
07 to 09 July 2021 Online

Framework Decision 909 and its Impact on the Transfer of Prisoners

Published 3 years, 7 months ago (updated 3 years, 7 months ago)


This seminar, which forms part of a series of five co-funded by the European Commission on enhancing cross-border mutual legal assistance and recognition of decisions within the context of detention, will focus on the purpose and actual and practical use of Framework Decision 909 on the imposition of custodial sentences and their enforcement in relation to prisoner transfers and probation. Issues with its proper use and how it interacts with the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) will also be examined.

Key topics

  • Framework Decision 909: its purpose, actual and practical use
  • The interaction of Framework Decision 909 with other mutual legal assistance instruments, in particular the EAW and probationary measures
  • Workshops on Framework Decision 909, foreign national prisoners and the EAW

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors, lawyers, prison and probation staff from eligible EU Member States (Denmark does not participate in the Justice Programme 2014-2020) and eligible Candidate Countries (Albania and Montenegro).