Launch of New Expert Group to Fight Drugs Trafficking
18 December 2023 (updated 9 months, 4 weeks ago) // Published in printed Issue 4/2023
2018-Max_Planck_Herr_Wahl_1355_black white_Zuschnitt.jpg Thomas Wahl

On 24 November 2023, as part of the European ports alliance, the European Commission launched a new strategic project group to strengthen the role of EU Customs in the fight against drug trafficking. The group consisting of customs experts will meet regularly and be tasked with the following:

  • Mapping the situation on the ground;
  • Analysing relevant information;
  • Working towards a common understanding and coordinated approach;
  • Drawing up a threat and risk assessment;
  • Setting out common and efficient actions;
  • Sharing best practices.

The Commission plans further initiatives in order to improve the mobilisation of EU Customs in ports against drugs trafficking. These initiatives include:

  • Setting up a new expert team under the EU Customs Programme, which will further co-ordinate operations and more targeted controls on the ground as of mid-2024.
  • Funding state-of-the-art equipment for scans of containers and other means of transport under the Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI) programme in order to increase the effectiveness of customs risk management and controls related to illicit drugs and drug precursors;
  • Implementing the approach of scheduling drug precursors, and possibly reviewing the Drug Precursors regulations.

Moreover, the Commission will strive for establishing new public-private partnerships to support port authorities and private shipping companies in their role in the fight against drug trafficking and criminal infiltration. 

News Guide

EU Organised Crime Customs Cooperation


2018-Max_Planck_Herr_Wahl_1355_black white_Zuschnitt.jpg
Thomas Wahl

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (MPI CSL)

Public Law Department

Senior Researcher