What Can the EJN or Eurojust Do for You?
7 May 2024 // Preprint Issue 1/2024
Riehle_Cornelia_Neu_SW.jpg Cornelia Riehle LL.M.

In April 2024, the EJN and Eurojust published an updated version of a joint paper informing judicial practitioners in the EU Member States of the services and assistance in international cooperation in criminal matters that both bodies provide. The paper explains the role, tasks, and mandate of the EJN and Eurojust and sets out the situations in which either of the two should be consulted.

Eurojust is the main addressee for practitioners seeking support with:

  • Coordination of investigations and prosecutions;
  • Organisation of coordination meetings and coordination centres;
  • Prevention or resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction;
  • Facilitation and support of Joint Investigation Teams;
  • Coordination and facilitation of requests for judicial cooperation to and from third States;
  • Facilitation of judicial cooperation in complex matters, urgent cases, or in situations in which other cooperation channels are not feasible.

The EJN, through its Contact Points, is the best source to facilitate the quick and informal exchange of information between judicial authorities. Furthermore, it facilitates judicial cooperation between practitioners seeking information on how to:

  • Receive assistance from another Member State;
  • Identify the competent executing authority abroad;
  • Obtain more detailed information on the legal and procedural requirements laid down by the law of a requested Member State;
  • Electronically create a request for judicial cooperation;
  • Obtain legal and practical information on EU legal instruments in criminal matters.

Both bodies are in close contact with one another, however, and readily ensure that each request is dealt with in an efficient and effective manner.

News Guide

EU Eurojust European Judicial Network (EJN)


Cornelia Riehle LL.M.

Academy of European Law (ERA)

Criminal Law

Deputy Head of Section