
14 December 2021 Online

Il Cantiere europeo dell’antiriciclaggio Riflessioni sul pacchetto di riforme AML della Commissione europea

Published 3 years, 3 months ago

This online seminar is part of the FINANCE project (principal investigator Prof. Vico Valentini), conducted by the Department of Law of the University of Perugia and co-funded by the European Commission - OLAF under the Hercule III Programme.

The seminar will provide legal practitioners and anti-money laundering experts with a detailed update on the forthcoming reforms proposed by the European Commission with its package of legislative proposals of 20 July 2021.

Key topics:
  • European AML legal framework
  • European Commission's AML package of 20 July 2021
  • The proposal on the Anti-Money Laundering Authority
  • The single AML Rulebook proposal
  • Proposal for a sixth AML Directive

The online conference will be hosted on Microsoft Teams platform. It will possible to interact immediately and directly with speakers and participants. The seminar will be held in Italian. More information on the programme can be found at the linked event announcement (pdf document).