
28 to 29 January 2021

Post-Brexit Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Cooperation

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK

Published 3 years, 7 months ago


The UK’s withdrawal from the EU and hence from the EU JHA area has significant consequences for judicial cooperation in criminal matters and the law enforcement field.

This online seminar will focus on the post-Brexit relationship between the EU and the UK in this area, based on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK. It will give participants an overview of which elements in European criminal justice and law enforcement are affected, how the new form of post-Brexit cooperation between the EU and the UK will take shape and what practical steps are currently being implemented.

Key topics

  • The new post-Brexit relationship between the EU and UK
  • Post-Brexit access to databases and information-sharing between the EU and UK
  • The UK’s participation in EU agencies as a third country
  • Challenges for the legal sector in the post-Brexit world
  • Human rights implications

Practical information

The online conference is designed for national and EU civil servants, lawyers in private practice, judiciary, law enforcement officers, data protection officers, and academics.
It will be hosted on ERA’s own online platform. Participants will be able to interact immediately and directly with top-level speakers and other participants.

For further details on the programme of the event, the conditions for participation, and the registration, please consult the conference website.