
18 to 19 September 2023 Cracow, Poland

Post-Covid Challenges in Criminal Justice Focus on internet searches for EU legal practitioners

Published 1 year, 10 months ago


Covid-19 altered the modi operandi of criminals. Offences related to cybercrime and online criminal activities increased significantly. Trade of illicit goods and services has moved even more to the Darknet; the number of phishing attempts, cases of online fraud, investment fraud, cyberattacks in the health sector and trade in counterfeit medical products has increased.
As children spend more time online, the number of child sexual exploitation cases has also risen sharply in Europe. Isolation has made people more vulnerable to internet-related crimes.
This series of events addresses various challenges that judges, prosecutors and lawyers in private practice working in the field of EU criminal justice will have to face for the years ahead. Some of these challenges will remain the “new normal” well beyond the end of the pandemic.
This seminar will focus on internet searches for legal practitioners.

Key topics

  • Technical issues (internet caches, proxy servers, encryption, deep/dark web, etc.)
  • Legal issues (evaluation of the search results, reliability and credibility of authentication, search across jurisdictions)
  • Challenges posed by websites, social networks, emails and other computer-generated or -stored documents
  • Presenting internet searches in court

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors and lawyers in private practice from eligible EU Member States.

Details on the program, fee and registration can be found on the seminar website.