
05 to 07 February 2024 Trier, Germany

EU Legislation on Wildlife Trafficking, Deforestation and Illegal Logging

Published 8 months, 2 weeks ago


The aim of this workshop is to  provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the wildlife and forest related crimes which have raised major concerns in recent years.
Emphasis will be given to EU legislation and case law related to wildlife trade and trafficking, deforestation, and the illegal timber trade, the relationship between criminal and administrative law provisions for these crimes, as well as the main challenges for investigation, prosecution and adjudication in this field. 
This workshop will shed light on the protection of the environment through criminal law with special focus on wildlife and deforestation. By addressing these issues relevant for prosecutors as well as judges, it will facilitate the handling of future national court proceedings in this field.

Key topics

  • Wildlife protection, trade and trafficking
  • Forest protection and logging
  • Environment Crime Directive
  • The role of European organisations/networks/ associations
  • Waste crimes relating to waste management of end-of-life products
  • Investigation of, prosecution of and adjudication on wildlife and forest-related crimes
  • CJEU case law
  • Preliminary reference procedure
  • Various case studies

Who should attend?

Judges and prosecutors from EU Member States interested in environmental law.