
News found: 2158 of 2158
EESC Opinion on Whistleblower Directive 
16 January 2019
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On 18 October 2018, the Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted an opinion on the Commission’s plans to strengthen the protection of whistleblowers at the EU level. The EESC mainly concludes that whistleblower protection is an important tool to help companies address unlawful and unethical acts. It calls on the Commission to review the legal basis for the planned directive. Read more
EU Victim Protection
ECA Issues Statement on Planned Whistleblower Directive 
16 January 2019
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The ECA examined the Commission proposal for a directive on the protection of whistleblowers. It generally welcomes the legislative initiative, but believes that the Directive could become too complex and possibly ineffective in some points. Read more
EU Victim Protection
EP Committee Vote on Whistleblower Directive 
16 January 2019
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On 20 November 2018, MEPs from the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) adopted their position on the Commission proposal for a directive on the protection of whistleblowers (COM(2018) 218 final). Read more
EU Victim Protection
EP Takes Position on Interoperability Legal Framework 
16 January 2019
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On 24 October 2018, the plenary of the European Parliament backed the position of the LIBE Committee regarding legislative proposals on the interoperability between EU information systems in the area of justice and home affairs. EP negotiators have now green light to enter into informal talks with the Council and the Commission. Read more
EU Data Protection
CJEU: EU Directive Does Not Cover Procedure For Reviewing the Lawfulness of Pre-Trial Detention 
16 January 2019
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On 19 September 2018, the CJEU rendered a judgment on the interpretation of Directive (EU) 2016/343 on the presumption of innocence and Arts. 47 and 48 CFR (Case C-310/18 PPU – Emil Milev). Read more
EU Procedural Safeguards
EU Cybersecurity Organisations Agree on Roadmap 
16 January 2019
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On 6 November 2018, Europol, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), the European Defence Agency (EDA), and the Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU Institutions agreed on a roadmap outlining activities and projects for their cooperation in 2019 in order … Read more
EU Cybercrime
2018 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment Published 
16 January 2019
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Europol published its fifth Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA), which gives a comprehensive overview of current and future threats and identifies trends in crime conducted and/or facilitated online.The 2018 IOCTA looks at the threats and trends with regard to four crime priorities: … Read more
EU Europol Cybercrime
Annual Report on Counterfeit Seized Goods – 2017 Results 
16 January 2019
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On 27 September 2018, the Commission presented its annual report on EU customs enforcement of intellectual property rights in 2017. The report contains statistical information about the detentions made under customs procedures and includes data on the description, quantities, and values of the goods; their provenance; the means of transport; and the type of intellectual property right (IPR) that may have been infringed. Read more
EU Counterfeiting & Piracy
Statistics on Card Fraud in 2016 
16 January 2019
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On 26 September 2018, the ECB presented figures on card fraud in 2016. It is the fifth report of this kind. Read more
EU Non-Cash Means of Payment
Commission Takes Action Against Italy and the UK for Illegal VAT Practices 
16 January 2019
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As a follow up to the Paradise Paper leaks, the Commission launched infringement proceedings against Italy and the United Kingdom on 8 November 2018. The proceedings concern VAT practices in the yacht and aircraft sectors that are not considered in line with EU rules. Read more
EU Tax Evasion
Council Adopts Directive Allowing Generalised Temporary Reversal of VAT Liability 
16 January 2019
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On 20 December 2018, the Council adopted a Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax. It concerns the temporary application of a generalised reverse charge mechanism in relation to supplies of goods and services above a certain threshold. Read more
EU Protection of Financial Interests Tax Evasion
Commission Urges Maltese Watchdog to Comply with EU’s AML Rules 
16 January 2019
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On 8 November 2018, the Commission sent a formal opinion to the Maltese anti-money laundering supervisor (Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit − FIAU), in which it calls for compliance with the obligations under the 4th Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive. Read more
EU Money Laundering
Further Infringement Proceedings for Non-Transposition of 4th AML Directive 
16 January 2019
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The Commission is going ahead with infringement proceedings against Member States for not completely implementing the 4th Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive Read more
EU Money Laundering
New Regulation on Cash Controls 
16 January 2019
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On 12 November 2018, Regulation (EU) 2018/1672 was published in the Official Journal of the EU (O.J. L 284/6). The Regulation introduces new rules for controls on cash entering or leaving the Union. It repeals Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005, which laid down the existing harmonized rules for the control of cash flow at the EU’s external borders and which has applied since 15 June 2007. Read more
EU Money Laundering