
30 to 01 November 2020

The European Prison Rules as a Standard Setter for European Prison Conditions

Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Online Conference on
30 November and 01 December 2020


This online seminar, which forms part of a series of five co-funded by the European Commission on enhancing cross-border mutual legal assistance and recognition of decisions within the context of detention will focus on the European Prison Rules, which have and still are acting as a standard setter for European prison conditions, as well as the work of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT). Moreover, an overview of issues concerning actual prison conditions, as well as possible alternatives to imprisonment will be given and assessed.

Key topics

  • The Council of Europe's, the European Prison Monitoring Centre’s and other international bodies' work on improving prison conditions.
  • The European Prison Rules, their current revision and the work of the CPT.
  • Alternatives to imprisonment, good practices in prison management, matters of prison overcrowding, foreign nationals, juvenile detention and psychological issues for prisoners.

Participation Conditions

  • No registration fee for judges, prosecutors, prison and probation officers.
  • Registration fee for lawyers: €70.

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors, lawyers, prison and probation staff from eligible EU Membe States (UK and Denmark do not participate in the Justice Programme 2014-2020) and eligible Candidate Countries (Albania and Montenegro).

Interactive online conference

The online conference will be hosted on ERA’s own online platform. You will be able to interact immediately and directly with our top-level speakers and other participants. We will make the most of the technical tools available to deliver an intensive, interactive experience. As the platform is hosted on our own server, the highest security settings will be applied to ensure that you can participate safely in this high-quality online conference.