
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1036. Data Protection Experts Give Critical Statement on Planned Interoperability
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1037. EDPS Further Critical to Interoperability
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1038. Commission Proposes Loss of EU Money if Rule of Law is Not Respected
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1039. GC Clarifies Relationship between Union and National Law in OLAF External Investigations
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1040. EPRS: Cost of Non-Europe in the Fight Against Terrorism
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1041. Brexit: Material for Discussions on Future Framework in JHA Area
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1042. Brexit: Political Guidelines for EU’s Position in Negotiations
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1043. Commission Proposes Legislative Framework for E-Evidence
    Published online 29 June 2018 // Published in printed Issue 1/2018 pp 35 – 36
  1044. Commission Proposes EU-Wide Rules on Whistleblowers‘ Protection
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1045. Commission Proposes Better Access of Law Enforcement to Financial Information
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1046. Hungary: OLAF Investigations Lead to Prison Sentence Against EU Funds Fraudster
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1047. Package of Measures to Further Build Up Security Union
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1048. EU Citizens Called On to Debate on Future of EU “at 27”
    Published online 29 June 2018
  1049. CJEU: Extradition Justifiable Despite EU’s Prohibition of Discrimination
    Published online 22 June 2018
  1050. Reference for Preliminary Ruling on Detention Conditions by Higher Regional Court of Hamburg
    Published online 22 June 2018
  1051. Higher Regional Court of Bremen Submits “Aranyosi III”
    Published online 22 June 2018
  1052. German Court: Surrender of Catalan Leader Puigdemont Possible But No Serious Flight Risk
    Published online 22 June 2018
  1053. Commission Makes OLAF Fit as Partner of EPPO
    Published online 13 June 2018
  1054. First Case on Interpretation of EIO Brought Before CJEU
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1055. State of Play of EIO Implementation
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1056. Federal Constitutional Court Calls for German Courts to Consult CJEU on Detention Conditions
    Published online 6 June 2018 // Published in printed Issue 1/2018 pp 32 – 33
  1057. No Decision on Aranyosi II Case by CJEU
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1058. CJEU Sets Conditions for Surrender of Minors
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1059. CJEU Interprets Refusal Ground of Trials in absentia in the Context of Revocation of Suspended Convictions
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1060. Draft Regulation on Mutual Recognition of Confiscation and Freezing Orders Passes First Review in the EP
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1061. CJEU: Acquittal in Criminal Proceedings Can Block Administrative Fines
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1062. CJEU: Italian Legislation Combining Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Against Market Manipulation Does Not Respect EU’s ne bis in idem Principle
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1063. CJEU: Criminal Penalty in Addition to Penalty in Tax Proceedings to Combat VAT Fraud Possible
    Published online 6 June 2018 // Published in printed Issue 1/2018 pp 24 – 25
  1064. CJEU Delivers Leading Judgments on Combination of Administrative and Criminal Penalties
    Published online 6 June 2018 // Published in printed Issue 1/2018
  1065. European Data Protection Day – EU Enters Into New Era in 2018
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1066. Commission Prepares for Effective Implementation of New EU Data Protection Legislation
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1067. Partial Success for Schrems’ Campaign Against Facebook
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1068. JHA Council Gives Guidance on Legislative Proposal for Interoperability
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1069. Commission Steps Forward to Tackle Illegal Content Online
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1070. Application of Code of Conduct Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online Positive
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1071. Public Consultation to Establish First Worldwide “Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List”
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1072. JHA Council Adopts General Approach on New Law Combating Non-Cash Payment Fraud
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1073. Council Softens EU List of Tax Haven Countries
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1074. EU and Norway Foster Administrative Cooperation to Combat VAT Fraud
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1075. MEPs Disagree on Blacklisting of “High-Risk Countries”
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1076. Trilogue Negotiations on Planned Directive to Counter Money Laundering by Means of Criminal Law
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1077. Country Factsheets on Attitudes towards Corruption
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1078. Malta to Join EPPO?
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1079. EPPO – First Implementation Measures Launched
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1080. EPPO – Implementation Phase Started
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1081. OLAF and Guardia di Finanza Detect Large-Scale Fraud in the EU’s Research and Innovation Fund
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1082. Convictions for Large-Scale Tobacco Smuggling
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1083. Debate on Key Features of OLAF and EPPO Relations
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1084. Public Consultation to Prepare Future EU Training Strategy
    Published online 6 June 2018
  1085. Brexit Preparedness
    Published online 6 June 2018