Issue 2/2015

Focus: Judicial Cooperation Dossier particulier: Coopération judiciaire Schwerpunktthema: Gerichtliche Zusammenarbeit


Guest Editorial
Carlo Chiaromonte
Transnational Evidence: Towards the Transposition of the Directive 2014/41
Regarding the European Investigation Order in Criminal Matters
Prof. Dr. Lorena Bachmaier
Is the EU Ready for Automatic Mutual Recognition … in the Fight Against Crime?
Jean Albert and Dr. Jean-Baptiste Merlin
Information Sharing between OLAF and National Judicial Authorities: The Advantages of a Supra National
Structure and the Legislative Limitations Specific to a European Hybrid Body
Dr. Romana Panait
Der Rahmenbeschluss zu Abwesenheitsentscheidungen – Brüsseler EU-Justizkooperation
als Fall für Straßburg?
Thomas Wahl