
11 to 12 May 2023 Porto, Portugal


International Conference

Published 1 year, 7 months ago

In a context of strong globalization and the emergence of new technologies, crime has evolved adopting new forms of delinquency, taking place in different contexts, and involving the activity of criminals technically more gifted, up-to-date, and increasingly organized in a reticulated structure. In response to this trend, criminal investigation as well as academic research on criminal phenomena call for new methods and techniques.

The most recent advances in criminal data processing have been very significant, with an impact on how data are collected and organized, as well as on methods and analysis techniques applied to produce useful information for both academic and criminal investigations.

It is in this context that this event arises, bringing together researchers from ​​Criminology and related areas, agents from criminal police bodies and other professionals from the criminal justice system, who will discuss the challenges that new technologies, new data analysis methods, and in particular the analysis of criminal networks, have raised in the development of academic knowledge and the practice of criminal investigation and in the justice system.

Details on the program, fees and registration can be found on the conference website.