
12 May 2022 Berlin, Germany

Pre-trial Detention and its Alternatives

Published 2 years, 4 months ago

The European Union funded Project "PRE-TRIAD - Alternative PRE-TRIAL Detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards" will hold an international conference in order to share and discuss the central findings of the study and raise awareness for problems and potentials regarding the use of pre-trial detention and its alternative measures in the EU. Special attention will be payed to the discussion of the practical meaning of the EU Framework Decision 2009/829, the European Supervision Order (ESO).

The conference will convene project participants as well as experts from diverse professional fields of relevance, such as judges, prosecutors, magistrates, criminal defense lawyers, persons working in correctional systems, and academics.

Key topics:

  • State of the art (f.e.: procedure, length, foreign inmates);
  • The (non) use of alternatives;
  • The role of the European Supervision Order (Framework Decision 829).

The conference will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation into German. The conference will take place in a hybrid format.