
17 December 2020

Global Warning: Law Enforcement in the Age of Big Data, AI & Democracy under Threat EDEN goes to the island - 5th EDEN Event on Data Protection in Law Enforcement

Published 4 years, 5 months ago (updated 4 years, 3 months ago)

Online Conference on 17 December 2020 on Meetyoo


We are living in interesting times that are influenced by sometimes breath-taking technological developments. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the new buzzword now framing a debate mainly focused on big data in previous years. The rise of AI technologies requires a new dialogue and awareness of the related cybersecurity as well as data protection challenges. In order to address these challenges, cooperation across different sectors and among different stakeholders is essential. In particular, law enforcement needs to be prepared to combat the criminal abuse of such technologies, ultimately making cyberspace a safer place for all.

Many of the underlying issues are interlinked and affect not only law enforcement but go well beyond. Some argue that the very foundations of our democratic society are at stake. The Cambridge Analytica scandal involving the abuse of personal data of up to 87 million Facebook users in order to influence the result of democratic elections comes to mind. Also the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement or the concept of data retention are sometimes regarded as non-compliant with the principles of a democratic society. The existence of deep-fakes puts into question whether we should still believe what we seem to see.

The aim of the event is to discuss these questions with stakeholders from various backgrounds including law enforcement, representatives of relevant private parties, academia, NGOs, regulators, legislators, etc. How can law enforcement enhance both, freedom and security, in a world which is more data driven and complex every day? Global warning: the fundamental right to data protection has to be at the very heart of this debate to take place at Europol Headquarters.

The event is organised by Europol's Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN) in cooperation with ERA and will bring together internationally renowned practitioners from law enforcement and security authorities with privacy experts, academics and civil society representatives.

Key topics

  • Surveillance capitalism/mass surveillance in the digital world
  • AI and Big Data - challenges in the area of law enforcement
  • Facial recognition – our new best friend in criminal investigations?
  • Deep fakes, blockchain, 5G and future trends
  • Masters of the crystal ball – Project 2020 in review
  • Radicalisation

Who should attend?

Law enforcement officials, data protection officers, representatives of national data protection authorities, academics also being members of Europol's Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN).

How it works

The organisers take you on a journey to a virtual venue which offers different spaces to organise events. The conference will be hosted on a virtual conferencing platform by meetyoo. Participants will be able to interact immediately and directly with the top-level speakers and other participants.

Explore the venue

Participants can navigate on an island-like venue and engage in conversations with other participants via the chat (either in groups or individually). A list of who is present in the room will be seen on the right side of the chat. 

Two spaces will be available: the auditorium – where you will be able to attend in the panels and where our social event will be held at the end of the day – and the art exhibition booths – where art related to privacy will be displayed, accompanied by the artists themselves (in the form of avatars) with whom you can start a chat.

Further Information

See the event site.