
20 to 21 October 2021 Strasbourg, France

High level Conference on Countering Cross-Border Crime – Human Rights Implications
Improving international and multi-agency cooperation to tackle radicalisation, terrorism and organised crime When: 20-21 October

Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Organised within the framework of the EU-CoE project ‘HELP Radicalisation prevention, Judicial response to terrorism and international cooperation in criminal matters on 20 & 21 October 2021, the Conference will provide a unique opportunity for justice professionals (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, security forces, prison and probation officers, policymakers) to exchange experiences and best practices on these subjects, with a multi-agency and transnational approach. It will include general sessions and workshops on a variety of topics: priorities and challenges during investigation and arrest, judicial cooperation & mutual legal assistance, imprisonment & probation; returnee Foreign Terrorists Fighters (FTFs) and their families; de-radicalization/disengagement programs; supporting victims of terrorism and cybercrime.

Participating entities and agencies will include the Council of Europe, RAN (Radicalisation Awareness Network), Eurojust, Europol, the CEP (Confederation of European Probation), and EuroPris.