
28 to 29 September 2023 Online

Applying the European Arrest Warrant in Practice

Pre-Trial Detention; Mutual Trust and Legal Assistance

Published 1 year, 3 months ago


This online seminar will focus on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) and practical proceedings in its application. It will look at best practice, mutual trust and recognition of judicial decisions, the instrument’s impact on prisoners, as well as relevant CJEU and ECtHR case law.

Key topics

  • Best practice, mutual trust and recognition of judicial decisions
  • Pre-trial detention within the context of EAW proceedings and its impact on prisoners
  • Case law of the CJEU and ECtHR in relation to the EAW and the application of mutual legal assistance
  • The EU Fundamental Rights Agency's online tools to assist judges and other legal practitioners in EAW decisions: the European Fundamental Rights Information System (EFRIS)

Who should attend?

Judges, prosecutors, lawyers in private practice, government officials.

Interactive Online Seminar

The online seminar will be hosted on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Participants will be able to interact immediately and directly with top-level speakers and other participants. ERA will make the most of the technical tools available to deliver an intensive, interactive experience. The highest security settings will be applied to ensure that participants can participate safely in this high-quality online conference.
Details on the program, fee and registration can be found on the seminar website.