Proposal to Improve Digital Information Exchange in Terrorism Cases
29 January 2022 (updated 2 years, 7 months ago) // Published in printed Issue 4/2021 pp 204 – 205
Pingen Kopie Dr. Anna Pingen

On 1 December 2021, the European Commission launched a new initiative to digitalise EU justice systems and to improve digital information exchange in terrorism cases. The main goal of this proposal is to render the exchange of information between the competent national authorities, Eurojust, and the European Judicial Terrorism Register more efficient.

The proposal aims to establish secure digital communication channels between Member States’ competent national authorities and Eurojust in order to ensure the swift and secure exchange of information. The regulation will also enable Eurojust to crosscheck information effectively by identifying links between prior and ongoing cross-border terrorism cases and other types of serious cross-border crime. The identification of such links will enable Member States to better coordinate their investigation measures and judicial responses.

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EU Legislation Eurojust Terrorism
