Working Arrangement between EPPO and EIB Group
On 7 December 2021, the EPPO signed a working arrangement with the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund. The Arrangement lays down the rules on cooperation between the EPPO and the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group. Cooperation will mainly consist of the exchange of information (including personal data) and other cooperative activities, e.g. exchange of strategic information, trainings and staff exchanges. Cooperation will relate to the relevant areas of crime within the mandate of the EPPO, in particular criminal offences affecting the EU’s financial interests as provided for in the PIF Directive. The provisions of the Arrangement regulate, inter alia, the following in detail:
- The EIB Group’s obligation to report suspicious criminal conduct to the EPPO;
- EPPO’s access to information stored in the EIB Group’s databases;
- Information relating to the exercise of competence by the EPPO;
- Precautionary measures to be taken by the EIB Group;
- Support to be provided by the EIB Group in individual cases;
- Data protection rules;
- Waiver of immunity and inviolability of premises, buildings, and archives of the EIB Group.
The Working Arrangement entered into force on 8 December 2021.