
09 November 2021 Online

The Digital Markets Act – An Opportunity for Europe?

Published 2 years, 10 months ago

With the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the European Commission is creating a wholly new regulatory regime – outside of competition law – to impose obligations on platforms that occupy a special position in the digital market (gatekeepers). The proposal aims at preventing gatekeepers from imposing unfair conditions on their customers (entrepreneurs and consumers). While the European Parliament and the Council are currently discussing the DMA, we want to cordially invite you to debate the merits of the proposal with us.

The Commission decided to draft the DMA as a sector-specific regulation that imposes ex ante behavioural obligations on gatekeepers. The panel discussion focuses on the opportunities and risks associated with this brand new world of the platform economy. One core question is whether the decision to adopt a new regulatory regime outside of the realm of competition law, is appropriate, necessary and proportionate. Another question is whether the broad norm-setting powers ensure a future-proof regulation or on the contrary represent a deficit of democratic legitimacy. A particular point for debate is whether national competition authorities should maintain their own competencies besides the Commission. Questions regarding the quantitative and qualitative assessment of who would qualify as a gatekeeper in the first place will also be debated during the virtual conference.

You can look forward to future-orientated short presentations and an open-minded discussion by top-class speakers on the legal and practical effects of the DMA.