Commission Launched Preparations for Financial Framework 2028+
On 12 February 2025, the European Commission presented a Communication which directs the road to the next multiannual financial framework (MFF). The next MFF will start in 2028 and will cover at least five years. The Communication outlines some of the key policy and budgetary challenges for the next MFF. It is designed to be the basis for a broad dialogue to prepare the respective budget proposal. Therefore, the Commission launched in parallel a portal via which European citizens can share their views to help define the future EU budget as well as a "European Citizens' Panel", in which 150 randomly selected European citizens will work together with the Commission to formulate concrete recommendations on "a new European budget fit for our ambition".
Given the scale of challenges ahead, such as remaining barriers within the single market, rising security threats, and persistent difficulties with regard to Europe's sustainability, the Commission calls for an ambitious budget, both in size and design. The Commission describes five strands that should guide "Europe's choice" for the next MFF:
- A more focused EU budget;
- A simpler EU budget;
- An EU budget with greater impact;
- A more flexible EU budget;
- A budget that delivers on EU priorities.
Looking at the financing of the next EU budget, the Commission calls for modernising the revenue side and advocates the introduction of new own resources. The status quo - with stable national contributions - is no option. The Commission calls on the Council to resume work on the issue of new own resources as a matter of urgency, in line with the Interinstitutional Agreement from 2020 and the Budapest Declaration on the New European Competitiveness Deal. Further ideas of the Commission for the MFF 2028+ include the following:
- Agreeing on a new approach for a modern EU budget with a plan for each country with key reforms and investments, designed and implemented in partnership with national, regional, and local authorities;
- Establishing a European Competitiveness Fund to support strategic sectors and critical technologies;
- Revamping external action financing which must become more impactful, targeted and aligned with strategic interests;
- Providing additional safeguards for the protection of the rule of law.
Next steps: After consultation with the European citizens and a Tour d'Europe by Commissioner for Budget Piotr Seraffin, the Commission plans to present a formal proposal for the next MFF in July 2025. A timely agreement before its implementation in January 2028 is envisaged. The MFF must be adopted by unanimity by the 27 EU Member States in the Council, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.