
13 July 2022 Online

ECBA Statement on Mutual Recognition of Extradition Decisions Online Presentation and Discussion

Published 2 years, 8 months ago

The ECBA invites to join for an online presentation and discussion about our recently published European Criminal Bar Association statement on the mutual recognition of extradition decisions (click link to join).

The statementtackles the problem that, across Europe, persons who have been successful in challenging INTERPOL red notices, extradition requests or EAW proceedings face the risk of re-arrest and extradition or surrender, particularly when such persons cross borders. This is the case even where a successful challenge has come about because of the risk of a violation of human rights or political persecution that applies equally throughout Europe. They are thus de facto deprived of their right to freedom of movement and effective protection of their human rights, and lack remedies to avoid being re-arrested in all remaining EU and Council of Europe countries.

The ECBA makes several proposals by which Member States of the EU should give effect to the principles of mutual trust and mutual recognition, the right to liberty, and right to freedom of movement within the EU by mutually recognising decisions in favour of a person sought. For a description of the problem and the solutions proposed → summary in eucrim.

  • Presentation of the Statement (15min)
  • Initial reactions from institutional stakeholders (20min)
  • Comments from the audience (10min)