Dr. Anna Pingen

Team – Editor

News in eucrim

  1. New Legal Framework on Digitalisation of Judicial Cooperation
    Published online 4 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  2. Council: Assessment of Follow-Up to the Conference on the Future of Europe
    Published online 4 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  3. Commission Reviewed Adequacy Decisions under Data Protection Directive
    Published online 4 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  4. ECJ Clarifies GDPR Administrative Fines
    Published online 4 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  5. 2023 Report on Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU
    Published online 4 April 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  6. Enhancing Schengen Security: Commission's Recommendation
    Published online 27 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  7. ECJ: Fear of Misuse of Personal Data after Cyberattack Constitutes Non-Material Damage
    Published online 27 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  8. New Regulation for Cybersecurity of EU Institutions
    Published online 27 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  9. Bulgaria and Romania Join Schengen Area
    Published online 20 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  10. Enhancing the EU's Rule of Law Framework: Evaluation of the Council's Annual Dialogue Mechanism
    Published online 20 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  11. Threats to Key Freedoms: New EP Report on Situation of Fundamental Rights in the EU
    Published online 20 March 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  12. General Court Judgments on Anti-War Sanctions
    Published online 22 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  13. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview October 2023 – January 2024
    Published online 22 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  14. WJP Rule of Law Index 2023: Global Rule of Law Continues to Decline
    Published online 14 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023
  15. Balancing Privacy and Scrutiny: GDPR in the Spotlight as Parliamentary Inquiries Unfold
    Published online 1 February 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  16. AI Act: Parliament and Council Reach Provisional Agreement on World's First AI Rules
    Published online 18 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
  17. First Formal Proceedings Launched by Commission under DSA: X Under Investigation
    Published online 18 January 2024
  18. Commission Proposes New Legislation to Counter Migrant Smuggling
    Published online 18 January 2024
  19. Extension of Interim Regulation to Prevent and Combat Child Sexual Abuse
    Published online 9 January 2024
  20. New Roadmap to Fight Drug Trafficking and Organised Crime
    Published online 9 January 2024 // Published in printed Issue 3/2023 p 257
  21. EP Proposed Amendments to EU Treaties
    Published online 20 December 2023
  22. EDPB/EDPS Joint Opinion on Proposal for a Regulation on the Establishment of the Digital Euro
    Published online 12 December 2023
  23. New Directive Amending EU Rules on Administrative Cooperation in Area of Taxation
    Published online 12 December 2023
  24. EP Ready to Discuss Proposal to Combat Child Sexual Abuse Online
    Published online 12 December 2023
  25. Change in EU List of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes
    Published online 8 December 2023
  26. VAT Gap Report 2023: Progress in VAT Compliance
    Published online 8 December 2023
  27. Research Team Published 2024 Report on Global Tax Evasion
    Published online 8 December 2023
  28. DSA: Publication of the Transparency Reports for VLOPs and VLOSEs
    Published online 8 December 2023
  29. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview July 2023 – September 2023
    Published online 17 November 2023
  30. AML: Commission Updated List of High-Risk Third Countries
    Published online 17 November 2023
  31. Commission’s 2023 Rule of Law Report
    Published online 17 November 2023
  32. 2023 EU Justice Scoreboard: Focus on Fighting Corruption
    Published online 15 November 2023
  33. 2022 EBA Review: Progress in the Fight Against ML/TF
    Published online 15 November 2023
  34. 2023 State of Schengen Report
    Published online 15 November 2023
  35. AG: Belgian Law Must Provide Right to an Effective Judicial Remedy against Supervisory Authority
    Published online 15 November 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 pp 151 – 152
  36. Signatories and Commission Assess Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation
    Published online 25 September 2023
  37. AG on Identity Cards: Mandatory Collection and Storage of Fingerprints is Valid
    Published online 25 September 2023
  38. Commission Proposes Procedural Rules for GDPR Enforcement in Cross-Border Cases
    Published online 25 September 2023
  39. New Rules for Crypto-Assets in the EU
    Published online 25 September 2023 // Published in printed Issue 2/2023 p 143
  40. EP’s Amendments to the AI Act
    Published online 28 July 2023
  41. ECJ: Individual Reasons Not Necessary for Telecommunications Surveillance
    Published online 18 July 2023
  42. EP Resolution on Lessons from the Pandora Papers
    Published online 18 July 2023
  43. EDPB Urges EU Legislature to Halt Draft on Data Sharing for AML/CFT
    Published online 18 July 2023
  44. Handbook of Good Practices in the Fight against Corruption
    Published online 18 July 2023
  45. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview January 2023 – June 2023
    Published online 12 July 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 6 – 9
  46. Criticism of New EU Plan for International Border Data-Sharing System
    Published online 12 July 2023
  47. Discussion and Criticism of Proposal to Prevent and Combat Child Sexual Abuse
    Published online 15 June 2023 // Published in printed Issue 1/2023 pp 13 – 14
  48. Regulation Implementing the Digital Markets Act (DMA)
    Published online 15 June 2023
  49. Parliament’s Assessment of Commission's 2022 Rule of Law Report
    Published online 15 June 2023
  50. Referral of 8 Member States to CJEU Over Protection of Whistleblowers
    Published online 14 June 2023
  51. New EU Cyber Solidarity Act
    Published online 14 June 2023
  52. New CERIS Newsletter for Security Research in the EU
    Published online 14 June 2023
  53. First Designations under the DSA
    Published online 13 June 2023
  54. “From the Hives”: Results of the EU Action Against Honey Adulteration
    Published online 13 June 2023
  55. Annulment of Restrictive Measures Applied to Mother of Wagner Group Founder
    Published online 10 March 2023
  56. Actions against Ban on Legal Advisory Services in 8th Sanctions Package
    Published online 8 March 2023
  57. Study on Impact of International Sanctions on Russian Oil Exports
    Published online 8 March 2023
  58. Study: Need for Stronger Legislative Alignment of EU's Fight against Corruption
    Published online 8 March 2023
  59. FRA Report on Use of AI in Predictive Policing and Offensive Speech Detection
    Published online 8 March 2023
  60. EU Reactions to Russian War against Ukraine: Overview November – December 2022
    Published online 8 February 2023 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 226 – 228
  61. European Council Confirms Unity against Russia
    Published online 8 February 2023
  62. Council: Strengthening Fight against War Crimes in Ukraine
    Published online 8 February 2023
  63. European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles Signed
    Published online 8 February 2023
  64. Legislation to Strengthen Cybersecurity Across the Union: NIS 2 Directive
    Published online 3 February 2023
  65. Conclusions on Progress of Code of Conduct Group in 2022
    Published online 2 February 2023
  66. Council's Common Position on Artificial Intelligence Act
    Published online 2 February 2023
  67. Commission Proposes Penalisation of Violation of Restrictive Measures
    Published online 14 December 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 p 225
  68. Croatia Joins Schengen Area
    Published online 14 December 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 224 – 225
  69. Revised EU Action Plan to End Wildlife Trafficking
    Published online 9 December 2022
  70. Strengthening of Code of Conduct for Business Taxation
    Published online 9 December 2022
  71. 70 years of the European Parliament: Commemoration Celebration
    Published online 9 December 2022
  72. EU Reactions to Russian War in Ukraine: Overview July – October 2022
    Published online 24 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 170 – 171
  73. New EU Rules for Online Platforms
    Published online 24 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2022 pp 228 – 230
  74. New 2022 Rule of Law Index
    Published online 23 November 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 p 168
  75. German Bundesrat: Statement on Proposal to Combat Child Sexual Abuse Online
    Published online 23 November 2022
  76. EP Demands Reinforced Protection of Wildlife
    Published online 23 November 2022
  77. Situation of Fundamental Rights in the EU in 2020 and 2021
    Published online 17 October 2022
  78. Proposal for a European Media Freedom Act
    Published online 14 October 2022
  79. Proposal for a New Cyber Resilience Act
    Published online 10 October 2022
  80. New Controversies around Proposal to Combat Child Sexual Abuse Online
    Published online 10 October 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 p 173
  81. EDPS: Robust Data Protection Safeguards Needed in Asset Recovery Proposal
    Published online 10 October 2022
  82. Commission’s 2022 Rule of Law Report
    Published online 10 October 2022 // Published in printed Issue 3/2022 pp 166 – 167
  83. Commission Welcomes Political Agreement on 2030 Digital Policy Programme
    Published online 10 October 2022
  84. Council Sanctions against Russia and Belarus
    Published online 11 August 2022
  85. AG Opinion on SIS II Alerts for No Longer Relevant Objects
    Published online 11 August 2022
  86. REPO Task Force: More than $30 Billion Russians' Assets Frozen
    Published online 11 August 2022
  87. The Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation
    Published online 11 August 2022
  88. EP Reviews Rule of Law Report 2021
    Published online 11 August 2022
  89. EP Calls for Quick Start to Treaty Revision - EU Leaders Hesitant
    Published online 11 August 2022
  90. Key Proposals from the Conference on the Future of Europe in the Area of Values, Rule of Law & Security
    Published online 11 August 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 84 – 85
  91. State of Schengen Report 2022
    Published online 28 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 88 – 89
  92. Third Schengen Forum
    Published online 27 July 2022
  93. EU's "Freeze and Seize" Task Force Tackles Oligarchs' Money
    Published online 27 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 76 – 77
  94. Controversial Proposal on Combating Child Sexual Abuse Online
    Published online 27 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 91 – 92
  95. Commission Proposes Directive on Asset Recovery and Confiscation
    Published online 27 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 76
  96. Commission: Violation of Restrictive Measures Should Become EU Crime
    Published online 27 July 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 pp 75 – 76
  97. MEPs Warn against Mass Surveillance through AI
    Published online 26 July 2022
  98. European Data Protectors Call for Additional Safeguards in Data Act
    Published online 26 July 2022
  99. CJEU: Consumer Protection Associations Can Bring Representative Actions under GDPR
    Published online 26 July 2022
  100. Survey on the Experience of SMEs with Cybercrime
    Published online 26 July 2022
  101. Common Anti-Trafficking Plan for Victims of Ukraine War
    Published online 26 July 2022
  102. EP: Protection of Women Fleeing Ukraine from Violence and Trafficking
    Published online 25 July 2022
  103. Commission’s Recommendation on Investor Schemes Following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
    Published online 21 June 2022
  104. CJEU Rules on Reintroduction of Internal Border Checks for Longer than Six Months
    Published online 21 June 2022
  105. Commissions Actions to Tackle SLAPPs
    Published online 21 June 2022 // Published in printed Issue 2/2022 p 119
  106. EP Resolution on the Fight against Racism
    Published online 26 April 2022
  107. Commission Proposes New Regulations to Improve Cybersecurity and Information Security of EU Administration
    Published online 26 April 2022
  108. AIDA Adopts Report on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age
    Published online 26 April 2022
  109. Three New Committees at EP
    Published online 26 April 2022
  110. 45 Civil Society Organisations Call for Prohibition of Predictive and Profiling AI Systems in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
    Published online 26 April 2022
  111. Assessment of EU Legislation in the Digital Field
    Published online 6 April 2022
  112. Council's Conclusions on Combating Racism and Antisemitism
    Published online 6 April 2022
  113. EP Resolution on EU’s 2021 Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy
    Published online 31 March 2022
  114. Proposal for Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
    Published online 31 March 2022
  115. Assessment of the Current State of Data Innovation
    Published online 25 February 2022
  116. Commission Proposes Declaration on European Digital Rights and Principles
    Published online 25 February 2022 // Published in printed Issue 1/2022 pp 10 – 11
  117. EP Adopted Position on Digital Services Act
    Published online 25 February 2022
  118. ECA Report on EU Support for the Rule of Law in the Western Balkans
    Published online 25 February 2022
  119. Updated Rules Reinforcing Governance of Schengen Area
    Published online 29 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 203
  120. Commission Proposal for Better Protection of the Environment by Means of Criminal Law
    Published online 29 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 219
  121. Initiative to Extend List of EU Crimes to Hate Speech and Hate Crime
    Published online 29 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 221
  122. 2021 Report on Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU
    Published online 29 January 2022
  123. ECA Report on Regularity of Spending in EU Cohesion Policy
    Published online 29 January 2022
  124. Civil Society Organisations Call for Prioritisation of Fundamental Rights in AIA
    Published online 29 January 2022
  125. Proposal for JIT Collaboration Platform
    Published online 29 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 p 205
  126. Proposal to Improve Digital Information Exchange in Terrorism Cases
    Published online 29 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 204 – 205
  127. Proposals to Modernise EU Cross-Border Judicial Cooperation via Digitalisation
    Published online 29 January 2022
  128. DAV Position Paper on Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act Proposal
    Published online 18 January 2022
  129. EP Increases Efforts to Counteract Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs)
    Published online 18 January 2022 // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 223 – 224
  130. Pandora Papers: Parliament Calling for Investigations and Improvement of EU Blacklist of Tax Havens
    Published online 18 January 2022
  131. Commission Initiative to Achieve the European Green Deal
    Published online 18 January 2022
  132. ECA Special Report on Performance-Based Financing in Cohesion Policy
    Published online 18 January 2022
  133. ECA Report on Results of EU Spending Programmes
    Published online 18 January 2022
  134. New Tripartite Agreement Allowing the ECA to have More Access to EIB Data
    Published online 18 January 2022
  135. European Council’s Conclusion on Digitalisation
    Published online 18 January 2022
  136. New Draft Law: Parliament Aims at Strengthening EU-Wide Requirements for Cybersecurity Attacks
    Published online 18 January 2022
  137. OSCE Makes Recommendations on Use of New Technologies for Border Management
    Published online 18 January 2022
  138. CJEU: Exclusion of Blind Juror from Participating in Criminal Proceedings not Justified
    Published online 18 January 2022
  139. Commission: 6th Evaluation of Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online
    Published online 17 November 2021
  140. CJEU Rules on Obligation to Carry a Valid Identity Card when Traveling to Another Member State
    Published online 17 November 2021
  141. AG: Reintroduction of Internal Border Checks for Longer than Six Months
    Published online 17 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 139 – 140
  142. EDPS Opinion on the Commission’s Proposed Regulation for a Stronger and More Resilient Schengen Area
    Published online 17 November 2021
  143. Study on Biometric Recognition and Behavioural Detection
    Published online 17 November 2021
  144. EP Resolution on AI in Criminal Law and Policing
    Published online 17 November 2021
  145. Commission’s 2021 Rule of Law Report
    Published online 12 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 pp 134 – 135
  146. 2021 EU Justice Scoreboard: Focus on Digitalisation of Justice
    Published online 12 November 2021 // Published in printed Issue 3/2021 p 138
  147. EDPS Annual Report 2020
    Published online 9 July 2021
  148. Commission Recommends Joint Cyber Unit
    Published online 9 July 2021
  149. Parliament Calls for Tighter EU Cybersecurity Standards for Connected Products and Associated Services
    Published online 9 July 2021
  150. Council Approves General Approach to Fundamental Rights Agency
    Published online 9 July 2021
  151. Parliament Adopts Resolution on Commission’s 2020 Rule of Law Report
    Published online 9 July 2021
  152. EDPB/EDPS Joint Opinion on Commission’s AI Proposal: Call for Ban of Biometric AI Surveillance
    Published online 8 July 2021
  153. EU Gets Cybersecurity Competence Centre
    Published online 28 June 2021
  154. Second Schengen Forum
    Published online 28 June 2021
  155. Commission Adopts Sets of Standard Contractual Clauses for Safe Data Transfers
    Published online 28 June 2021
  156. Commission Gives Guidance on Strengthening the Code of Practice on Disinformation
    Published online 28 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 78 – 79
  157. Launch of the European Drug Report 2021
    Published online 25 June 2021
  158. EDPS Launched Two Investigations Following the “Schrems II” Judgement
    Published online 25 June 2021
  159. Commission Strategy for a Stronger and More Resilient Schengen Area
    Published online 25 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 76
  160. Eurojust’s Report on Impact of COVID-19 on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
    Published online 5 June 2021
  161. Commission Seeks to Improve EU Law-Making Process
    Published online 5 June 2021
  162. Parliament Criticises Informal Agreements on Border Control, Fight against THB, and Return/Readmission of Irregular Migrants
    Published online 5 June 2021
  163. Commission Rejects UK Application to Join Lugano Convention
    Published online 5 June 2021
  164. CCBE: Position Papers
    Published online 1 June 2021
  165. Parliament Approves Interinstitutional Agreement on Mandatory Transparency Register for Lobbyists
    Published online 1 June 2021
  166. Commission to Strengthen EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings
    Published online 1 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 92
  167. Commission Presents 2021-2025 EU Strategy to Tackle Organised Crime
    Published online 1 June 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 pp 90 – 91
  168. Launch of the Digital Platform “Conference on the Future of Europe”
    Published online 13 May 2021
  169. EDPS Comments on Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act Proposal
    Published online 13 May 2021
  170. Commission Proposes Artificial Intelligence Act
    Published online 13 May 2021 // Published in printed Issue 2/2021 p 77