
29 March 2023 Online

New and old crimes in the digital world and their enforcement A reflection on the criminal justice implications of Encrochat, Sky ECC and other recent cases

Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Description of the Webinar:

The digitalization of a growing chunk of our daily life has brought to the fore new challenges for the criminal justice system. As new crimes and modus operandi mature, also new investigative techniques are introduced. This scenario brings about new challenges for the security of citizens, but also for the protection of fundamental rights. If it is undoubted that the internet provides new opportunities for criminals, it is equally true that the reaction should be calibrated and in line with the fundamentals tenets of our systems. As a major share of our life is stored in digital devices, their breach and interception allows for unprecedented levels of control. At the same time, such devices are key in most, if not any, criminal investigation. Recent cases like Encrochat and Sky Ecc have shown the tension between the need for greater security and for protection of rights that lie under new technologies. On the one hand, investigation in the cyberworld become increasingly difficult, with always new and more advanced skills required in digital forensics. Success of those investigations is paramount for everybody’s security. On the other hand, there remains a need for control on those investigations, to ensure that fundamental rights remain duly protected. Such a problem is well portrayed by the topics of digital forensics, interception, lawful and unlawful encryption. The present webinar will delve into these topics through the analysis of the needs and challenges and possible improvements in the field of digital investigations.


16 – 16:15h Opening Remarks

16:15 – 17:00h The unfolding of investigations in the cybersphere between infiltration, encryption, hacking, interceptions, and surveillance

17:00 – 18:15h Evidentiary and procedural issues of cybercrime investigation

Speakers include practitioners involved in the investigations into encrypted networks and academia who contributed to the analyses of digital investigations.

The webinar is part of Una Europa - a unique alliance of eleven leading European research universitites. Una Europa received seed funding by the European Union.

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