Submissions and Author Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article/contribution to eucrim.

Eucrim regularly publishes articles under a specific focal topic. You find an updated overview of the focus of the upcoming issues in the menu "Call for Papers".

It is also a pleasure for us to receive unsolicited articles/contributions outside the thematic priority areas. We gladly publish interesting contributions that provide information on unique developments in your country, debate a hotly discussed topic, report on a conference, etc.

Submissions for articles are accepted in English, French, and German. Feel free to contact us at:

In the following you find information on how to submit your article. The accordion menu will help you with this. "Click" in the questions to get the respective answer.

What are the focal topics of the upcoming issues?

An overview of the focal topics of the upcoming eucrim issues is provided in this pdf document.

Note: Bear in mind that it is also a pleasure for us to receive articles/contributions outside the thematic priority areas. We gladly publish interesting contributions that provide information on unique developments in your country, debate a hotly discussed topic, comment on court decisions, report on a conference, etc.

In which language can I submit an article?

Eucrim accepts articles in English (BE spelling), French and German.

All articles - also those written in French and German - must include an abstract in English (see for further details below "What do I need to consider in general?")

How to submit an eucrim article? Is there a template?

What do I need to consider in general?

  • The text of an article should be a maximum of around 30.000-35.000 characters including spaces; this corresponds to approximately six to seven pages in Microsoft WORD;
  • Please use endnotes instead of footnotes;
  • The text should be written in English (using BE spelling), French or German;
  • An abstract must be provided for all articles; it is designed as a teaser for attracting readers and give a first impression of your contribution. Therefore, the abstract should summarise the subject matter of your article, the objective/purpose of your article, the main lines of arguments and the main conclusions. The abstract should be written in English (also for articles in French and German!) and have a length of maximum 2.000 characters including spaces.
  • Please structure the main text as follows:

I. [Roman numeral first] - Title in Capital Letters

  1. [Arabic numeral as second layer] - Title in lowercase letters

a) [lower case character as third layer] - Title in lowercase letters

  • Formats: The template provides several style sheets that should be used throughout the article. The "normal" text should be written using "Standard" style sheet in WORD. The template additionally provides style sheets for the abstract, headings, listings (bullet points), quotations, emphazise, and affiliations. The style sheet "emphazise" for very important text, terms or notions should be used thriftily.
  • Italics should be used for Latin terms and notions (e.g.: inter alia), names in the main text (e.g.: According to Advocate General Juliane Kokott, ...), and court case names (e.g.: The CJEU held in Dorobantu that...). Terms and notions in foreign language in English articles should also be in italics and translated if possible, e.g.: According to the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht),.... Acronyms of the terms/notions should not be in italics (e.g.: BVerfG).
  • Authors may include disclaimers (e.g. that the views expressed in the article are not those of the body they are affiliated with) or may acknowledge individuals or organisations that provided advice, support (non-financial). Formal financial support and funding should be indicated. Disclaimers and acknowledgments should be indicated in an asterix (*) note separate from the numbered endnotes. For statements on the use of Artificial Intelligence tools in the processing of the manuscript, see accordion "How is eucrim's position towards Artificial Intelligence tools?" below.
  • Authors are asked to make sure their typescript is carefully checked and finalised particularly with regard to internal cross referencing and the citation of references. If the author's first language is not English, he/she should ensure that the final draft is carefully checked by a native speaker of English, for accuracy and language style.

How to cite in endnotes?

  • Please use endnotes for your article;
  • The reference number in the main text should appear after the punctuation marks in case they refer to the whole phrase and immediately after a word in case they refer to it (e.g.: According to Jescheck²,...)
  • The first reference in the endnotes should conform to the following style dependent on the type of document:

Monographs/independent publications


Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│,│Book title [in italics]│,│additional information about editions, translations, etc. (if any)│year of publication│,│page(s) specifically referred to.


P. Hulsroj, The Principle of Proportionality, 2013, p. 151.
A. Klip, European criminal law, 3rd ed., 2016, pp. 428–429.
P. Craig and G. De Búrca, EU law, 6th ed., 2015, p. 998.

Contributions in edited books/ collective books/ a Festschrift


Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│,│“Title of the contribution” [within inverted commas]│, in:│initial(s) of editor│surname(s) of editor(s)│(ed.) or (eds.) [in brackets]‌│,│‌Title of collective work [in italics]│,│Year│,│First page of contribution (insert ‘p.’)│,│page(s) of the contribution specifically referred to.


P. Asp, “Mutual Recognition and the Development of Criminal Law Cooperation within the EU”, in: E J. Husabø and A. Strandbakken (eds.), Harmonization of Criminal Law in Europe, 2005, p. 22, 31–33.
C. Bassiouni, “The Legacy of Legalism and the need to Combat impunity for International Crimes”, in: J. Arnold et al. (eds.), Menschengerechtes Strafrecht,



Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│, in:│‌initial(s) ‌of editor│surname(s) of editor(s)│(ed.) or (eds.) [in brackets]│,│Title of commentary [in italic]│,│edition (if any)‌│,│Year│Reference to commented article│,│specific reference to marginal number (if possible and abbreviated mn.), otherwise page .


K. Ambos, in: O. Triffterer (ed.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers’ Notes, Article by article, 2nd ed., 1999, Art. 25, mn. 9.

Journal articles


Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│,│“Title of the article” [within inverted commas]│,│(date/year) [in round brackets]│Volume number of the journal (if usual)│Full journal title [in italics]│(abbreviated journal title commonly used) [in italics and round brackets]│,│First page of contribution (do not insert ‘p.’)│,│page(s) of the contribution specifically referred to.

[Only include the issue number if every issue of the journal starts at page 1. If this is the case write the issue number in brackets next to the volume number.]


E. Herlin-Karnell, “The Lisbon Treaty. A Critical Analysis of Its Impact on EU Criminal Law”, (2010) eucrim, 61, 64.
A. Kennedy, “Justifying the Civil Recovery of Criminal Proceeds”, (2004) 12(1) Journal of Financial Crime, 8, 10–18.
T. Reinbacher and M. Wendel, “The Bundesverfassungsgericht’s European Arrest Warrant II Decision”, (2016) 23 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (MJ), 702, 705–706.

Electronic journal articles


Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│,│“Title of the article” [within inverted commas]│,│(date/year) [in round brackets]│Volume number of the journal (if any)│(Issue)│Full journal title [in italics]│ (abbreviated journal title commonly used) [in italics and round brackets]│<URL>│date accessed│,│ First page of contribution (do not insert ‘p.’)│,│page(s) of the contribution specifically referred to.

[If the journal article is also available in paper format, reference it as you would a print journal article (example: eucrim).

Purely electronic publications may not have page numbers or may use a system of numbered paragraphs. Follow whatever style they use.]


N.-F. Weisser, “The Effectiveness of the Global Combat against the Financing of Terrorism for Preventing Terrorist Activity”, (2013) 8 (7–8) Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik (ZIS) <> accessed 14 July 2014, 343, 346.
N.C. Gleeson and I. Waiden, " It's a jungle out there'?: Cloud computing, standards and the law", (2014) 5 (2) European Journal of Law and Technology (EJLT) <> accessed 27 November 2015.



Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│,│“Web page title/entry title” [within inverted commas]│,│ Website name/‌Blog name [in italics]│<URL>│date accessed

[If no personal author is identifiable, insert the organisation responsible for the web page instead.

If you source a publication online which is also available in print, cite the print version.]


O. Garner, “‘So long (as) and farewell?’ The United Kingdom Supreme Court in Miller”, European Law Blog <> accessed 30 January 2017.

Newspaper articles


Author’s initial(s) of first name│author’s full surname│,│“Title of the article” [use inverted commas]│,│Newspaper [in italics]│,│Full date│page number.


F. Basso, “Come cambierà la Ue con la Brexit ‹netta›” Corriere della sera, 23 gennaio 2017, p. 16.

EU documents / official publications


Report’s and Institution’s name│,│“Title of report/paper” [use inverted commas]│,│Report/document number including year‌│,│page(s) specifically referred to.

In case of citations of the Official Journal of the European Union, use the abbreviation OJ (without dots) - [for acts published before 30 September 2023]: Series (L or C) │Number │date of publication │first page of the published act in the Official Journal

For acts published since 1 October 2023 (start of act-by-act publications in the OJ): Series (L or C) │Number of the document │date of publication. [no page reference anymore!]


Communication from the Commission, “Mutual recognition of Final Decisions in criminal matters”, COM(2000) 495 final, p. 8.

Latvian Council Presidency, “Proposal for a Regulation on the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) [First reading] - General approach”, Council doc. 6643/15 of 27 February 2015.

Directive (EU) 2016/800 on procedural safeguards for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings, OJ L 132, 21.5.2016, 1.

Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) 2185/96 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities, OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, 2.

Council Directive (EU) 2023/2226 of 17 October 2023 amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation, OJ L, 2023/2226, 24.10.2023.

House of Lords - Select Committee on Extradition Law, “The European Arrest Warrant Opt-in”, 2014, p. 5.

Case law


Name of Court│,│date of judgement│case no. [and/or] case name [in italics] │,│paragraph referred to (insert ‘para.’).

[The citation of national court decisions should follow the system of reference used in the country of origin.]


ECJ, 26 February 2013, Case C-399/11, Stefano Melloni, para. 70.

CJEU, 5 April 2016, Joined Cases C-404/15 and C-659/15 PPU, Aranyosi and Căldăraru, para. 49.

CFI, 29 June 1995, case T-36/91, Imperial Chemical Industries plc v Commission, para. 69.

ECtHR, 23 November 1976, Engel and others v Netherlands, Appl. no. 5100/71 et al., para. 82; ECtHR, 19 September 2006, Matijasevic v Serbia, Appl. no. 23037/04, para. 45.

Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) [German Federal Constitutional Court], (2013) Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 1058, 1059.

  • Repeating references can indicate the endnote number where the article was first cited in full length. Please cite repeating references according to the following style:
    • Independent books/Contribu­tions in edited books:
      T. Daniels and J. Maton, op. cit. (n. 5), p. 245.
    • Journal articles:
      T. Reinbacher and M. Wendel, (2016) 23 MJ, op. cit. (n. 7), 702, 708.
    • EU documents / official publications:
      COM(2000) 495 final, op. cit. (n. 8), p. 2.
      Council doc. 6643/15, op. cit. (n. 4).
    • Case law:
      ECJ, Stefano Melloni, op. cit. (n. 3), para. 54.
      BVerfG, (2013) NJW, op. cit. (n. 1), 1058, 1061.

What do I need to consider if I write the article in French?

If your article is in French, please additionally take account of the following pecularities:



Initiale du prénom de l’auteur│nom de l’auteur│,│Titre de l’ouvrage [en italique] │,│tomaison │,│ édition │,│ éditeur │,│ année d’édition │,│ numéro de(s) page(s) concernée(s).


R. Garraud, Traité théorique et pratique du droit pénal français, t. 5, 3e éd., Sirey, 1953, p. 210-230.

Travaux universitaires imprimés, non-commerciales (thèses et mémoires)


L’initiale du prénom de l’auteur │ nom de l’auteur │,│ Titre de l’ouvrage (en italique) │,│ Nom du diplôme │,│ nom de l’université │,│ année │,│ numéro de(s) page(s) concernée(s).


J. Walther, L'antijuridicité en droit pénal comparé franco- allemand, thèse, Saarbrücken, Univ. und Nancy II, 2003, p. 180.


Concernant les points et les virgules : il n’y a pas d’espace avant mais une espace après.

Les guillemets français («_»), le point-virgule, le point d’exclamation, le point d’interrogation et les deux-points sont précédés d’un espace insécable et suivi d’une espace.

How to abbreviate?

  • When using abbreviations, please spell it out the first time it is used in the text with the abbreviations in parentheses;
  • You can use the abbreviations as listed under:
  • Any other abbreviations are of course possible;
  • Please do not abbreviate "MS" for "Member State(s)".

Is my text peer reviewed?

All texts submitted for eucrim are subjected to a scientific and editorial review plus linguistic proofreading. Reviews are done by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (editors and native speakers). At a first stage, editors of eucrim make a detailed, thorough review of the text in terms of quality, comprehensibility, logic, structure, formalities etc. They also assess the impact of the contribution on the field covered. At the end of this first stage, the editors give feedback to the author on whether his/her article is accepted for publication in eucrim. In the affirmative, the text is forwarded to the MPI's editorial unit. Subsequently, at a second stage, native speakers proofread the text in terms of language (style, grammar, use of words and formulations, etc.). Both review and proofreading make suggestions to improve the text regarding content, grammar, language or style. Reviews will be made using ‘track changes’ and texts will be sent back to the author including these ‘track changes’ and comments at the side bar.

In order to ensure that we reflect the author’s opinion accurately and completely, the author will be asked to give his or her final approval before publishing the text.

The author is kindly requested to accept/refuse the track changes made and to look into the commentaries. The final version of the text should be submitted without track changes of the Max Planck Institute's staff. If the author substantially revises or adds text, he/she should indicate the amendments by track changes.

How to submit photo files?

Often, email programmes automatically downsize your photo file. We recommend using the cryptshare service of the Max Planck Society. This service allows you to exchange files (including those with higher volume) easily and confidentially with staff of the MPI.

  • Please visit the Internet side:
  • Click on “Provide” (on the left top, you see a small globe by which you can choose the language between English and German).
  • In the next step you must provide your contact details. This is necessary in order the system can send this data to the recipient of your message to allow them to get in touch with you.
  • You will get a verification code via e-mail that you have to enter in the next step of cryptshare. Click “next”.
  • Now, you must enter the recipient e-mail-address "" and you can upload your data file. Click “next”.
  • You must further code the sending of the files by providing a password. Click “next”.
  • Start the transfer.
  • Provide the password to the recipient by including it in a separate email to: ""
  • In the end, the managing editor of eucrim will get an automated email and can retrieve your file within a certain time period by using the submitted password. After retrieval or termination of the time period, the data are automatically deleted.

How will my article be published?

After the final author's consent and the submission of the final text, the article will first be published online on the eucrim website. This publication includes a citable doi number and the URL that can be shared with all interested in persons. In addition, the article will be published in the journal. The journal is published in pdf format on the eucrim website and as hard copy.

Can I submit a conference report?

Eucrim welcomes conference reports. In order to facilitate publication of this type of documents, authors can use the template for download "Eucrim Post Conference Report Form" (Microsoft WORD).

Can I submit an event/ a conference announcement?

Eucrim welcomes announcements for conferences, seminars, webinars, workshops, summer schools etc. that are within the remit of its mission. Events will exclusively be published on the eucrim website. If wished, event organisers can fill in the template for download "Eucrim PRE Conference Announcement Form" (Microsoft WORD).

Can I submit a book review?

Eucrim does not publish book reviews.

How is eucrim's position towards Artificial Intelligence tools?

The use of artificial intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT or Large Language Models, can help as part of the research process. However, the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process cannot qualify for authorship. Respective manuscripts will be screened and rejected. Such AI tools can neither be listed as author or co-author nor be cited as an author. Authors should only use these technologies to improve readability and language. Applying the technology should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete or biased. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.

The use of AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparently disclosed. This disclosure must be made both in writing to the managing editor and in the acknowledgements section of manuscripts ("asterix note") or, if suitable, in the description of the methodology part of the article.

Example of a Statement: "During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication."

Note: This declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references etc.