
24 to 26 March 2021

The EAW, Pre-Trial Detention, Mutual Trust and Legal Assistance

Published 4 years, 1 month ago


This online seminar, which forms part of a series of five co-funded by the European Commission on enhancing cross-border mutual legal assistance and recognition of decisions within the context of detention, will focus on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), ECtHR and CJEU case law in dealing with detention conditions and the application of mutual legal assistance instruments.
There will be a focus on case law, best practice, mutual trust and recognition of judicial decisions, as well as pre-trial detention, especially within the context of European Arrest Warrant (EAW) proceedings, and its impact on prison and other conditions in the EU Member States.

Key topics

  • Role of the ECHR and case law of the ECtHR and CJEU in dealing with detention conditions and the application of mutual legal assistance instruments
  • Best practice and mutual trust and recognition of judicial decisions
  • Pre-trial detention within the context of EAW proceedings and its impact on prison and other conditions in the EU Member States
  • The EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s new online tool to assist judges and other legal practitioners in EAW and other mutual legal assistance instrument decisions: the European Fundamental Rights Information System (EFRIS)
  • Workshops on mutual recognition instruments, the EAW and tools in assisting judges and other legal practitioners

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors and lawyers from eligible EU Member States (Denmark does not participate in the Justice Programme 2014-2020) and eligible Candidate Countries (Albania and Montenegro). Polish judges and prosecutors are kindly asked to register their interest to participate via KSSiP.