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16 to 17 September 2024 The Hague, Belgium

13th EDEN Event on Data Protection in Law Enforcement 

Data Protection, Criminal Law, Police Cooperation

Published 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Join Europe’s most exciting event on data protection in law enforcement on 16-17 September 2024 at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague. The 13th EDEN event will deal with data protection and cybersecurity implications for law enforcement in the following contextual areas: Read more
16 to 20 September 2024 Trier, Germany

Summer Course on European Data Protection Law 

Published 5 months ago
This summer course is intended to give participants an overview of the fundamentals of European data protection law. It will tackle the main legal questions related to the application of GDPR and related instruments by discussing legislative developments, relevant case law as well as by solving practical case studies. One will have the opportunity to interact with high-level experts who will help to deal with everyday data protection issues. Read more
26 to 27 September 2024 Lisbon, Portugal

#Digitalisation and #AI in Criminal Justice 

Published 3 months ago
This seminar addresses various challenges linked to digitalisation that judges, prosecutors and lawyers in private practice working in the field of EU criminal justice will have to face in the years ahead. Some of these challenges such as the exchange of electronic evidence, videoconferencing, use of open-source intelligence, artificial intelligence, digital technology, etc. will become the “new normal”. Read more
30 to 01 September 2024 Trier, Germany

Strategic Fundamental Rights Litigation 

Protecting Fundamental Rights through European Courts

Published 1 month, 2 weeks ago
This seminar provides concise, intensive training in strategic fundamental rights litigation. In 1.5 days, participants not only gain up-todate theoretical knowledge on admissibility criteria of the regional courts, but also receive practical advice regarding the litigation at the CJEU and ECtHR. Read more
03 to 04 October 2024 Marbella, Spain

Protection of Attorney-Client Privilege in Criminal Proceedings in the EU 

Published 3 months, 2 weeks ago
This conference will look at the landscape for legal professional privilege in criminal proceedings in the EU, outline gaps in protection, present the perspective of the prosecution, and discuss the need for minimum standards in the EU. Read more
15 to 16 October 2024 Online

Understanding Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency Technologies 

Mining, Blockchaining and Investigative Techniques

Published 2 months, 1 week ago
When a new technology is created, criminals are among the first to embrace it and use it for their purposes. This happens with cryptocurrencies, and particularly with bitcoins. The use of bitcoin allows quick and cheap transactions and its flows are difficult to monitor and trace. This online seminar will provide participants with an understanding of how bitcoin works, how transactions can be analysed and the special investigative techniques that can be applied. Read more
17 to 18 October 2024 Online

Judgments and Decision-making in Fraud and Corruption Investigations 

Published 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Investigating fraud and corruption is hard work. In addition to its evidentiary challenges, it sets high standards for sound decision-making and judgment by the professionals involved. Selectors need to assess the credibility of an allegation, investigators should overcome confirmation bias and the prosecutor will have to judge whether the case meets the burden of proof before bringing charges. Read more
17 to 18 October 2024 Trier, Germany

Privacy and Data Protection 

Recent ECtHR and CJEU Case Law

Published 3 weeks, 2 days ago
This seminar will provide legal practitioners with an update on the case law developed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) with relevance for privacy and data protection law. It will focus primarily on developments since 2023. Read more
14 to 15 November 2024 Sofia, Bulgaria

Annual Conference on EU Criminal Justice 2024 

Published 14 hours ago
This conference will facilitate the exchange of experiences among legal practitioners on current developments and future initiatives in the field of EU criminal justice. This year’s event will touch upon the impact of artificial intelligence on the criminal justice system. The conference will also address the EPPO, defence rights, the new EU legislation on e-evidence, the (ab)use of bitcoins and crimes in the “digital age”. Read more