
02 December 2022 Online

EU Forum of the Legal Professions

Maintaining the attractiveness of the legal professions: how can we anticipate future trends

Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Organizer ERA
Link Forum Website
Contact Viktor Vadász
About the Forum

The EU Forum of the Legal Professions is an initiative that aims to launch a structured dialogue among the representations of legal professions in Europe, where common challenges and concerns can be addressed and analysed, and a joint position can be formulated. This is an inter-professional platform of exchange, a collaborative and evolving project between the legal professions, where the Academy of European Law plays the role of a facilitator. The organizer aims to organise an event every year, where the latest trends and most relevant issues of common interest can be discussed by the members of the Forum.

The conference will start with a keynote speech from Professor Mathias Kilian from the University of Cologne, leader of the Soldan Institute, who will provide statistics and examples to illustrate the decreasing attractiveness of the legal professions. The next three sessions will deal with the causes of the decreasing attractiveness. The conclusion of the conference will be an open discussion about the measures the stakeholders could take to turn around the negative tendency.

Since the number of participants at the venue is limited, only the stakeholder organisations can delegate participants to join the event in person. Anyone interested in the topic can, however, join online and enjoy fully the interactive hybrid conference.

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors, court staff, private lawyers, EU officials.

Online format

Online participants can take the floor, address written questions to the panel through a live chat in Zoom. Link will be provided after registration.

Details on the program, fees and registration can be found on the conference website.