13 to 14
Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference: Procedural rights in criminal proceedings in the European Union
Utrecht University, Leiden University and Maastricht University are organizing a two day conference on Procedural rights in criminal proceedings in the European Union, offering a venue for practitioners and young scholars to exchange experiences and ideas on this subject matter. We aim to:
- Identify whether the transposed directives on procedural rights for suspects and accused persons, together with the CJEU case law lead to convergence of procedural rights for defendants in legal practice;
- Identify the role of these measures for transnational cooperation;
- Identify the further impact (side-effects) of the directives in the national criminal procedures:
- Discuss possible future initiatives in this area;
- Involve practitioners and young researchers and offer the latter a platform to discuss their ideas with senior experts.
Speakers include:
- Jannemieke Ouwerkerk (Leiden University)
- André Klip (Maastricht University)
- Elpiniki Kolokatsi (Criminal defence lawyer Amersfoort)
- Tamas Lukacsi (European Parliament, legal service)
- Frank Meyer (University of Zurich)
- John Vervaele (Utrecht University) and
- Michiel Luchtman (Utrecht University)