
05 to 06 June 2023 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

EPPO the way forward: new potentials and challenges

Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Now that the EPPO is operational for almost two years, new questions and challenges have arisen. First, the discussion has moved towards testing the adequacy, appropriateness and completeness of the EPPO’s legal framework. The European Commission has recently launched a study to assess the implementation of the EPPO Regulation in the Member States, while the first preliminary question has been submitted to the CJEU seeking clarifications on the provision of cross-border investigations. Second, the integration of the EPPO into the European Judicial Space is raising numerous questions about the real nature and status of this new body. Finally, although the EPPO is a very recent development in European criminal law, there are already calls for the extension of its material scope of competence to crimes other than the crimes against the financial interests of the EU.

The Conference will offer the occasion to discuss these questions, and other potentials and challenges that have arisen since the start of the EPPO’s operations with the view to launching further research and policy debate. High-profile speakers from various EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, national practitioners, and prominent academic experts will participate in the conference, and provide theoretical and practical insights into the EPPO’s way forward.

Details on the program, fee and registration can be found on the conference website.