
08 to 09 December 2020 Slovenia

European Investigation Order – Legal Analysis and Practical Dilemmas

Published 4 years, 1 month ago

As part of the European project "European Investigation Order - Legal Analysis and Practical Dilemmas of International Cooperation" (EIO-LAPD), the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law organises a free online conference where practitioners and academics from multiple EU Member States will share best practices and identify key shortcomings of the European Investigation Order. Presentations will be held by invited speakers from Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal, Hungary, Romania and Macedonia. The conference is intended for all those who work in the field of criminal justice (prosecutors, judges, lawyers, academics, etc.), law students, as well as potential other interested parties. The programme is available on the event website.

Information on the project is available at: https://eio-lapd.eu/