Council Conclusions on Proctection of Victims of Terrorism
20 October 2018
2018-Max_Planck_Herr_Wahl_1355_black white_Zuschnitt.jpg Thomas Wahl

On 5 June 2018, the JHA Council adopted conclusions on victims of terrorism. They mainly call for effective cooperation between the authorities and entities responsible for the protection of victims of terrorism in order to facilitate the rapid exchange of information and assistance in the event of a terrorist attack.

Member States are called on to take the following measures:

  • Effectively transpose and apply the provisions on victim protection in Directive 2017/541/EU on combating terrorism as well as the general Vicitms Protection Directive 2012/29/EU;
  • Nominate a national contact point responsible for providing information on available support, assistance, protection, and compensation system for victims;
  • Make better use of existing EU networks on victim rights, police cooperation and crisis management;
  • Exchange good practices regarding assistance and support to victims of terrorism;

The Commission is requested to do the following:

  • Support the setting up of a Coordination Centre for victims of terrorism; this centre should be designed as a hub gathering the necessary expertise on all matters related to victims of terrorism and assist Member States by providing for a guide to best practices on how to act in the event of a terrorist attack and on how to prepare for the possibility of a terrorist attack;
  • Support Member States in exchanging experiences and best practices and promote specific training activities.

The conclusions do not establish new rights or create new structures, but try to give assistance to victims in order to enable them to exercise their rights more effectively.