Council Conclusions Eurojust
At its meeting on 7-8 October 2019, the JHA Council adopted Conclusions on Eurojust, underlining the unique and vital role of Eurojust in the coordination of serious cross-border investigations and prosecution between national investigating and prosecuting authorities.
The Conclusions put emphasis on Eurojust’s role and capabilities with regard to digital criminal justice. Key measures in this regard are:
- A strong and modern IT infrastructure and Case Management System (CMS) on the part of Eurojust;
- Access to the e-Evidence Digital Exchange System built by the Commission and operated by Member States.
When looking at other EU agencies, the Council sees Eurojust and Europol as complementary to each other and urges them to continue their efforts to work together closely. Looking at the EPPO, the Council has asked that the EPPO and Eurojust establish and maintain a close relationship and set up a working agreement as soon as possible. Lastly, cooperation between Eurojust and other EU bodies, offices, and agencies, such as OLAF and Frontex, should be continued.
Regarding Eurojust’s cooperation with third states, the Council is satisfied with Eurojust’s efforts to conclude cooperation agreements with the countries of the Western Balkans. It also encourages the agency to examine the conclusion of cooperation agreements with other third countries.
Looking at the newly created Judicial Counter-Terrorism Register at Eurojust, the Council reminds Member States of their obligation to transmit relevant information to the register.
The entering into force of the new Eurojust regulation as of 12 December 2019 should allow Eurojust to deal more efficiently with the increasing demands of the national authorities, to draft its new rules of procedure, and to implement changes allowing the agency to better concentrate on its operational work. In view of the above, the Council also feels that Eurojust should be provided with adequate financial and human resources.