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Lassalle-Maxime_sw Dr. Maxime Lassalle

La révision de la quatrième directive anti-blanchiment à la lumière

9 December 2016 (updated 5 years, 7 months ago) // french

The Commission’s proposal for a directive amending the fourth AML directive raises numerous issues concerning respect of the rights to privacy and to protection of personal data. The main challenges are related to the creation of central and public registries of beneficial ownership information and to the extension of the powers of the financial intelligence units concerning access to financial data. The latter is of utmost concern, as this new power of access to personal data is not balanced with explicit legal guarantees. Financial data, however, are private data deserving adequate protection.

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Editorial Guest Editorial eucrim 4/2016

1 December 2016 (updated 5 years, 7 months ago) // english

Dear Readers, Money laundering and other forms of illicit financial crime damage the integrity and stability of the social and economic system. Moreover, this phenomenon represents a scourge afflicting the trust of citizens in the market, both nationally and on the single market level. Especially since the nineties of the last century, when money launderers began to take advantage of the freedom of capital movements, money laundering and terrorism financing became significant problems. These forms of crime are therefore permanently on the political agenda in the EU and internationally, and remain a permanent challenge for national regulators, the European Union,... Read more

Met-Domestici_online.jpg Alexandre Met-Domestici PhD

The Fight against Money Laundering in the EU

The Framework Set by the Fourth Directive and Its Proposed Enhancements

1 December 2016 (updated 5 years, 7 months ago) // english

I. Introduction The recent terrorist attacks that struck France and Germany in the past year unfortunately demonstrated that the EU is far from being immune to the worst criminal threats. As a response, the Union adopted the European Agenda on Security1 and an Action Plan to strengthen the fight against terrorist financing.2 In the former, the Commission stressed the need for a new directive on combatting terrorism, while also adopting another Action Plan against the trafficking of firearms and controlling the use of explosives. The latter is part of a comprehensive approach aimed at fighting money laundering and terrorist financing.... Read more

Jean-Baptiste Maillart / Vogel_Benjamin_Hath_MPI_2018 (002) Dr. Benjamin Vogel

Recent Developments in EU Anti-Money Laundering

Some Critical Observations

1 December 2016 (updated 2 years, 4 months ago) // english

Since the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in 1988,1 many efforts have been made to strengthen the anti-money laundering (AML) regime at the international level and also within the European Union, where several directives to this effect have been adopted since 1991.2 The fourth and latest EU Directive 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorism financing (4AMLD) was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in May 2015 in order to reinforce the efficacy of the European… Read more

Salazar70bearb_grau.jpg Lorenzo Salazar

The Ventotene Manifesto and the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

1 October 2016 (updated 5 years, 7 months ago) // english

Altiero Spinelli (1907-1986) was an Italian politician, political opponent of the fascist regime in Italy and, for this reason, once interned on the island of Ventotene during World War II. On the small southern Italian island in the Gulf of Gaeta, together with Ernesto Rossi and Eugenio Colorni, he wrote the “Manifesto” – entitled “Per un’Europa libera e unita” (For a Free and United Europe) − calling for the establishment of a European federation as a reaction to the destructive excesses of nationalism, which had led to the Second World War. The Manifesto of June 1941 ideologically underpins the idea... Read more

Angelo Marletta

Interinstitutional Relationship of European Bodies in the Fight against Crimes Affecting the EU’s Financial Interests

Past Experience and Future Models

8 September 2016 // english

I. Protecting the EU’s Financial Interests: A Shared Responsibility in a Complex Enforcement Environment The protection of the EU’s financial interests (PIF) implies a shared responsibility on the part of both the Union and the Member States. In this respect, Art. 325 para. 1 TFEU recalls the multiple levels of cooperation required to counter and combat fraud and other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union. We can identify at least three levels or dimensions of cooperation in the PIF domain: The horizontal cooperation between the EU actors holding specific PIF responsibilities; The horizontal cooperation between the competent... Read more