
23 to 24 May 2022 Trier, Germany

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office One Year On: Challenges Ahead

Published 2 years, 5 months ago


On 1 June 2021, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) became operational. Since then, cooperation with the EPPO is becoming part of the legal practice of prosecutors, (investigating) judges and defence lawyers from all over the EU.

This conference, co-financed by the European Commission under its Justice Programme (2014-2020), seizes the opportunity of the EPPO’s first anniversary to present the initial experiences made by and with the Office and to look at its current challenges and prospects.

The conference will serve as a platform of exchange among legal practitioners involved in EPPO proceedings to foster further cooperation with the Office. Participants will be provided with an update on the current challenges faced by the EPPO, they will receive feedback on the EPPO’s operational activities, and will have the opportunity to discuss the prospects for protecting the financial interests of the European Union with representatives from the EPPO.

Key topics:
  • Operations of the EPPO
  • Current challenges for the European Prosecutors
  • Cooperation with (non-) participating Member States and third States
  • Legal practice and procedural issues of the defence
  • Challenging procedural acts of the EPPO
  • Prospects for the EPPO
Who should attend?

The conference is only open for public prosecutors, judges and lawyers in private practice from the EU Member States. The number of places available is limited (80 places). Participation will be subject to a selection procedure and applications must be submitted by 16 March 2022. For more information, see the event webpage.