
News found: 2120 of 2120
EDPS Comments on Terrorist Content Online Regulation 
17 June 2019
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On 12 February 2019, the European Data Supervisor (EDPS) tabled “formal comments” on the Commission proposal for a regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (see eucrim 2/2018, 97-98 and the article by G. Robinson, eucrim 4/2018, p. 234).The … Read more
EU Racism and Xenophobia
EESC Opinion on Terrorist Content Online Regulation 
17 June 2019
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In an opinion published in the Official Journal C 110/67 of 22 March 2019, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) largely welcomed the initiative for a regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (see eucrim 2/2018, 97-98 and the article by G. … Read more
EU Racism and Xenophobia
EP Adopts Position on Proposed Regulation of Terrorist Content Online 
17 June 2019
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The Commission proposal for a Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online of September 2018 (see eucrim 2/2018, 97-98 and the article by G. Robinson, eucrim 4/2018, p. 234) underwent scrutiny by the Union legislators, i.e., the Council and the European … Read more
EU Racism and Xenophobia
ENISA Report on Cyberthreat Landscape 
17 June 2019 (updated 3 years, 6 months ago)
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The cyberthreat landscape changed significantly in 2018; the risk of becoming the victim of a cyberattack remains high. This is one of the main conclusions of the 2018 Threat Landscape Report by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA). The report … Read more
EU Cybercrime
ECA Dissatisfied with EU’s Cybersecurity Performance 
17 June 2019
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Multiple challenges exist to strengthen EU’s cybersecurity and its digital autonomy, and the EU needs to do more. This is the main outcome of a briefing paper by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) that was published on 19 March 2019. The briefing paper provides … Read more
EU Cybercrime
New Directive Criminalises Fraud and Counterfeiting of Non-Cash Means of Payment 
17 June 2019
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The European Parliament and the Council established new rules on combating fraud and the counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment. Directive 2019/713 was published in Official Journal L 123/18 of 10 May 2019. The Directive goes back to a Commission proposal of September 2017 (see … Read more
EU Non-Cash Means of Payment
Strengthening European Supervision on Anti-Money Laundering – EP and Council Agree 
17 June 2019
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In March 2019, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the reform of European rules that aim to strengthen the mandates, governance, and financing of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs)by giving them. The reform will give the ESAsgreater responsibility for ensuring … Read more
EU Money Laundering
Directive on Better Law Enforcement Access to Financial Information on Way 
17 June 2019
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The Council and European Parliament went ahead with the Commission’s proposal for a directive laying down rules facilitating the use of financial and other information for the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of certain criminal offences and repealing Council Decision 2000/642/JHA (COM(2018) 213, eucrim 1/2018, … Read more
EU Money Laundering
EDPS Opinion Combating VAT Fraud Related to E-Commerce 
17 June 2019
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On 14 March 2019, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued an opinionon a legislative initiative that aims at curbing VAT fraud in the area of e-commerce. The initiative was tabled by the Commission in December 2018 and consists of two proposals, one for … Read more
EU Protection of Financial Interests Tax Evasion
Investment Fund Misuse in Romania 
17 June 2019
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On 9 April 2019, OLAF reported on a successful operation led by the Romanian National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA). With OLAF’s support, investigators revealed a kickback scheme being used by an organised criminal group that involved corruption, influence peddling, and money laundering. Losses in EU investment … Read more
EU European Court of Human Rights OLAF
2019 EU Justice Scoreboard: Downward Trend for Judicial Independence 
17 June 2019 (updated 4 years, 10 months ago)
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On 26 April 2019, the Commission published the 2019 EU Justice Scoreboard. The Scoreboard presents an annual comparative overview of indicators relevant for the independence, quality, and efficiency of justice (for the Justice Scoreboards of previous years, see eucrim 2/2018, 80-81, and eucrim … Read more
EU Legislation
Updated Rules on European Citizens’ Initiatives 
17 June 2019
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At the end of March 2019, the Council and the European Parliament passed a Regulation that reforms the European citizens’ initiative. The European citizens’ initiative is a democratic participation tool by which citizens may influence EU policy. If the Commission has the power to … Read more
EU Legislation
EP-Studies on Algorithmic Decision-Making 
17 June 2019
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The European Parliamentary Research Service published two studies dealing with algorithms used in systems to support decision-making. The studies were designed to provide a basis for future debates in the European Parliament on the issue of algorithmic decision-making systems.The first study, “Understanding algorithmic decision-making: … Read more
EU Security Union
Commission Takes Stock of Security Union Progress 
17 June 2019
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On 20 March 2019, the European Commission presented its 18th“progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union.” Within the framework of this series (see also eucrim 3/2016, 123), this report especially takes stock of the progress made on the main building blocks of the … Read more
EU Security Union
CCBE: Recommendations on Protection of Fundamental Rights in “National Security” Context 
17 June 2019
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The concept of “national security” is often used in modern democratic societies to justify intrusive surveillance measures or other interference in an individual’s fundamental rights. A universally accepted definition of national security is lacking, however, which makes it difficult for courts to review state actions … Read more
EU Fundamental Rights