
27 to 28 April 2023 Trier, Germany

Sanctions in the EU’s External Relations

Published 2 years ago


Sanctions (restrictive measures) are one of the EU's tools to promote the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The Council imposes EU restrictive measures (such as the freezing of funds and travel bans) through a CFSP Council decision adopted by unanimity, which is notified to the persons and entities targeted by it.

These include governments of non-EU countries, entities (companies), organisations such as terrorist groups and individuals. The measures can then be challenged before the General Court of the European Union.

This hybrid seminar will provide participants with detailed knowledge on legal aspects of restrictive measures applied by the European Union, including the recent jurisprudence of the CJEU. The EU guidelines on the implementation and evaluation of restrictive measures, as well as best practice in implementation, will be analysed within the wider international context of sanctions imposed by other governments and entities, including the UK and USA. Details about the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime will be presented, as well as the latest measures regarding sanctions against Russian entities.

Key topics
  • EU restrictive measures within the wider geo-political setting, including the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime
  • EU guidelines on restrictive measures and best practice regarding their implementation
  • Practical implications and challenges of EU restrictive measures
  • Recent case law of the EU courts on sanctions
  • Judicial review of restrictive measures
  • Procedural aspects of sanctions cases before the Courts of the European Union
Who should attend?

European and national civil servants working in the area of EU restrictive measures, lawyers dealing with sanctions cases, compliance officers.

Details on the program, fees and registration can be found on the seminar website.