
01 to 02 February 2021

Applying Procedural Rights under the Case Law of the CJEU

Published 4 years, 1 month ago


This seminar will present the significant case law developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the six “Procedural Rights Directives”, enabling the consistent and uniform application of EU law.

Key topics

  • Update on the state of play regarding the EU directives on procedural rights
  • The rights to interpretation and translation, information, presumption of innocence, legal aid and access to a lawyer in the case law of the CJEU
  • Key judgments of the ECtHR
  • The position of children in criminal proceedings
  • The competence of the CJEU in criminal matters
  • The need for further procedural rights in the EU

Who should attend?

This seminar is targeted at judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers, court interpreters as well as prison and probation staff from all over the EU. It is financially supported by the EU's Justice Programme. The number of places available for participants is limited and subject to an application procedure. Seminar participation fee: €60

Interactive online conference

The online conference will be hosted on ERA’s own online platform.
The highest security settings will be applied to ensure that participants can participate actively in the best-quality videoconferencing environment available. Particpants will be able to interact immediately and directly with top-quality speakers and other participants.

For further information, the registration procedure and the programme, please navigate to the event website