
13 to 14 June 2024 Dublin, Ireland

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Criminal Justice From predictive policing to sentencing: AI in the courtroom

Published 1 year, 1 month ago


Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in criminal justice systems  increasingly to improve efficiency and accuracy. Although its development is still in its infancy, with expectations often set too high, AI could be beneficial if used to predict crime and as a criminal intelligence tool. However, software programs can malfunction and cause serious harm without being considered – as things stand today – “entities” subject to criminal liability.
After explaining the technical aspects of AI and its implications for privacy-preserving big data technologies, this conference will focus on how AI could be used in criminal proceedings, enabling the shift from a traditionally reactive approach to crime-fighting to one that is more proactive and preventative in character. It will discuss possible solutions for remedying the risks posed by AI and robotics in the criminal justice domain.

Key topics

  • What AI is and what legal practitioners need to know
  • Robots causing harm: practical issues for police investigations
  • Using AI to predict crimes
  • Facial recognition technology in policing
  • Bias in machine-learning and AI systems
  • Sentencing and AI

Who should attend?

Defence lawyers, in-house counsel, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement authorities, civil servants and policymakers active in the field of criminal law.

Online participation option

The event will be streamed live online. Participants have the option to follow the conference on Zoom, enabling them to ask questions and take part in the discussion with participants in Dublin via live chat.
Details on the program, fee and registration can be found on the conference website.