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Editorial Guest Editorial eucrim 4/2012

1 December 2012 // english

Dear Readers, I am very pleased to introduce this issue of eucrim, devoted to the fight against organised crime − a very complex criminal phenomenon covering a wide range of serious offences threatening the security and fundamental rights of EU citizens, the proper functioning of business and public institutions, and the solvency of the economy and financial markets. To tackle organised crime and bring criminals to justice, competent authorities of Member States and EU agencies need to work together, align their actions, and ensure complementarity. Eurojust’s core tasks, ensuring proper cooperation and coordination, contribute to these goals, resulting in swiftly... Read more

Editorial Guest Editorial for eucrim 1-2012

5 March 2012 // english

Dear Readers, In 2009, the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) − the Council of Europe’s body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the anti-corruption instruments of the organisation, including the Criminal and Civil Law Conventions on Corruption and three “soft law” instruments – celebrated its tenth anniversary. Three evaluation rounds have so far been completed. A fourth round is being launched in 2012, which will focus on corruption in the judiciary and in parliaments. Over the last decade, most of the 49 GRECO Member States have done much to improve their laws, institutions, and working methods to prevent and… Read more

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The Payment of Fiscal and Social Debts with Seized Money, that Has to Be Reimbursed, in Belgium

Where Treasury, Social Security, and Justice Meet

14 August 2011 (updated 5 years, 1 month ago) // english

By law of 27 March 2003, the Central Office for Seizure and Confiscation (COSC) was created in Belgium. The new institution, established within the Office of Public Prosecutors, assists the judicial authorities in criminal matters in the areas of seizure of assets, the implementation of criminal procedure with a view to the confiscation of assets, and the enforcement of final and conclusive sentences and orders involving confiscation of assets.1 One of the forms of assistance consists of the management of all cash, seized in criminal matters all over the country. By law of 20 July 2005, a new provision was... Read more

CrasSteven 2014 SW.jpg Steven Cras / Luca De Matteis

The Directive on Interpretation and Translation in Criminal Proceedings

Genesis and Description

1 November 2010 (updated 5 years, 8 months ago) // english

I. Introduction On 20 October 2010, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings.1 The Directive is the first legislative instrument in the field of criminal law that has been adopted under the rules of the Lisbon Treaty, and it is the first measure of the Council’s “Roadmap for strengthening procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings.”2 The adoption of the Directive provides interesting insight into the concrete application of the Lisbon Treaty, and it marks a significant step in the process of strengthening the procedural... Read more

Ester Herlin-Karnell Prof. Dr. Ester Herlin-Karnell

The Lisbon Treaty: A Critical Analysis of its Impact on EU Criminal Law

17 August 2010 // english

The Lisbon Treaty has opened up a new chapter in the history of European criminal law.
The purpose of this analysis is to guide the reader through the main changes in this area, as introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. Therefore, the present analysis is a follow-up to previous work by the author before entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty − thereby seeking to provide an account of the status of EU criminal law post-Lisbon Treaty. The paper has been structured into seven sections. Section one deals with a short introduction to the evolution of criminal law at the EU level. Section two outlines the framework of the criminal law in the Lisbon Treaty. Section three deals more specifically with the emergency brake and enhanced cooperation procedure as well as the possible establishment of a European Public Prosecutor. Thereafter, Section four looks more broadly at the Court of Justice’s jurisdiction in … Read more

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Asset Recovery in the UNCAC Convention: Possibilities and Limitations

14 August 2009 (updated 5 years, 1 month ago) // english

The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), adopted on 31st October 2003, entered into force on 14th December 2005. To date, 143 States have ratified the instrument. Most of the Member States of the European Union are State parties. UNCAC is the first international instrument that provides a comprehensive response towards tackling public and private corruption worldwide. The main purpose of the Convention is to combat important manifestations of corruption at the global level. Corruption affects all countries, but, in particular, presents a serious obstacle to economic and social development and undermines the work of the legal and administrative institutions... Read more