Adapting to New Challenges: Organisational Changes within the EDPS
25 September 2023
Riehle_Cornelia_Neu_SW.jpg Cornelia Riehle LL.M.

On 10 July 2023, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) announced several organisational changes, with the aim of ensuring structural efficiency in the protection of personal data and privacy in a fast-changing environment. To achieve this, the EDPS has created the new position of Secretary-General. The Secretary-General heads the EDPS Secretariat, oversees the EDPS’ activities, and provides strategic advice to the EDPS. The first Secretary-General appointed by the EDPS is Mr Leonardo Cervera Navas. Mr Cervera Navas has more than 24 years of work experience in the field of data protection within EU institutions, having last held the position of EDPS Director.

In addition, the EDPS has created specific sectors to monitor the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; to address complaints made by individuals and launch timely investigations into the way personal data is processed by EU institutions and bodies (EUIs); and to deliver comprehensive advice to EUIs on data protection matters. Furthermore, the Technology and Privacy Unit has been redefined with the establishment of new sectors to ensure that technologies embed the principles of privacy and data protection: a specialised sector to ensure thorough oversight and auditing of IT systems; a sector to anticipate new technologies and their impact on privacy and data protection; and a sector to develop the independent digital transformation of the institution. Lastly, a task force on the use of artificial intelligence has been set up to ensure that this technology is used in full respect of data protection law.

News Guide

EU European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)


Cornelia Riehle LL.M.

Academy of European Law (ERA)

Criminal Law

Deputy Head of Section