EP Resolution on Rule of Law and Media Freedom in Greece
7 March 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
Pingen Kopie Dr. Anna Pingen

In a resolution adopted on 7 February 2024, the European Parliament (EP) voiced profound concerns over the decline in the rule of law and democratic norms in Greece, in particular as regards corruption, media freedom, and judicial independence.

Looking at corruption issues, the resolution refers to scandals involving the distribution of state funds to media outlets and the misuse of spyware by government authorities. MEPs call for more rigorous monitoring and scrutiny of the utilisation of surveillance technologies, e.g., Predator spyware, with a particular focus on their deployment against journalists and political figures.

Regarding the state of the media environment in the country, the text particularly emphasises the perils that journalists face: physical intimidation, legal persecution, and the illicit use of surveillance software. It comes as no surprise that Greece is ranked low in the World Press Freedom Index.

In terms of the independence and oversight of the judicial system, MEPs share grave concerns over the lack of impartiality within the Greek judiciary and the lack of independence of oversight bodies. Attention is also drawn to instances of political influence and intimidation of officials tasked with investigating government actions.

Furthermore, concerns are expressed as regards the treatment of minorities, migrants, and civil society organisations. MEPs call for enhanced protection of human rights and an end to onerous measures against non-governmental organisations.

The resolution has urged the Greek government and the EU to take decisive steps to address the issues raised. The Commission is called on to make full use of the tools available to address the breaches of EU values in Greece. This should include an assessment on the use of EU funds under the Common Provisions Regulation in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights on the one hand, and an analysis of potential financial measures under the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation on the other hand (for these tools in general → article by I. Jaskolska, eucrim 4/2023, 337-339).

It is not the first time that the EP has raised concerns over the deterioration of EU values in Greece. After a fact-finding visit to Greece in March 2023, a delegation of MEPs found very serious threats to the rule of law and fundamental rights with checks and balances under heavy pressure.

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EU Rule of Law European Parliament
