Issue 3/2009

Focus: Evidence Gathering and Joint Investigation Teams Dossier particulier: La collecte de preuves et les équipes communes d‘enquête Schwerpunktthema: Beweissammlung und Gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppen


Eurojust and Its Role in Joint Investigation Teams
José Luís Lopes da Mota
The Collection of Evidence by OLAF and Its Transmission to the National Judicial Authorities
Dr. Joaquín González-Herrero González / Maria Madalina Butincu
The Difficulties of Joint Investigation Teams and the Possible Role of OLAF
Stefan de Moor
Gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppen – Herausforderungen und Lösungen
Dr. Ralf Riegel
Transnational Gathering of Evidence in Criminal Cases in the EU de lege lata and de lege ferenda
Dr. Arkadiusz Lach
The Global Economic Crisis – Protecting Financial Interests in the European Union
Dr. Wolfgang Hetzer