
14 to 15 March 2019 Trier, Germany

Investigating and Prosecuting Offences in Cooperation with the EPPO

Published 6 years ago


The training event is the start of 4 seminars taking place in Trier. It is part of a project that is co-financed by the Justice Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union and that seeks the momentum to make legal practitioners familiar with the forthcoming European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) - envisaged to become fully operational by the end of 2020. A unique feature of the training events will be that prosecutors, judges, and defence lawyers from all EU Member States will be brought together in the same training.

During the training, participants will learn about the final structure of the EPPO, its competence, role and tasks, judicial control, procedural safeguards, cooperation with non-participating EU Member States, third states, OLAF and Eurojust. At the heart of the training will be questions regarding the cooperation with the EPPO in practice. How will investigations with the EPPO take place? What investigative measures exist? What about the gathering and admissibility of foreign evidence?

Key topics of the seminar in March 2019:
  • Structure, status and material, territorial, and personal competences of the EPPO
  • Introduction to the PIF Directive and particularities regarding its implementation in the Member States
  • Cooperation with the EPPO in investigating PIF offences, terms for reporting an investigation, exercise of the competence of the EPPO, investigation measures under the EPPO Regulation, including conditions under Member States’ national laws
  • Procedure for assigning cross-border investigation measures within the EPPO
  • Cooperation with non-participating EU Member States, third states, OLAF and Eurojust
  • Termination of investigations and prosecution before national courts, admissibility of evidence, rules on dismissal and transfer of proceedings
  • Procedural safeguards in the EU and under the EPPO Regulation
  • Judicial review by national courts and the CJEU
  • Extending the competences of the EPPO to terrorist crimes affecting more than one Member State
Organisational Information:

The seminar is targeted at prosecutors, judges and defence lawyers from all EU Member States.
This seminar will take place in English, German and French with simultaneous interpretation.

The number of places available for participants is limited and subject to an application procedure. Spanish applicants who work for the prosecution service must apply for this event through CEJ.
Participants should come from eligible EU Member States (UK and Denmark do not participate in the Justice Programme 2014-2020).

Other training seminars will take place on 16-17 May 2019, 17-18 October 2019, and in February 2020 (see the event overview)