Action Days Against Online Terrorist Propaganda
6 June 2018 (updated 6 years, 7 months ago)
Riehle_Cornelia_Neu_SW.jpg Cornelia Riehle LL.M.

On 14 and 15 March 2018, two Referral Action Days took place with the aim of identifying and flagging online terrorist propaganda on, a blogging service, and VideoPress, a video-hosting service for WordPress sites. During the two days, more than 900 instances were reported to the platform moderators for further review and possible removal.

The action days were conducted by Europol’s European Union Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU), together with the national referral units of Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom.

News Guide

EU Europol Cybercrime


Cornelia Riehle LL.M.

Academy of European Law (ERA)

Criminal Law

Deputy Head of Section