Protocol 16 to ECHR Enters into Force
6 June 2018 (updated 6 years, 9 months ago)
andras_csuri_1fc5ccbce0.jpg Dr. András Csúri

On 12 April 2018, France ratified Protocol 16 to the Convention on Human Rights as the tenth state and thereby triggered its entry into force from 1 August 2018. It will then apply to Albania, Armenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Lithuania, San Marino, Slovenia, and Ukraine. Protocol 16 enables higher national courts to transmit to the ECtHR requests for an advisory opinion on questions of principle regarding the interpretation or application of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the ECHR. The Protocol applies to cases pending before the national courts. The advisory opinions of the ECtHR are reasoned and non-binding.

News Guide

Council of Europe Fundamental Rights


Dr. András Csúri

Vienna University of Economics and Business