
04 to 08 July 2022 Online

ECLAN Summer School “The EU Area of Criminal Justice”

Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Organizer ECLAN
Link Event webpage
Contact ECLAN

The Summer School is specifically designed for practitioners, being lawyers, EU or national civil servants working in criminal matters, as well as researchers and students interested in the EU area of criminal justice.

The objective of the Summer School is to provide participants with an extensive knowledge of EU criminal law. The classes are both theoretical and practical. They are taught by academics, national experts or European officials who deal with these issues on a daily basis.

  • subject I (day 1) General introduction and institutional aspects
  • subject II (day 2) Mutual recognition and judicial cooperation between national authorities
  • subject III (day 3) Approximation of criminal laws
  • subject IV (day 4) Actors of the EU criminal area, particularly Europol, Eurojust, OLAF and the EPPO
  • subject V (day 5) Police cooperation, data protection and and external dimension with a focus on the EU CT Policy

For more information on the programme, the registration and fees, see the event webpage.