
27 to 28 May 2021

Rule of Law Challenges to Mutual Trust and Judicial Cooperation under the European Arrest Warrant Mechanism


Published 3 years, 4 months ago


The training is offered within the European Commission’s funded project TRIIAL - TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of judges and arbitrators safeguarding the rule of Law under the EU Charter (Horizon 2020, project no. 853832, JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2018). The TRIIAL Project provides training activities and tools for judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and arbitrators on the European rule of law, mutual trust, judicial independence, impartiality and accountability.

Provisional agenda

The training will consist of two afternoon sessions (2.30 pm – 5.30 pm, CET), on 27 and 28 May. It will host a combination of short lectures, followed by Q&A/debate sessions, and a group-exercise on a hypothetical case.

The following topics will be addressed by guest speakers:

  • The evolution of the Court of Justice’s case law
  • The implementation of the Court of Justice’s case law at the national level
  • The role of the ECHR and the Strasbourg Court
  • End of mutual trust? Judicial cooperation with the UK and Northern Ireland after Brexit

The group-exercise will focus on application of the LM test before national courts, with special attention on the burden of proof and the instruments of horizontal and vertical cooperation available. In order to promote active engagement, participants will be divided in small-groups, hosted in different online rooms, and will discuss the proposed case together with facilitators from the TRIIAL project team.


You will learn through:

  • a 2-half day online workshop, including lectures and discussion sessions on the most relevant European and national case law, and small group works on case studies;
  • preparatory materials distributed to registered participants in advance of the training. Notably, you will be provided access to the TRIIAL online training platform, which includes a background module on the European rule of law and the mechanisms for its enforcement, a dedicated module on the rule of law challenges to judicial cooperation under the EAW mechanism, and a data-base gathering a selection of the most relevant European and national case law (each decision is elaborated into case sheet in English).