
29 to 03 June 2020 Brussels, Belgium

The EU Area of Criminal Justice

Published 4 years, 11 months ago

The objective of the Summer School is to provide participants with an extensive knowledge of EU criminal law. The classes are both theoretical and practical. They are conducted by academics, national experts or European officials who deal every day with the European criminal area.

The Summer School is specially designed for practitioners in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, EU or national civil servants as well as researchers and students interested in the EU area of freedom, security and justice.

Concerning the programme: the Summer School takes place over a week, lectures are in English, participants receive a certificate of attendance, the final examination entitles participants to receive 3 ECTS and lawyers to gain 37 points from the OBFG (Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et Germanophone de Belgique).

The Summer School covers essentially 5 topics :

  • subject I (day 1): general introduction (historical evolution – Schengen included) and institutional issues.
  • subject II (day 2): Judicial cooperation, including the evolution from classic judicial cooperation (Mutual Legal Assistance instruments) to mutual recognition instruments. Special attention will be given to the  European Arrest Warrant, the European Investigation Order, Freezing orders and conflicts of jurisdiction.
  • subject III (day 3): Approximation of substantive and procedural criminal law, and judicial control;
  • subject IV (day 4): Actors of the EU area of criminal justice, particularly Europol, Eurojust, the EJN, OLAF and the EPPO;
  • subject V (day 5): Police cooperation, data protection and external dimension of the EU area of criminal justice.

The Summer School is organised by the Institute for European Studies of the Free University of Brussels (IEE-ULB) in collaboration with the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN).

For details about the conference programme, fees and registration, please navigate to the event website.