
27 to 28 February 2025 Online

Countering Corruption in the EU

Published 2 months, 1 week ago


Corruption is a major challenge for the EU and its Member States, with each one of them affected by it to some extent. Its scale, however, is difficult to measure both in Europe and elsewhere. A collective and coordinated response is required in order to better counter it. This has led to the emergence of widely recognised international laws and standards within Europe and beyond. 
The EU has gradually adopted laws addressing a range of corruption-related issues such as against fraud to the Union's financial interests, directives on public procurement, whistleblowers and money-laundering. With the recent presentation of the EU’s anti-corruption proposals, which focus on prevention and include new and strengthened rules criminalising corruption offences and harmonising penalties across the EU, as well as a dedicated Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) sanctions regime to target serious acts of corruption worldwide, it is evident that there is new impetus in the drive to counter corruption within the EU.

This online seminar will analyse current measures to combat corruption within the EU and what more can be done to improve the investigation and prosecution of these crimes, as well as what challenges such cases bring for criminal defence.

Key topics

  • Facts and figures on corruption and how it feeds into the wider field of organised crime
  • Analysis of current and future legal and regulatory framework to counter corruption
  • Law enforcement, judicial and defence challenges in countering the crime
  • Case studies and promising practices in countering corruption

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors, lawyers in private practice, defence lawyers, in-house counsel, law enforcement authorities, civil servants and policymakers active in the field of criminal law.