
News found: 2158 of 2158
ECA Presents 2017 Annual Report on EU Budget 
16 January 2019
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On 4 October 2018, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) informed the public of its 2017 Annual Report. It forms the basis for the statement of assurance, which the ECA is required to provide to the European Parliament and the Council under Art. 287 TFEU. Read more
EU Protection of Financial Interests
Germany: Legislative Draft for Implementation of PIF Directive Tabled 
16 January 2019
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On 11 October 2018, the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection tabled a ministerial draft for the implementation of the PIF Directive into German law. Read more
EU Protection of Financial Interests
Fundamental Rights Forum 2018 
16 January 2019
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From 25-27 September 2018, FRA hosted its annual Fundamental Rights Forum. The 3-day conference offered a wide range of topics and speakers. Over 600 participants attended. The representatives were from European and national human rights organisations, EU institutions and agencies, national authorities and parliaments, … Read more
EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
Unmanned Aircraft for Border Surveillance Tested 
16 January 2019
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At the end of September, Frontex started testing the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) to monitor the EU’s external borders. The RPAS carry surveillance equipment, including thermal cameras and radars. The system is being tested for several different operations:Sea surveillance;Support of … Read more
EU Frontex
2-Year Anniversary of New Border Agency 
16 January 2019
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At the beginning of October, Frontex marked its two-year anniversary as the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. Today, the Agency employs approx. 600 staff members at its headquarters in Warsaw. Furthermore, it deploys around 1500 officers as well as twenty-six ships, six airplanes, four … Read more
EU Frontex
ETIAS Fundamental Rights Guidance Board 
16 January 2019
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FRA is joining the Fundamental Rights Guidance Board of the newly established European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). The Board will review how the processing of ETIAS applications impacts fundamental rights.ETIAS is a central, electronic system by means of which visa-free travellers can … Read more
EU Schengen Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) Data Protection
ETIAS Central Unit at Frontex 
16 January 2019
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On 9 October 2018, the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) came into force, providing an electronic travel authorisation system for visitors from countries that are currently not part of the EU but have been granted visa-free access to the EU and Schengen member … Read more
EU Schengen Frontex
Cooperation Agreement on Border Management with Albania Signed 
16 January 2019
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On 5 October 2018, Frontex and Albania signed a cooperation agreement on border management to tackle irregular migration. Under the agreement, Frontex will coordinate operational cooperation between EU Member States and Albania on the management of the EU’s external borders. It will also carry out … Read more
EU Frontex
Statement of Principles for Collaboration with Europol 
16 January 2019
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On 5 October 2018, Frontex and Europol signed a Statement of Principles for Collaboration in order to foster their cooperation in the European area of freedom, security and justice, in particular by expanding the exchange of information between the two agencies. Read more
EU Europol Frontex
Consultative Forum 
16 January 2019
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On 19 October 2018, Eurojust hosted the 13th Consultative Forum of Prosecutors General and Directors of Public Prosecutions of the Member States of the EU. This year’s forum focused on strategies when using the European Investigation Order, developments in the area of e-evidence and regarding … Read more
EU Eurojust
European Judicial Counter-Terrorism Register 
16 January 2019
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On 5 November 2018, seven EU Member States (i.e. France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands) launched an initiative calling for the creation of a European judicial counter-terrorism register at Eurojust. The register shall provide more clarity, security, and speed to investigations after … Read more
EU Eurojust Terrorism
Cooperation Agreement with Albania Signed 
16 January 2019
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On 5 October 2018, Eurojust and Albania signed a cooperation agreement to enhance their operational and strategic judicial cooperation. Under the agreement, Albania will be able to access Eurojust’s information systems and to share personal data and evidence. Furthermore, Albania may appoint a Liaison Prosecutor … Read more
EU Eurojust
Cooperation with UK’s Cyber Defence Alliance Limited 
16 January 2019
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On 27 September 2018, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UK’s Cyber Defence Alliance Limited (CDA) to address cyber threats affecting the banking and financial sectors. Under the MoU, the parties shall organise joint activities, exchange expertise (e.g., … Read more
EU Europol
Cooperation with Global Lottery Monitoring System 
16 January 2019
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On 15 November 2018, Europol and the Global Lottery Monitoring System (GLMS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance the fight against sports competition manipulations and related organised crime. Under the MoU, the parties will be able to share information and jointly run activities … Read more
EU Europol
CJEU President Re-Elected 
16 January 2019
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On 9 October 2018, Koen Lenaerts was re-elected to serve as President of the Court of Justice of the European Union from 9 October 2018 to 6 October 2021. Mr. Lenaerts has been serving as President of the Court of Justice since October 2015. Prior … Read more
EU European Court of Justice (ECJ)
Presidents of the Chambers of Three Judges 
16 January 2019
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On 11 October 2018, five presidents were elected for the Chambers of Three Judges of the Court of Justice Chambers: Judges Thomas von Danwitz, Camelia Toader, François Biltgen, Küllike Jürimäe, and Constantinos Lycourgos. The presidents are elected for a three-year term. Before joining the Court … Read more
EU European Court of Justice (ECJ)